SSX 3 Cheats - Xbox

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Check out these SSX 3 cheats and stay cool!
Primary Collection of Cheats
Enter "zenmaster" as a case-sensitive code. Enter a lodge, select rider detail, then choose cheat character. Alternately, choose that character at the Peak 1 Lodge.

Bunny San
Enter "wheresyourtail" as a case-sensitive code. Enter a lodge, select rider detail, then choose cheat character. Alternately, collect all the art.

Enter "greatwhitenorth" as a case-sensitive code. Enter a lodge, select rider detail, then choose cheat character. Alternately, complete the Peak 3 exploration goal.

Enter "tankengine" as a case-sensitive code. Enter a lodge, select rider detail, then choose cheat character. Alternately, complete the Peak 3 freestyle.

Enter "milkemdaisy" as a case-sensitive code. Enter a lodge, select rider detail, then choose cheat character. Alternately, complete the Peak 3 earnings goal.

Enter "worm" as a case-sensitive code. Enter a lodge, select rider detail, then choose cheat character. Alternately, choose that character at the Peak 2 Lodge.

Enter "boneyardreject" as a case-sensitive code. Enter a lodge, select rider detail, then choose cheat character. Alternately, get a medal in all events.

Enter "slicksuit" as a case-sensitive code. Enter a lodge, select rider detail, then choose cheat character. Alternately, collect all the trading cards.

Enter "potty" as a case-sensitive code. Enter a lodge, select rider detail, then choose cheat character.

Enter "brokenleg" as a case-sensitive code. Enter a lodge, select rider detail, then choose cheat character. Alternately, complete all Peak 1 goals.

Enter "bronco" as a case-sensitive code. Enter a lodge, select rider detail, then choose cheat character. Alternately, choose that character at the Peak 2 Lodge.

Enter "back2future" as a case-sensitive code. Enter a lodge, select rider detail, then choose cheat character. Alternately, choose that character at the Peak 2 Lodge.

North West Legend
Enter "callhimgeorge" as a case-sensitive code. Enter a lodge, select rider detail, then choose cheat character. Alternately, complete all Peak 3 goals.

Enter "betyouveneverseen" as a case-sensitive code. Enter a lodge, select rider detail, then choose cheat character. Alternately, complete all Peak 2 goals.

Enter "windmilldunk" as a case-sensitive code. Enter a lodge, select rider detail, then choose cheat character. Alternately, collect all the posters.

Svelte Luther
Enter "notsosvelte" as a case-sensitive code. Enter a lodge, select rider detail, then choose cheat character. Alternately, collect all the toys.

Unknown Rider
Enter "finallymadeitin" as a case-sensitive code. Enter a lodge, select rider detail, then choose cheat character. Alternately, complete all Peak 3 race goals.

Peak 1 clothes
Enter "shoppingspree" as a case-sensitive code.

All peaks
Enter "biggerthank7" as a case-sensitive code.

All artwork
Enter "naturalconcept" as a case-sensitive code.

All boards
Enter "graphicdelight" as a case-sensitive code.

All videos
Enter "myeyesaredim" as a case-sensitive code.

All playlist songs
Enter "djsuperstar" as a case-sensitive code.

All toys
Enter "nogluerequired" as a case-sensitive code.

All trading cards
Enter "gotitgotitneedit" as a case-sensitive code.

All posters
Enter "postnobills" as a case-sensitive code.

Far East Myth
Get 100% in all mountain stats. Enter a lodge, select rider detail, then choose cheat character.

Selectable at the Peak 1 Lodge as a cheat character.

Selectable at the Peak 1 Lodge as a cheat character.

Selectable at the Peak 2 Lodge as a cheat character.
Metro-City race: Shortcuts
Race down the big jump at the start, then take a few turns. Between two buildings on your right side will be a rail (marked with two lights). Take it. At a certain point, the route will split into two different paths, Look carefully to see that there is a little route between them. Take it and go for the jump over the building. Later at your left-side you will see an "out of bounds" route. Make sure that you are taking the rail. Another quick way happens when you are riding to the quarterpipe. Do not go on the quarterpipe; instead make a fast turn.

At the start of Metro City, go over the massive jump at the start. Then, go to the left at the first right turn into an "Out Of Bounds" sign. Keep going and you will be back on track. As you get to the next jump, go to the left and go off the track. Next, you will reach a fork in the line. Go right and once more at another fork, go right. Then, just keep following the line . You will reach another split in that path. Follow the left path. It should go under a jump which is above. Then, just keep going. You should grind on a subway track and an older looking track (like the ones in Mesablanca in SSX Tricky). Then keep going until you get to a jump where you will see a familiar part of the track. Go over into some glass and you are now following the normal track.

When going towards the fork, one side has a sign and another a half-pipe. Go to the halfpipe and jump up. Do not perform any tricks, just hold [B]. You will land on a billboard and grind to a space ship similar to SSX and SSX Tricky. It will put you at least fifteen seconds ahead of the others.

Go down the huge drop and grind the orange rail marked by the two purple lights. Keep going until you see a fork in the route. There is a left and right route, but the shortcut is directly in the middle. Go through, and with enough speed, you will get a good distance of the competition. Do not crash and remember to have good speed during the entire race.

In some levels there a signs that read "SSX 3". You can break through them to take a shortcut.

Out of bounds routes
When you race, take the "out of bounds" routes as much as possible. They help a lot, but there are a also more hidden routes to take where it does not say "out of bounds". Look out for those. Most times you will find them by taking a rail that does not follow the track.

Better times
When racing, you can ride better if you do not jump on the jumps. All the other racers will stay in the air when doing this, while you just ride on. When there is a big turn, you can sometimes take a shortcut by going out of the track and taking the untracked course until you are back on the course.

"???" trick
First, go up a kicker. If you use see a Trick Boost crystal, grab it. Then, do a lot of spins and flips. At the bottom of the screen you should see three question marks (???).

7-Up reference
If you look at the symbol for the dnL board and turn it upside, down it becomes 7-Up and the logo.

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