All-Star Baseball 2003 Cheats - Xbox

 All cheats for this game by platform: GameBoy Advance | PlayStation 2 | Xbox
Check out these All-Star Baseball 2003 cheats and stay cool!
Primary Collection of Cheats
Cheat menu
Press [L] at the controller selection screen to activate cheats that have been bought.

Taunt opponents
On your way home after hitting a homerun, press [L], [R], [Black], [White], [B], [X], or [Y] and your player will taunt the opposing team.

When you round third base and headed for home after a homerun, click Left Analog-stick + click Right Analog-stick to taunt the other team.


1Bobby Abreu
2Edgardo Alfonzo
3Roberto Alomar
4Moises Alou
5Brady Anderson
6Garrett Anderson
7Rick Ankiel
8Tony Armas Jr
9Jeff Bagwell
10Harold Baines
11Tony Batista
12Albert Belle
13Carlos Beltran
14Adrian Beltre
15Kris Benson
16Lance Berkman
17Craig Biggio
18Barry Bonds
19Kevin Brown
20Jay Buhner
21Jeromy Burnitz
22Pat Burrell
23Ken Caminiti
24Jose Canseco
25Sean Casey
26Luis Castillo
27Eric Chavez
28Jeff Cirillo
29Jermaine Clark
30Roger Clemens
31Bartolo Colon
32David Cone
33Jose Cruz, Jr
34Johnny Damon
35Eric Davis
36Carlos Delgado
37JD Drew
38Ray Durham
39Jermaine Dye
40Jim Edmonds
41Juan Encarnacion
42Darin Erstad
43Carl Everett
44Steve Finley
45Cliff Floyd
46Brad Fullmer
47Andres Galarraga
48Freddy Garcia
49Nomar Garciaparra
50Jason Giambi
51Brian Giles
52Troy Glaus
53Tom Glavine
54Juan Gonzalez
55Luis Gonzalez
56Mark Grace
57Shawn Green
58Rusty Greer
59Ken Griffey
60Vladimir Guerrero
61Tony Gwynn
62Jeffrey Hammonds
63Mike Hampton
64Todd Helton
65Rickey Henderson
66Orlando Hernandez
67Richard Hidalgo
68Tim Hudson
69Geoff Jenkins
70Derek Jeter
71Randy Johnson
72Andruw Jones
73Chipper Jones
74Jacque Jones
75Brian Jordan
76David Justice
77Gabe Kapler
78Eric Karros
79Jason Kendall
80Adam Kennedy
81Jeff Kent
82Byung Hyun Kim
83Ryan Klesko
84Chuck Knoblauch
85Paul Konerko
86Barry Larkin
87Carlos Lee
88Kenny Lofton
89Terrance Long
90Javy Lopez
91Greg Maddux
92Edgar Martinez
93Pedro Martinez
94Tino Martinez
95Ruben Mateo
96Fred McGriff
97Mark McGwire
98Kevin Millwood
99Ben Molina
100Raul Mondesi
101Mark Mulder
102Mike Mussina
103Trot Nixon
104Hideo Nomo
105John Olerud
106Paul Oneill
107Magglio Ordonez
108Rafael Palmeiro
109Chan Ho Park
110Jay Payton
111Andy Pettitte
112Adam Piatt
113Mike Piazza
114Jorge Posada
115Mark Quinn
116Aramis Ramirez
117Manny Ramirez
118Pokey Reese
119Cal Ripken
120Mariano Rivera
121Alex Rodriguez
122Ivan Rodriguez
123Scott Rolen
124Tim Salmon
125Curt Schilling
126Richie Sexson
127Gary Sheffield
128John Smoltz
129JT Snow
130Sammy Sosa
131Shannon Stewart
132BJ Surhoff
133Mike Sweeney
134Fernando Tatis
135Miguel Tejada
136Frank Thomas
137Jim Thome
138Jason Varitek
139Greg Vaughn
140Mo Vaughn
141Robin Ventura
142Jose Vidro
143Omar Vizquel
144Larry Walker
145David Wells
146Rondell White
147Bernie Williams
148Matt Williams
149Preston Wilson
150Kerry Wood
151Brent Abernathy - Rated Rookie
152Cory Aldridge - Rated Rookie
153Gene Altman - Rated Rookie
154Josh Beckett - Rated Rookie
155Wilson Betemit - Rated Rookie
156Joe Crede - Rated Rookie
157Jack Cust - Rated Rookie
158Alex Escobar - Rated Rookie
159Pedro Feliz - Rated Rookie
160Nate Frese - Rated Rookie
161Carlos Garcia - Rated Rookie
162Marcus Giles - Rated Rookie
163Alexis Gomez - Rated Rookie
164Jason Hart - Rated Rookie
165Adrian Hernandez - Rated Rookie
166Eric Hinske - Rated Rookie
167Cesar Izturis - Rated Rookie
168Nick Johnson - Rated Rookie
169Brian Lawrence - Rated Rookie
170Steve Lomasney - Rated Rookie
171Nick Maness - Rated Rookie
172Jackson Melian - Rated Rookie
173Jose Mieses - Rated Rookie
174Greg Miller - Rated Rookie
175Eric Munson - Rated Rookie
176Xavier Nady - Rated Rookie
177Blaine Neal - Rated Rookie
178Abraham Nunez - Rated Rookie
179Jose Ortiz - Rated Rookie
180Jeremy Owens - Rated Rookie
181Pablo Ozuna - Rated Rookie
182Corey Patterson - Rated Rookie
183Carlos Pena - Rated Rookie
184Wily Mo Pena - Rated Rookie
185Timo Perez - Rated Rookie
186Adam Pettyjohn - Rated Rookie
187Luis Rivas - Rated Rookie
188Wilkin Ruan - Rated Rookie
189Duaner Sanchez - Rated Rookie
190Alfonso Soriano - Rated Rookie
191Rafael Soriano - Rated Rookie
192Ichiro Suzuki - Rated Rookie
193Billy Sylvester - Rated Rookie
194Juan Uribe - Rated Rookie
195Carlos Valderrama - Rated Rookie
196Eric Valent - Rated Rookie
197Matt White - Rated Rookie
198Mike Young - Rated Rookie
199All Star Cheat
200All Star Plate
201Jeff Bagwell - Special Card
202Tony Batista - Special Card
203Barry Bonds - Special Card
204Roger Clemens - Special Card
205Carlos Delgado - Special Card
206Jim Edmonds - Special Card
207Jason Giambi - Special Card
208Troy Glaus - Special Card
209Ken Griffey Jr. - Special Card
210Vladimir Guerrero - Special Card
211Tony Gwynn - Special Card
212Todd Helton - Special Card
213Richard Hidalgo - Special Card
214Reggie Jackson - Special Card
215Dave Justice - Special Card
216Harmon Killebrew - Special Card
217Mark McGwire - Special Card
218Roy Oswalt - Special Card
219Rafael Palmeiro - Special Card
220Mike Piazza - Special Card
221Albert Pujols - Special Card
222Manny Ramirez - Special Card
223Alex Rodriguez - Special Card
224Nolan Ryan - Special Card
225CC Sabathia - Special Card
226Mike Schmidt - Special Card
227Gary Sheffield - Special Card
228Tsuyoshi Shinjo - Special Card
229Sammy Sosa - Special Card
230Ichiro Suzuki - Special Card
231Frank Thomas - Special Card
232Jim Thome - Special Card
233Robin Yount - Special Card
234Astrodome - Classic Stadium
235Classic Fenway - Classic Stadium
236Classic Wrigley - Classic Stadium
237Classic Yankee - Classic Stadium
238Acclaim Sports Park - Classic Stadium
239Enzo Field - Classic Stadium
240Fischbach Field - Classic Stadium
241Lockodome - Classic Stadium
242Old Snavely Stadium - Classic Stadium
243Whitaker Grounds - Classic Stadium
244Zentmeyer Dome - Classic Stadium
245Forbes Field - Classic Stadium
246Polo Ground - Classic Stadium
247Riverfront - Classic Stadium
248Tiger Stadium - Classic Stadium
249Brandon Adcock - Dingers (Developer Card)
250Kevin Brinson - Dingers (Developer Card)
251Randy Buck - Dingers (Developer Card)
252Nigel Cook - Dingers (Developer Card)
253Malc Crummack - Dingers (Developer Card)
254Peyton Duncan - Dingers (Developer Card)
255Nelson Everhart - Dingers (Developer Card)
256Tim Flier - Dingers (Developer Card)
257Tom Green - Dingers (Developer Card)
258Bill Kydd - Dingers (Developer Card)
259Matt Liverman - Dingers (Developer Card)
260Andrew Locko - Dingers (Developer Card)
261Wes Mailman - Dingers (Developer Card)
262Mike Mann - Dingers (Developer Card)
263Matt McEnerney - Dingers (Developer Card)
264Shawn Nicholson - Dingers (Developer Card)
265Dan Rubel - Dingers (Developer Card)
266Cooper Sellers - Dingers (Developer Card)
267Mike Skinner - Dingers (Developer Card)
268PJ Snavely - Dingers (Developer Card)
269Ryan Starr - Dingers (Developer Card)
270Sarma Vanguri - Dingers (Developer Card)
271Mario Ventrella - Dingers (Developer Card)
272Rob Whitaker - Dingers (Developer Card)
273Justin Withers - Dingers (Developer Card)
274Tom Zentmeyer - Dingers (Developer Card)
275Dingers - Teams
276Pixels - Teams
277Islanders - Teams
278Rated Rookies - Teams
279AL Legends - Teams
280NL Legends - Teams
281Wrinklies - Teams
282Angels - Alternate Throwbacks
283Astros - Alternate Throwbacks
284Athletics - Alternate Throwbacks
285Blue Jays - Alternate Throwbacks
286Braves - Alternate Throwbacks
287Brewers - Alternate Throwbacks
288Cardinals - Alternate Throwbacks
289Cubs - Alternate Throwbacks
290Devil Rays - Alternate Throwbacks
291Diamondbacks - Alternate Throwbacks
292Dingers - Alternate Throwbacks
293Dodgers - Alternate Throwbacks
294Expos - Alternate Throwbacks
295Giants - Alternate Throwbacks
296Indians - Alternate Throwbacks
297Mariners - Alternate Throwbacks
298Marlins - Alternate Throwbacks
299Mets - Alternate Throwbacks
300Orioles - Alternate Throwbacks
301Padres - Alternate Throwbacks
302Phillies - Alternate Throwbacks
303Pirates - Alternate Throwbacks
304Rangers - Alternate Throwbacks
305Reds - Alternate Throwbacks
306Red Sox - Alternate Throwbacks
307Rockies - Alternate Throwbacks
308Royals - Alternate Throwbacks
309Tigers - Alternate Throwbacks
310Twins - Alternate Throwbacks
311White Sox - Alternate Throwbacks
312Yankees - Alternate Throwbacks
Easy points
You can gain "points" for certain feats performed during a game. An easy way to get a lot of points is to throw a perfect game. This is worth 100 points. Switch controls every time the CPU is up at bat and intentionally strike out. This will get you points for 27 strikeouts, and for a perfect game. Repeat as many times as needed.

To get more points in franchise mode to sign your free agents, during the off season either create a player and pick him up as a free agent or sign free agents and release them at the end of the season.

Use two controllers and keep throwing fast balls on both sides until a late inning. You can go into extra innings for more points in strikeouts. Then, hit a ground ball on the team you want to win and make the other team just hold it. Run around the bases with the other controller. This will count as an error and give the other pitcher a no-hitter.

Easy runs
Get Barry Bonds to bat in the third spot in the order and play against the Cubs. Take control of the Cubs and start intentionally walking everyone until Barry Bonds is up for the second time. Rotate the hitting icon so it will hit a home run. Make contact and you will hit a grand slam. Repeat this as many times as needed. Note: Do not check the box score after 100 runs or the game will freeze.

Easy wins
Switch controllers to the opposing team and change all the players to pitchers. The CPU will be much worse on defense. If you can pitch well, you will also get a lot of strikeouts.

Easy wins in a season
Save the game then go to schedule. Simulate the game. If you did not win, return to the main menu and load the season. Repeat this until you win the game.

Control homerun replay
After hitting a homerun, a replay of it will be displayed. When you see your batter heading home from third base, press various buttons (except [A]) to see different angles.

Better hitting
Immediately after the pitcher releases the ball, press [Start]. You will see where the ball is going and if it will be a strike or ball. Resume the game and move your batting cursor over it to get a nice powerful swing. This will help you improve your hitting. Note: You do not need to press [Start] directly after he lets go of the ball -- it just gives you more time to move your cursor after the game is resumed.

Use the pause technique before batting. When you see where the ball is going, try your best to get the ball as close to the point of the contact triangle (the part closest to the batter, not the thick part of the triangle). you will usually get homeruns or at least doubles.

Wait until the pitcher's arm is in motion and is coming forward, then swing. If it looks like a bad pitch do not swing. This strategy woks most of the time, and works well with players such as Giambi, Bonds, or A-Rod.

Better pitching
The best pitchers have a pitch called a "Slurve" (for example, Mark Burhele of the Chicago White Sox). Also try the "Dominate Curve" with Pedro.

Restore pitcher's energy
In season, franchise or expansion mod, go to the DL, and put any pitcher on the15 day DL. Then immediately take him back into your lineup. He will have recovered all his energy.

Better franchise or expansion mode teams
Use trades to get rid of your older less talented players for slightly better players. Even if the CPU rejects your trade, keep trying repeatedly and it is usually eventually accepted. However, make the trade reasonable, such as B- for a B or B+. If the player you really want just does not seem to want to join your team, try trading for another player who is slightly better, then return to that player you want and try again. Do this every season to keep good young players.

To get whatever players you want, go to the trade screen. Take a bad player in your lineup with about a "C" rating and trade him for someone with a "C+". Then, trade the "C+" person for a "B" and so on. All your players will eventually have "A" rankings.

Resign players for same points but longer deals
Start in the franchise value menu and use [R1] to release one or two players who you do not want back. This will allow you to build up some extra points. Then, release the player you want to resign for more years. Go to the free agents screen and resign him for 50 points and any number of years. Go back to franchise value and release him again. When you go to resign that player again, the amount of points will usually be the same amount as before you released him the first time but he will demand the same number of years that you signed him for after the first time you released him.

Easy cards
Use the following trick to unlock all the cards in one or two games. Once you unlock the Cooperstown Legends and the Pixels, play as the Legends. You will find that within the fifth or sixth inning, every hit equals ten points and possibly more. Constantly hit homeruns and strike out the batters and you should have forty to fifty packs to open after the game. This is the easiest way to complete your card collection and unlock the cheats.

Choose the Yankees at the Phillies. Choose to play as the Phillies under any difficulty setting. When the first batter is up, pause game play and select "Change Lineup". Then, select "Defensive Replacement". Choose the catcher, then start using pitchers. Repeat this step until you have run out of pitchers for the catchers. Then, choose an outfielder to be the catcher. Then, go to "Position Swap", and switch positions with the first baseman and catcher. Go to "Defensive Replacement" again and choose any other player to be the first basemen. Switch to the Yankees for an easy win for cards.

This trick requires two controllers. Each controller will control one team. Stay pitching in the middle of the strike zone, and batting for homeruns. If you do not hit a homerun, control the fielders and do not catch the ball in the air and throw it to a base. Then, with the batting controller, keep pressing [L] to score a run. The game will never end. When the score is about 50 for each team, finish the game and you will have about 100 packs to open.

To get all the cheats and cards in one to two games, do the following trick. In the exhibition mode, pick the Atlanta Braves and the Baltimore Orioles as your two teams. Have the Orioles as the home team and the Braves as the away team. Choose the Braves as your team and when up to bat, drag bunt with Rafael Furcal. If he gets to first base with nobody else on, always steal second base. Hit with power with Chipper Jones, Gary Sheffield, Andru Jones and Vinny Castilla. Hit regularly with everybody else. When you get three outs, switch to the Orioles and pop-up every pitch. This will get you no hitter points 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th inning, and for the ninth inning, pop-up with the first two batters and get the last player out yourself. This will get you points for a no hitter and points for a perfect game. If done correctly, and you average about five runs an inning, you should have at the very least forty packs to open, if not more.

Thom Brennaman's stories
Start a game and allow the controller to remain idel. After a few minutes after they have announced the lineups and the starting pitcher, Thom Brennaman will start telling in-depth stories about baseball.

Get Pedro Martinez on your pitching staff
To get Pedro Martinez on your team, create at least an A- Designated Hitter. Trade him for Randy Johnson of the Diamondbacks, then trade Johnson for Martinez. The Red Sox will refuse the trade at first, but retry it once or twice and they will agree to it.

Powerful team
Create as many powerful designated hitters as you can. Note: There is a limited amount. After this is done, take them out of the free agents brackets. Trade them for as many All-Star players as possible to create a dominating team.

Use the following settings for a better catcher:
Contact: A+
Power: A+
Hitting: A+
Speed: A+
Bunt: D
Patience: D_
Glove: D
Range: D
Arm accuracy: B+
Arm strength: B+
Designated hitters
In season, expansion or franchise mode, create players then trade them for the person you want. The best created player you can make is a designated hitter. Use the following settings. Note: Only American League teams need designated hitters. If you want someone in the National League, then trade your created designated hitter for a good American League player then trade him for the desired National League player.
Contact: A+
Power: A+
Hitting: A
Speed: A-
Bunt: B-
Patience: B
Glove: D-
Range: D-
Arm Accuracy: D-
Arm Strength: D-
Alternately, use the following settings.
Contact: A+
Power: A+
Hitting: A+
Speed: A+
Bunt: C+
Patience: A+
Glove: D-
Range: D-
Arm Accuracy: D-
Arm Strength: C+
You can also set Bunt to D- with Arm Strength C+.
Alternately, use the following settings.
Contact: A+
Power: A+
Hitting: A+
Speed: A+
Bunt: D-
Patience: D-
Glove: C+
Range: C+
Arm Accuracy: C
Arm Strength: C
First or second baseman
Use the following settings for a better first or second baseman:
Contact: A
Power: A+
Hitting: A
Speed: A+
Bunt: D
Patience: D
Glove: D
Range: D
Arm Accuracy: A
Arm Strength: A
Overall: A

Same as above
Overall: A
Third baseman
Use the following settings for a better third baseman
Contact: A+
Power: A+
Hitting: A+
Speed: A+
Bunt: D-
Patience: D-
Glove: D-
Range: D-
Arm Accuracy: B+
Arm Strength: B+
Overall: A
Use the following settings for a better shortstop
Contact: A
Power: A+
Hitting: A
Speed: A+
Bunt: D-
Patience: D-
Glove: D-
Range: D-
Arm Accuracy: A-
Arm Strength: A-
Overall: A-
Use the following settings for a better outfielder
Contact: A
Power: A+
Hitting: A
Speed: A+
Bunt: D
Patience: D
Glove: D
Range: D
Arm Accuracy: A
Arm Strength: A
Overall: A-

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