America's Army: Rise of a Soldier Cheats - Xbox

 All cheats for this game by platform: Xbox
Check out these America's Army: Rise of a Soldier cheats and stay cool!
Easier M16 qualification
Instead of jumping into the foxhole, lie down next to it as close as possible on its left side. The game will allow you to qualify in the prone rather then the standing position.

Special Forces Weapons Sergeant mission
When you unlock the Special Forces Weapons Sergeant, in one of the missions you will be ordered to lead a group of indigenous forces into a training camp. For this mission you will want to modify your M4 with the scope, bipod, and silencer. It is relatively easy until you get to the camp, where you must take out enemies in watchtowers. Be sure to take out the man at the top first or he will hit the alarm when you kill the man at the bottom. After taking out the two towers you will be ordered to assault the camp itself. Be careful; after you take out the second tower there will be a man coming up behind the tower. Kill him before he can trip the alarm. There will be two more men coming from the far left side of the camp after you order your team to advance there. Make sure to kill them both. From here on out it is kill or be killed.

Glitch: Capital Warehouse mission: Return from death
If you are shot in the elevator shaft, sometimes when you fall all the way to the ground you will come back to life.

Glitch: Use M203 with scope
When you are able to modify your M4, go to your Personnel Jacket. Select the scope you want to use. Then, select the M203. When it tells you that you cannot use the M203 with the scope, turn off the Xbox. When you turn it back on and go to your Personnel Jacket, you will have your M4 equipped with a scope and a M203. Note: When this glitch is activated, you will not be able to use the iron sights correctly. You can only use the 4x zoom.

Glitch: Black screen
When you have a sniper rifle, hold [L] and click the [Right Analog-stick] two times. The screen will remain black until you release [L].

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