The Incredibles Cheats - PlayStation 2

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Check out these The Incredibles cheats and stay cool!
Primary Collection of Cheats
Cheat Mode
Enter these cheats under "Secrets" option after pausing. Note that some codes are available only in specific levels:

KRONOS - One hit kills
GAZERBEAM - Eye lasers
FLEXIBLE - Infinite incredi-power for Elastigirl
SHOWTIME - Infinite incredi-power for Mr. Incredible
SMARTBOMB - Destroys everything in surroundings
SASSMODE - Speed up gameplay
UUDDLRLRBAS - Restore 25% health ATHLETESFOOT - Fire trail
DEVOLVE - Small heads
BOAPLACE - Makes the game 20% easier
HI - Introduction sequence
SPRINGBREAK - Level Select
ROTAIDALG - Battle mode
EMODE - Bright colors
GILGENDASH - Dash doesn't damage when running into objects
BOAPLACE - Easier game
FLEXIBLE - Elastigirl has infinite incredi-power
TONYLOAF - Health appears often
PINKSLIP - Health remains constant
DANDRUFF - Henchmen always launch death shrapnel
INVERTCAMERAX - Horizontal camera control switched
INVERTCAMERAY - Vertical camera control switched
MCTRAVIS - More incredi-power for Mr. Incredible
LABOMBE - Make bombs weaker
SHOWTIME - Mr. Incredible has infinite incredi-power
DISCORULES - Crazy Colors
BWTHEMOVIE - Slow motion game
DASHLIKES - Temporary infinite incredi-power while playing as dash
BHUD - Toggle hud
ROTAIDALG - Battle mode
THEDUDEABIDES - Deactivate all cheats

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