Call of Duty: Finest Hour Cheats - Xbox

 All cheats for this game by platform: GameCube | PlayStation 2 | Xbox
Check out these Call of Duty: Finest Hour cheats and stay cool!
Primary Collection of Cheats
Unlock All Levels
At the level selection screen, hold [Up] on controller 2 then press [Start], [Back], [Back], [X] on controller 1.
Unlock Cheats
To unlock the following codes, you need to beat the game (all 3 Campaigns) on the specified difficulty setting:

Big Heads (easy)
Richochet (easy)
Head Shots (easy)
Ricochet (easy)
Dead Eye (medium)
Shrink Shot (medium)
Big n' Small (hard)

Netherlands Stash
In the second level of the western front campaign (when you go in the sewer) there is a room were you blow up one of the ladders, when you go back to the left there is a blocked hall way, throw some grenades it will open at the end there is a room whit some pictures, and a toy tank, there will be some bears a bouncy and a sticky grenade.

Teddy Bear
In the stage Surrender at Aachen (Western Front), you will be in an enemy occupied house right from the start. The small room directly across from where you start from has a small teddy bear you may acquire with no known effect.

Secret Hang Out
In the second level of the British campaign (Depot Saboutours) After all the enemies are dead and the five fuel caches have been destroyed, look for an elevated building that looks like its made out of 3 loaves of bread look to the right all you should find a door throw two sticky bombs on it then go up to it and press the black or action button then throw 2 more sticky bombs on it it opens to reveal a decending staircase. When you the reach the bottom and you will find an arabic guitar player playing. This one cool area for you theres a Bren gun you can pick up also a large health kit.

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