Conker: Live & Reloaded Cheats - Xbox

 All cheats for this game by platform: Xbox
Check out these Conker: Live & Reloaded cheats and stay cool!
Primary Collection of Cheats
Test scenes
Press [L] + [R] + [Black] to view development scenes. Note: Conker can be controlled during some of the scenes.
Xbox Live bonuses
Accomplish the following goals in Xbox Live to unlock the corresponding upgrade.
2,000 healing points in the Specialist class: Enhanced Healing Speed
Get 50 total kills: Avatar Pack II
Get 500 total kills: Avatar Pack III
Get 1,000 total kills: Avatar Pack IV
500 mobile unit kills: Bonus Avatar Pack
Get 1,000 kills in the Long Ranger class: Steadier Aim, Nimbler Reload
Get 1,000 kills in the Sky Jockey class: Quicker Targeting, Quicker Breech
Get 1,000 kills in the Demolisher class: Increased Strayfur Clip, Guided Rocket Boost
Get 1,000 kills in the Thermophile class: Recharger Boost, Thermo Weapons
Get 1,000 kills in the Sneeker class: Snoopa, Improved Cloaking
Get 1,000 kills in the Grunt class: Clip Extension, Self-Heal Overcharge
All six specialist medals: IR Enhance, Booster Plus, Quicker Tank Breech, Improved Hogster
500 mine kills in the Specialist class: +1 Mine per loadout
500 backstabs in the Specialist class: Instant Detonate: Snoopa
500 fire damage kills in the Specialist class: Sinurator Tank Capacity Increased
500 Headshots in the Specialist class: Overcharge Power Boost
1,500 repair points in the Specialist class: Kinetic Seal, Increased Repair Efficiency
500 Marshals assassinated: +1 Primary Grenade Slot
500 Generals assassinated: +1 Secondary Grenade Slot
1,500 kills total: Projectile Color, Golden Bullets
3,000 kills total: Projectile Color, Regal Purple Bullets
4,000 kills total: Re-spawn Penalty Modifier 1/2 Reduction
1,000 VC Points: Hacking Device, Speed Chipped
All six class medals: "Only veterans can handle this kind of language"
The following are the skills of each character.
Grunt: Self Heal, Spray Can
Sneeker: Cloak, Feign Death, Spray Can, Disguise
Demolisher: Berserk, Spray Can
Long Ranger: Intravision, Spray Can
Sky Jockey: Spray Can
Thermophile: Self Heal, Spray Can
Potty Mouth mode
Complete the game in single player mode to be able to play multi-player mode uncensored.

To autosave, go through a tunnel that shows the loading screen. Your game will then be saved.

Sneeker: Quicker cloak
As a Sneeker, equip your cloaking ability in a multi-player match. While holding your saber, jump down from a high area (for example, the beginning of the Beach Dead map). About half a second before you hit the ground, press [X] to activate your cloaking ability. If done correctly, your character should hit the ground fully cloaked, and you will not have to wait to activate it on the arm panel and flash. This is very useful for jumping into battlefields to surprise the enemy.

Sneeker: Spin technique
When you are a Sneeker and are in defensive mode, in order to stop being dizzy press [X] to cloak or feign death immediately after attacking.

To avoid getting dizzy after spinning, after using the attack jump before you get dizzy.

Sneeker: Wall jump
As a Sneeker, go up to any wall with the sword or dagger then press [Jump]x2.

Sneeker: Double jump
Select a Sneeker as your character. Run, push against any wall, and press [Jump]x2. Note: You must keep up against the wall.

Sneekers: Insane
Occasionally on Dumbots, you will see a Sneeker swinging its sabre or throwing daggers incredibly fast. The AI has entered a Dumbot Sneeker Only Rampage. You should avoid them at all costs. If they are on your team, keep them alive as long as possible.

In any multi-player game, particularly online, if there are a lot of Sneekers the Thermophile is the best and easiest character to take them out. Even if they kill you, the fire should kill them. Also, acid is not good against enemies; only against vehicles and barricades.

Thermophiles: Immunities
Thermophiles are immune to Napalm Grenades and CJ24 Gas Grenades.

Castle Von Tedistien
In solo or co-op mode, set up the dumbots so that there is the maximum amount of dumbots on the Tediz side. Set the lives to whatever desired, but not unlimited. Be a long ranger and you can shoot across the gap, but do not press the button that starts the cable cars. Eliminate all the Tediz lives, but leave one person alive. This is an easy way to win and get a lot of target practice.

Be a Grunt and get a Earth Guard. Put it on top of the enemy base. Then, get a upgrade and use the Hogster to defeat the enemies that try to attack you. You will get a lot of kills by doing this.

The Ditch: Easy career points without killing people
Choose the level The Ditch when online make it private if desired. You must have at least one other person so that you can start the game. When ready, choose to be a Sky Jockey. Then, go to your base and get a Mule. Fly the Mule all the way to where you see a river of pink lava on the outside. Land so that the tail and most of the body is in or touching the lava. Make sure the front of the plane is sticking out, so when you exit you will fall on the ground. Then, equip your repair tool by holding [Y] and selecting it. Keep healing your Mule as long as desired. This is a good way to rank up and get the repair medal.

Doon: Getting past the barricades
Play as an SHC Sky Jockey or a Sneeker. Note: A Sneeker cannot make it past the third. As a Sky Jockey, go into the Sniper Tower at the end of the hallway which leads to the door. Jump off the edge on the right. Deploy your parachute and float down to the walkway which leads to a small patch of dirt with the large antenna. Jump off the walkway to be behind the first or continue on the walkway to get to a ramp which leads directly behind the second. Go up the the path and turn around in front of the Tediz base and you will see a large ramp that goes up to a platform. Go to the left of the this ramp and you will see a walkway to a large dome with a vehicle terminal. Repair it and take a Steed out (assuming it has not already been hacked)/ Fly the Steed into the tunnels that allow the Tediz to get out of their spawn point. It will be an extremely tight fit and you will take heavy damage, assuming you do not die. You now have a straight shot at the Panther King, although you cannot kill him until the barricade behind you is destroyed.

Fortress Deux: Easy kills
Go into the outside boundaries of the level. Go over to the other team's side and take out their mobile units terminal. Keep shooting or throwing knifes at it. The last person to use it will be trapped. Every bullet or knife that hits it will be killing that person. It is possible to get 300 or more kills by doing this.

Mona Sneeker
While on the SHC side online, be a class that can heal other players on your team (for example, a Grunt or Thermophile). When the female Sneeker squirrel has been hurt, heal her. Unlike every other class and team in the game, she will start moaning as you heal her while your character talks dirty to her. This is quite awkward if you are the SHC Sneeker being healed.

Mule cruise
Play as a Sky Jockey on the Ditch. Fly to the top middle of the level in a Mule. Eject and try to land on your Mule. The Mule will fly into the invisible gravity field and turn very slightly, but not enough to go back to the level. Occasionally, it will go up, then down. You can have people jump on top of the Mule and snipe, or enjoy the view. You cannot have anyone jump in the turret or passenger seats because it will not allow you to eject. If your super UAV gets shot, have a Demolisher or Sky Jockey on the pilot's side repair it.

Easy career points
Go to a level that has a vehicle dispenser (for example, The Ditch, A Bridge Too Narrow, etc.). Go to the enemy side then attack the dispenser and disable it. The word "Disabled" will appear next to the name. Continue to attack it and you will get career points. Try using the Sneeker to do this because you can slash repeatedly without having to reload. They are also fast, even more so if you are open handed. Go without the upgrade so that you can pull your sword out faster.

Kill penalty
On any level, be a Sky Jockey and get a steed. If you are a skilled enough pilot, you can eject using [B] and the steed will fly into the players. It will explode and kill everyone, but rarely works with a mule.

Turret Claiming System
Occasionally when you are playing, you will notice that you cannot get in a turret for no apparent reason. Other times, you will enter a turret, then exit and enemies will be unable to enter. This is because of the Turret Claiming System (TCS). This makes it so that if a Squirrel gets in a turret, only Squirrels can get in that turret. Turrets are claimed by entering them and once claimed, cannot be claimed by the other side. This can be useful as this allows you to claim enemy turrets so they cannot use them. Remember, all available turrets in the level start out neutral, and await claiming. In short, destroy enemy turrets, claim neutral turrets, and protect friendly turrets.

War movie and game references
A few of the multi player maps have names that are similar to war movies or video games.

Beach Dead: Beach Red or Beachhead
Castle Von Tedistien: Return to Castle Wolfenstein
A Bridge Too Narrow: A Bridge Too Far
A Clockwork Orange reference
At the beginning of the game when you see Conker on the throne with everyone around him and hear the funny song in the background, notice that he has angry-like eyebrows and a smirk. This is a reference to the Stanly Kubrik's cult classic A Clockwork Orange.

Alien series references
Notice when you are on the last level where you have to defeat the last Boss, the Panther King, that he will say "Fetch me my milk". He will then start to lose breath. After that, he will die and an alien will jump out of his heart. The alien is the one from the Alien series.

Look at the large interior structure in the Tediz's base. It looks just like the thing inside the crashed spaceship in Alien and Aliens.

Banjo Kazooie reference
On the screen that has the Xbox Live and co-op options, switch to the options part. Look above the fireplace to see Banjo's head above two crossed muskets.

Conker's Bad Fur Day reference
In Castle Von Tedistein, look at the pods next to the APC. They will ball read CLR-BFD, which stands for Conker: Live And Reloaded and Bad Fur Day.

Dune reference
The name of the "Doon" level is obviously a parody of the movie Dune.

Grabbed By The Ghoulies reference
At the beginning of the game, choose Game 3. The doors in the background should then open to reveal Cooper, the main character in Rare's first Xbox title Grabbed By The Ghoulies, huddled over a toilet.

Jet Force Gemini reference
In the Haunted House level, the fireplace in the dining room is also in a room under the castle in the Water Ruins level of Jet Force Gemini.

Killer Instinct references
During story mode, allow the game to idle. Conker will take out a handheld Xbox and start playing Killer Instinct.

When hitting the Alien in the final boss stage, the screams it lets out are that of the character Fulgore from Killer Instinct.

Star Wars references
In Soon, the Carbonyte the Fairy Panther King is a reference to Han Solo. The SHC ride in on the Millennium Falcon. The Tediz home world is a reference to Tatooine. Also, R2-D2 can be seen hovering above the catwalk above the second barrier the SHC must break through.

Tekken 3 reference
In The Uga Buga Mugged chapter, you can hear Jin Kazama's theme from Tekken 3 in the background when you are surfing.

Tech Deck reference
in the Mugged level when you are attacking the cavemen on lava boards, they look like Tech Deck characters. The first one is Spike, the second is dr. Digit, and the third is Lenny.

Zero Wing reference
In Doon beside the Outside Base, below the Base Beta spawn point, and below the turret on the ground in the corner, it reads "All your base are belong to us!!". This is a reference to the game Zero Wing.

The Assault level (demo version)
When you get off the boat, it is very tempting to race ahead and get past the gun turrets. However you can hide behind the tripods and wait for them to reload. Then, make your way to the next one. You may be able to skip but it is not recommended. Then, just kill the Tediz's for the rest of the level. At the end you will find your commanding officer in an electric chair. When you get there, you can pull two different levers. One lets him go, and the other kills him.

Glitch: Disappearing tank
Enter the tank and click the [Right Analog-stick]. Then, pull back each trigger (do not release). Click the [Right Analog-stick] again and you will be able to shoot without the tank. However, you cannot move unless you click [Right Analog-stick] twice.

Glitch: Flipping guns on R-Hog
Play as a Long Ranger and get an upgrade. Take out your Krotch .45 and get on a R-Hog. Your gun may start flipping. The only way to stop it is to get off.

Glitch: Open handed while you have Specialist ordinance, flag, or plans
Use a grenade, and you will now be open handed. If you have a flag or the plans, your character will put there hands together as if they were holding it.

Glitch: Shotgun light
After getting the shotgun when you open the level by the barrel to the zombies, you can have a light on your back. When you shoot, silver bullets will appear. To do this, equip the shotgun and do a circle looking in front of you. Shoot, then press [B] immediately. Keep doing a circle with the [Left Analog-stick]. This may require a few attempts.

Glitch: A Bridge Too Narrow: Strange sounds
Stand next to the plans. It will sound as if the plans were a flag.

Glitch: Barn Boys: Swim without water
In the Barn Boys level, go to the side of the barn where it slightly starts to curve downwards. Then, go to the brick pillars. Stand against it then walk forward slightly (make Conker tip toe).You should hear a splash. The camera will glitch and show a view of the big bucket on top of the barn. If you move forward, Conker will either jump or fall from the sky.

Glitch: Beach Dead: Dance With Kriplespac
In the Beach Dead level, become a Sneeker and run to the Outside Base spawn point. Jump onto the tiny ledge used the wall. Note: This requires a double jump against the wall. You must now run against the slope on the left side of the ledge and jump into the gap under the rocks. Once you manage this, you will have a path through the rocks straight to the second balcony. Jump up onto the cannon, run across, and jump down onto the ledge with Kriplespac. Be careful, because there is a second fan above the cannon and you must jump directly under it to avoid the invisible wall protecting Kriplespac.

Alternately, you can get to Kriplespac by jumping across the rocks behind the Tediz's spawn point as a Sneeker. You must jump repeatedly against the rocks while letting yourself slide down against the invisible wall until you are able to pass under it. Do not go too low or you will have nothing to jump from and will just fall. Then, just keep jumping up onto the platform with Ze Professor.

Beach Dead: Get past the barricades without destroying them
Play as a Sneeker on the SHC side. You can double-jump over just about any barricade: For the first barricade, jump on a barrel then jump over the barbed wire. For the second barricade, near the first defense respawn point (right one), double-jump off of the cement (not dirt) wall onto the area just behind the yellow sandbags. Some skill and timing; or a very fast Medic (Grunt, Thermophile, or Long Ranger), is required for the third barricade Quickly run to the wall blocking the sight of the machine gun turret mounted in the ceiling (directly after the wooden plank leading up to the Tediz spawn point). Next, run to the wall on the right where there should be some barrels, unless you or someone else already destroyed them. Follow the wall on the right until you either run out of wall (in which case, just run forward) or the machine gun stops firing. Remember that behind the third barricade, you can throw knives (if you have an upgrade) at Kriplespac. However, keep in mind it will not do any damage until the third barricade is destroyed or the door behind you if you have chosen to take a leap of faith onto the platform. Note: All of this was done open handed for extra speed.

Glitch: Beach Dead: Other railside
Go to the wall next to the outside base. Jump on this ledge and walk towards the hole. Then, jump in there. To get out, jump on the big gun. Go towards the front of the gun and jump down (with a Sneeker with sword or dagger). You will then be out.

Glitch: Beach Dead: Leave level boundary
When playing as the Tediz, go behind where you start (as a Sneeker). Go straight, then jump off the edge. You should land on rocks. Next, go down a short distance so you can go through an invisible barrier. Keep jumping until you reach the weasel. From there, double jump backwards where you came from until you reach the top of the door.

Glitch: Castle Von Tedistein: Running with the fishes
As a Sneeker, jump up the rocks beside the first SHC power pad (at the opposite side of the SHC spawn point). Once you are as high as you can go, you should be on a flat surface with three dominating large round rocks (the middle being the biggest). Push yourself up against the middle rock (do not try to jump or you will slip back down) and run up beside it to the right until you can jump on top of the rock you are pushing against. Then, jump off the side behind the level. You can now run around on top of the water at the bottom of the level.

Glitch: Doon: Wrong gun
When watching the mission brief for Doon, notice that the SHC Grunt is holding a Widow Maker (the sniper rifle)

Glitch: Fortress Deux: Leave level boundary
Play as a Sky Jockey and get into your plane. Go to the other base and you should see a broken building. Boost into it from above. Be careful not to hit a wall at top speed. After you are in there, land and get out. All the way to the left is a hole through the level. Jump through it and use your parachute.

You can also leave the level boundary with the Sneeker. Once you spawn at the base, go towards the flag and go to the left. on the left side of the wall will be a set of pipes. Near the end will be a group of them (three horizontal and one vertical). With your sword out, continually jump towards them until you go through the level boundary.

Glitch: Opposite Railside: Get stuck
Go to the part with the cave in. Go to the dirt mound and double jump to a small corner. From there, slowly walk to the hole, then run to get stuck. Next, jump until you make it through the crack. From there, an invisible wall will form, preventing you to go back the way you came. To go back, you must kill yourself.

Glitch: First person jumper
During Conker's Bad Fur Day (offline single player game), you can jump and hover while in first person mode (hold [L]). You are not supposed to be able to move Conker at all when in first person mode.

Glitch: No enemies
When starting a match online and the host begins, a ten second counter will start. If everyone moves to the host's team before it reaches 0, then you will play in a match with no enemies. This allows you to explore or do anything else desired.

Glitch: Sky Jockeys on any map
This trick requires the cooperation of the host and at least one other player. First, the host must select a map that allows every single class. At this point, everyone (except the host) should press [A] to show that they are ready to play. Next, have everyone (except the host) press [Y] to go to the mission briefing at the same time and tell the host the moment they do so. The host must then quickly change the level to one without Sky Jockeys and start the game. Players who have selected to be Sky Jockeys will now be Sky Jockeys regardless of the map. Alternately, do the exact same thing to switch character skins (such as Future War characters on Old War maps).

Glitch: Take out bat underwater
When the bulldog fishy thing gets stuck on dry land, go under the safe on the edge. You can now pull out your bat underwater.

Glitch: Side switching rope
In main story when you first go to the bridge that lead to the bank, the bridge's rope will be to the right. Then when you go near, Conker will say something about the bridge, and the rope will be to the left. After he speaks, the rope returns to the right.

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