Star Wars: Obi-Wan Cheats - Xbox

 All cheats for this game by platform: Xbox
Check out these Star Wars: Obi-Wan cheats and stay cool!
Primary Collection of Cheats
Level select
Select the "New Game" option at the main menu, then enter "GREYTHERAT" as a saved game name. All levels, including the bonus levels, will be unlocked. Enter "M1A2U3L4!?" as a saved game name to unlock all levels until Darth Maul.

Slow motion
Hold [L] for about one second, then press [White]. Slow motion will only work for several seconds.

Battle Royal mission
Defeat Darth Maul in level 25 to unlock the Battle Royal mission, where you have to fight eight other Jedi Masters in the Saber Arena.

Additional versus mode characters
Defeat a character in the Jedi Arena during game play to unlock him or her in versus mode.
Battle Royal: Easy completion
Force Jump onto the ledge and wait until there are at least four people remaining. Then, jump down and kill them. There is one person that will go after you throughout the level. Whenever she jumps up on the ledge, Force Push her off.

Captives of the Federation: Easy Escort
After freeing the Naboo pilots from the tower, clear the bridge of droids and wait for the pilots to rejoin you at the next tower. However, instead of entering the tower, go to the left side of the bridge and drop down onto the small ledge that circles the tower. Follow it around and climb up through the small broken section of the next ledge. You are now in the courtyard that is beyond the tower and can clear out all of the enemies up to the forcefield that leads to the next part of the mission. Once the area is secure, retrace your steps around the tower and rejoin the pilots. You can now finally enter the tower and destroy the two assassin droids, which will allow the pilots to proceed. Continue as normal and wait for each of the pilot's messages telling you to secure the next area. As soon as they appear, Obi-Wan will inform him that it is safe to proceed. This method will prevent the pilots from following you into open courtyards and getting hit by sniper fire.

The Great Hall: Hide from enemies
In the Jedi Battle level The Great Hall, if you wish to hide from your enemy go down to where the waterfalls are located. Get in the water, walk to the far left waterfall, put away your lightsaber, crouch down, and walk into the middle of the waterfall.

Grounded: Programmer picture
Go through the level until you get through a door where you hear a man screaming and a bomb exploding. Take out the droids, then go to a force field in front of the door you came through. Jump onto the plant there, then jump onto the bridge above. Collect the power-ups, then go to a small ledge on the side away from where you came in from. Jump into the window at the ledge. Jump in the open window and turn around to see a producer picture.

Informant: Bypass enemies
Start the level and go down the first elevator. When it opens, go to your left and move onto a landing hanging off the building. Then, go to the end of it and look to your right. Fall onto the landing there (look down). Then, go onto the slanted part of the building on your left. Next, run straight along the side then jump back unto the straight landing. Go into the room and take out the enemies guarding the elevator. Press the button and go in. This helps bypass enemies and saves time. When you get out of that elevator, there will be an enemy with a blaster on the left.

Informant: Millennium Falcon
When you start the mission, turn very slightly to the left. You will see a dome-shaped building in the distance. Use your binoculars and zoom in slightly. A few minutes you will see the Millennium Falcon fly towards it.

Informant: Chancellor Velorem
Look at the background for about a minute to see an open top ship flying in a circle around the construction site. On the ship is Supreme Chancellor Velorem and a woman, piloted by a Trade Federation Droid.

Jin 'Ha
The men with the clubs take about two hits. The men with the swords take about seven hits. The men with the blasters (guns) take about three hits.

The Shadows Of Coruscant: Wookie help
In the introduction to the first level you will see a Wookie resembling Chewbacca walk past Obi-Wan. When the level starts, turn around and walk back the way the Wookie walked. You will eventually see the Wookie standing beside a fire. Walk up to the Wookie and talk to him with [Action] or [Y]. Then, continue through the level and the Wookie will follow and will assist you in taking out the Black Heth Thugs.

On the first level, The Shadows of Coruscant, go to the right when you begin the level. You will find a Wookie standing there. If you begin to slash the Wookie, who looks strangely like Chewbacca, he will begin to attack you. If you continue to attack him, you will notice that your swings no longer affect him. He will begin to follow you around and attack enemies. He can be quite helpful when dealing with pesky enemies, and during the Boss fight at the hover train.

When you start the first mission, turn around, walk towards the Wookie and press [Y] to talk to it. It will follow you throughout the entire mission, helping you kill off thugs and other enemies. At the end of the mission, after you Force Push the debris from in front of the Elcor train, you will get on and leave. Watch the intermission sequence immediately after you Force Push the object. The Wookie is walking around trying to follow you. Because it cannot, it looks like it is lost.

After getting the Wookie at the start of the level to follow you, jump down when you reach the bridge where the two aliens are. Walk through that area and you should find another Wookie. Do the same thing to it, and they will both help you with your mission.

The Shadows Of Coruscant: Star Wars Episode 4 reference
Look for a trail that leads down to the bottom of the ledge. You will see some Black Heth thugs working on a speeder that resembles Luke's. There is also a boombox, playing music similar to the music in Episode 4 in the bar scene.

Valuable Assistance: Do not die
Run up to the first generator and destroy it. Run up to the area where the man with the blue hat is located and kill him. You no longer have to worry about the assassin droids killing him. Note: You might have to do this twice on the level.

Palace Atrium multi-player: Hidden area
When playing in multi-player in the Palace Atrium level, go up one of the staircases and to one of the green doors. There are little platforms on the sides that you can Force Jump onto. Note: if you cannot see them, hold [White] and look around. Once on the platform, Force Jump again and you should find yourself in a hidden deck.

Defeating Bosses
Defeating Bosses such as Mace Windu or Darth Maul are easy. First, Force Push them, then approach and attack.

When facing a Boss such as Darth Maul or Mace Windu, when they come at you Force Push them. This will send them back. Then, charge and slash them once. When you are out of Force, run around in circles until your Force builds up then do it again.

Defeating Darth Maul
When you start the battle do not go full charge. Go to the pit in the middle of the room and jump in. Make sure you land on the ledge in the pit. When you are in the pit, use Force Jump to jump up and hit Darth Maul with your light saber. If you keep doing this, Darth Maul will die in a matter of minutes. Note: Do not leave the pit unless you want to commit suicide.

Wait until the laser wall is down, then run in and slash at random points. Once his saber is cut in half, resume fighting as you would against Mace Windu. He will be down in about a minute.

When fighting Darth Maul, there is a Force and Life Pill on the inside ledge of the deep hole in the center of the room. He will not follow you while inside there.

Increase accuracy rating
In any of the missions you can slash at boxes and other items to improve your accuracy. The only items which will do this however, are ones which you are able to Force Throw.

Free Force attacks
Successfully complete single player mode (including Battle Royale), then return to a level were you battle a Jedi in the saber arena (for example, Saesee Tinn, Ki-adi-mundi, etc.) As soon as the loading screen appears (with the picture of Obi-Wan apprentice, master and elder) rapidly press [L] as quickly as possible. When the battle starts, your Force will surround your feet the entire time, indicating that it is constantly in use. It will also not cost any Force to do force attacks. Note that this will not happen often; keep trying if it does not.

Special attack
After your Force meter is full, hold [L] for about five to ten seconds, until there is a spiral ring at your feet. Once you are near an enemy, press the "Right Analog-stick Forward" to perform your special attack. Note: This only works with Obi-Wan and cannot be used in multi-player mode.

Glitch: Teleporting Light Saber
Choose any level with a force field. Then, walk up to the force field so Obi-Wan is pushed against it and perform the Light Saber Throw. If done correctly, the Light Saber should go through the force field. After the throw, back away from the force field as far as desired. In a few seconds the Light Saber will appear in your hand without floating. The Saber just disappears suddenly from the force field into your hand.

Glitch: Missing head for Saesee Tiin in training mode
At the end of training mode you must fight a droid in front of some members of the Jedi Council, one of those members being Saesee Tiin. Jump up to where they are and very close to where Saesee Tiin is. Throw your lightsaber through the glass, and it will chop his head off. Then, jump back down and kill the battle droid. Once the battle droid is killed, you will see where Saesee is supposed to be, talking, but without a head.

Glitch: Wrong dialogue
In the second part of the A Queen In Peril level, you will find a civilian that is guarded by regular droids and an Assassin droid. Kill the droids and talk to the man. A speech box will appear that says "Here are more grenades", though the person saying it is not labeled, and the man will not say anything. If you keep listening, he will say something normal.

Glitch: Stuck lightsaber
In Jedi Battle, Federation Ship, get up to the blue force field as close as possible. Throw your lightsaber and back away while it is behind the force field. If done correctly, your lightsaber will spin around just behind the force field chopping it. Your lightsaber will eventually reappear in your hand. Note: This may not work every time.

Stronger Force powers
Select the "New Game" option at the main menu, then enter "MASTERYODA" as a saved game name.

Run faster
Select the "New Game" option at the main menu, then enter "DARTHMAUL" as a saved game name.

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