Black Cheats - Xbox

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Downloadable Black Cheats
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Aug. 28, 2007
Author: 10KB
Apr. 15, 2006
Author: 32KB
Primary Collection of Cheats
BFG (M249 SAW) in City Streets level
Enter 5SQQ-5THA-ZFFV-7XEV as your profile name. Make sure you include the "-" symbol when entering the code (located next to the "!" symbol). After selecting "Done", you will be able to re-enter an actual profile name. This is how you know the code was accepted. When you begin the first level, you will have the BFG weapon.

Alternately, enter one of the following profile names:

Silver weapons
Successfully complete the game under the normal or hard difficulty settings. All guns will now be silver and have unlimited ammunition. Note: The silver weapons will only be available for the difficulty setting you have completed and any lower difficulty settings. This does not include the Black Ops difficulty setting. You will always have silver weapons on that setting.

Black Ops difficulty setting
Successfully complete the game on the hard difficulty setting.

Successfully complete the game under the Black Ops difficulty setting to unlock the M16A2 (M16 with grenade launcher) for use on any difficulty setting.

Faster M16A2 reload
With the M16A2 in Black Ops mode. the lag-time on the reload for the grenade launcher is long. Immediately after you shoot a round, switch weapons then switch back quickly and it will be reloaded for you.

No blur on AK47 reload
Hold the trigger down while reloading to make the screen clear.

x5 zoom with the sniper rifle
Click the [Right Analog-stick] to zoom in on x2. When you are in this position, press "D-pad Up" as if you were changing the firing method of your weapon.

Defeating enemies
Use destructive objects to your advantage to shock, hurt or even kill your enemies.

Defeating enemies with shields and body armor
There is no real secret to use with enemies with full body armor. Head shots will not work; just shoot. For enemies with shields, use grenades or RPGs. Or, get behind them and kill them by shooting them in the back.

To kill shield enemies without wasting a grenade, shoot them on their left. You might take a little bit of damage, but it is worth it.

Defeating RPG troopers
Whenever you encounter an RPG trooper, the easiest way to take them out to is to wait until they fire a round (pop out then hides behind something). While they are reloading, shoot at his midsection. If successful, you will shoot and detonate the RPG he is trying to reload, blowing him up.

Spetriniv Gulag: Unlimited grenades
Wait until the door closes then turn to the right. Run straight to the staircase on the right-hand side. At the top of this staircase is a small room with a box of grenades. If you pick up this box and use all the grenades that you were given, it will reappear instantly. This can repeated as many times as desired by tossing grenades all over the room. The only enemies you will have to worry about are the ones on the top railing.

Spetriniv Gulag: Final battle
The M249 SAW, RPG (with at least four rounds), and at least two grenades (not those at the room entrance) are required for this trick. Do not enter the room. The door closes and it becomes difficult. Do not use any RPG rounds as you will need them later. Crouch at the door entrance and shoot the man with the flak armor in the back of the head. Then, shoot the others on the ground. To kill the men on the walkways, shoot the red object on the right side (on the walkway), then shoot the objects around the bottom of the left walkway. These will cause big explosions. Once those men are dead, kill the next few in any order that keeps you alive. Do not forget the ones on the walkways. This will repeat until two appear on the walkway which is nearest to you. Kill them, then throw a grenade at each doorway at either end of the walkway. This should kill a few people (you will hear screams). If successful, more enemies will appear on the walkways and on the ground level. Enemies will keep appearing until the two bunkers open at the far end and RPG troopers. Do not worry, as only RPG trooper appears at a time; there are three or four of them. Move back and wait for any last enemies or RPGs fired. Get out the way (or kill the enemies), then slowly go to the doorway until you can see a bunker. Take out your RPG and shoot it until the whole back wall explodes. Use this time to take out the last of the enemies. Watch out, as the RPG troopers will probably still be around, along with flak armored shotgun wielding men. This depends on how close they were to the back wall when it went up. Once everyone is dead and you have destroyed the safe on the walkway, go through one of the destroyed bunkers and complete the game. Sometimes this will not work out correctly and you will have to hide on the walkway (for example, if the door closes) and shoot them as they come.

You will need the magnum with as many shots as possible, the M249, and multiple grenades. Before you enter the room, crouch down in the archway and do your best to get head shots with the magnum. Use the magnum to blow up as many explosives as possible. After you are out of ammunition or when there are not any enemies remaining, take out the M249. Reload if needed, then run forward. When the shotgun and shielded enemies come out, keep moving and drop grenades at their feet. When they are cleared, shoot when possible and go up the stairs. Once up there, go into each room. Collect the armor and go into the other room. Once there, crouch down and take out the magnum (if you have ammunition), or use the M249 and wait for the enemies to come after you. After the enemies stop to appear for about two minutes, use the M249 and go down the stairs. There is a machine gun nest at the wall; subdue him and destroy the nest with grenades preferably, and enter it. When you do so, move around the corridor to complete the mission.

Vratska Dockyard: Rocket launcher
Once you get to the part where someone with a rocket launcher shoots at you from a ship tower, blow him up. Go down by the bottom of the ship. On the side of the steps, you will be asked to switch weapons for an RPG.

Save health and ammunition
If your temporarily low on health and ammunition, take the time to shoot everybody in the head. This usually brings them down in one shot and helps keep you alive. Because there is a smaller chance of you being killed by others if you do this, you will not need to repeat the level from the checkpoint and have to kill everyone again.

Recommended weapons
The Magnum kills in one shot where ever it hits, unless your target is one of the men carrying shotguns with masks and full body armor.

Aurora stealth plane reference
In the first mission, under any difficulty level other than easy, you can destroy Intel as a secondary objective. One of those Intel-containing laptops once destroyed holds information on an "Experimenting aircraft code named "Aurora"." The "Aurora" is supposedly a real, yet secret, aircraft. Most of the Intel is real or based on real world information.

Burnout reference
During the final battle there is a safe (one of the secondary objective items) on the left walkway. If you destroy the safe, a message similar to "'You have destroyed Secret Burnout Renders" will appear.

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