NASCAR 07 Cheats - Xbox

 All cheats for this game by platform: PlayStation 2 | Xbox
Check out these NASCAR 07 cheats and stay cool!
Primary Collection of Cheats
Cheat mode
Select the "Game Modes" option at the main menu. Then, select "Fight To The Top". Enter one of the following case-sensitive first and last names at the driver information screen to activate the corresponding cheat function:

KeepCool SmellGreat - Old Spice Fantasy track and all cars and drivers in all four divisions
Walmart Everyday - Wal-Mart Exclusive track in Race Now mode (a 2-mile Road Course in downtown Chicago.)
ItsAll ForMe - All Chase plates.
AllBow ToMe - 10 million fans.
Outta MyWay - Level 10 Prestige.
MoMoney BlingBling - Full team Prestige.
GiveMe More - $10 million.

More Money
To get a large amount of money easily, enter GiveMe More as a name, then choose to edit that name to return to the name entry screen. The name will still be there. Just accept it again to add another $10 million to your total.

No collision mode
Enter Walmart as a first name and NoCollision as a last name. This mode can be turned on or off in the Damage selection in Race Now mode and will appear as "Wal-Mart No Collision Mode". When this mode is enabled your car will be able to drive through all other cars on the track (in a sense "Ghost mode"), resulting in no damage to your car. However, as a result of driving through other cars your Rival meter will increase, as if you hit them under normal racing modes.

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