The Incredibles Cheats - Xbox

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Primary Collection of Cheats
Cheat Mode
Enter these cheats under "Secrets" option after pausing. Note that some codes are available only in specific levels:

KRONOS - One hit kills
GAZERBEAM - Eye lasers
FLEXIBLE - Infinite incredi-power for Elastigirl
SHOWTIME - Infinite incredi-power for Mr. Incredible
SMARTBOMB - Destroys everything in surroundings
SASSMODE - Speed up gameplay
UUDDLRLRBAS - Restore 25% health ATHLETESFOOT - Fire trail
DEVOLVE - Small heads
BOAPLACE - Makes the game 20% easier
HI - Introduction sequence
SPRINGBREAK - Level Select
ROTAIDALG - Battle mode
EMODE - Bright colors
GILGENDASH - Dash doesn't damage when running into objects
BOAPLACE - Easier game
FLEXIBLE - Elastigirl has infinite incredi-power
TONYLOAF - Health appears often
PINKSLIP - Health remains constant
DANDRUFF - Henchmen always launch death shrapnel
INVERTCAMERAX - Horizontal camera control switched
INVERTCAMERAY - Vertical camera control switched
MCTRAVIS - More incredi-power for Mr. Incredible
LABOMBE - Make bombs weaker
SHOWTIME - Mr. Incredible has infinite incredi-power
DISCORULES - Crazy Colors
BWTHEMOVIE - Slow motion game
DASHLIKES - Temporary infinite incredi-power while playing as dash
BHUD - Toggle hud
ROTAIDALG - Battle mode
THEDUDEABIDES - Deactivate all cheats
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