Call of Duty: World at War Cheats - Wii

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Check out these Call of Duty: World at War cheats and stay cool!
Unlock Bonuses (Multiplayer)
.357 Magnum - Reach Level 49.
Arisaka - Reach Level 4.
Bandolier - Reach Level 40.
BAR - Reach Level 4.
BAR - Reach Level.
Bomb Squad - Reach Level 16.
Bouncing Betty x2 - Reach level 24.
Browning M1919 - Reach Level 61.
Camoflauge - Reach level 12.
Colt M1911 - Reach Level 3.
Custom Class Slot 10 - Reach Prestige Level 10.
Custom Class Slot 6 - Reach Prestige level 1.
Custom Class Slot 7 - Reach Prestige Level 2.
Custom Class Slot 8 - Reach Prestige Level 4.
Custom Class Slot 9 - Reach Presige Level 7.
Dead Slience - Reach level 52.
Deep Impact - Reach Rank 1.
Double Tap - Reach Rank 36.
Double-Barreled Shotgun - Reach Level 29.
DP-28 - Reach Level 13.
Extreme Conditioning - Reach Rank 1.
FG-42 - Reach Level 45.
Fireproof - Reach Level 48.
Fireworks - Reach evel 1.
Flak Jacket - Reach Level 1.
Gas Mask - Reach Level 2.
Gewher 47 - Reach Level 6.
Juggernaut - Reach Level 4.
Kar98k - Reach Level 41.
M1 Garand - Reach Level 17.
M1A1 Carbine - Reach Level 65.
M2 Flamethrower - Reach Level 65.
M9A1 Bazooka x2 - Reach Level 2.
Martydom - Reach Level 20.
MG-42 - Reach Level 33.
Mosin-Nagant - Reach Level 21.
MP-40 - Reach Level 10.
Nambu - Reach Level 1.
Overkill - Reach Level 56.
PPSh 41 - Reach Level 53.
Prestige Mode - Reach Level 65.
Primary Grenades x2 - Reach Level 44.
PTRS 41 - Reach Level 57.
Satchel Charge x2 - Reach Level 1.
Second Chance - Reach Level 9.
Sleight of Hand - Reach Level 28.
Special Grenades x3 - Reach Level 1.
Springfield - Reach Level 3.
Steady Aim - Reach Level 1.
STG-44 - Reach Level 37.
Stopping Power - Reach Level 1.
SVT-40 - Reach Level 1.
Thompson - Reach Level 1.
Tokarev TT38 - Reach Level 21.
Toss Back - Reach Level 6.
Trench Gun - Reach Level 2.
Type 100 - Reach Level 25.
Type 99 - Reach Level 1.
Walther P38 - Reach Level 2.

Airfield: Sniping Location
In the middle of the map there is a two story concrete building. Place satchels or Bouncing Bettys to protect your location. There is also a large white estate with a ladder and staircase in front of it that can be used as a sniping location.

Airfield: Nazi Zombie Building
Go to the multiplayer map "Airfield". Go to the first side, which is the one where you spawn behind the big building then go out to the field. Instead, go inside the building and examine it. Look around at the pillars and windows, then go upstairs to the left. Look around some more and on the balcony. Notice it is the same building in the Nacht Der Untoten (zombie) mission, except all the entrances are walled up or blocked by an invisible wall.

Asylum: Strange Sounds
You can also hear a disembodied voice near the bathroom. It comes from just outside of the bathroom, and is best heard in Spectator mode.

Just outside of the bathroom on Asylum, exactly where the disembodied voice is heard, you can also hear a crying girl. She will switch back and forth from crying to laughing, and just like the voice, is quite disturbing.

All around the stairs that are a bit away from where the piano can be heard, you can here knocking on the wood that is covering up all the windows. If you fly around constantly as a spectator, you will hear this wooden knocking sound everywhere. It distinctly sounds like someone deliberately knocking on wood. It can also be heard on the boarded up windows on the other side of the map.

Asylum: Ghostly Piano Record
Above the bathroom in an invisible room, a piano can clearly be heard being played on a record player. The piano can only be heard if you music setting in the options menu is on.

Blood And Iron: Destroying Other Tanks
Use the following trick to destroy the other tanks faster and slightly easier. Shoot the tanks in the treads. This will destroy them in two shots about 90% of the time, rather than an average of four shots. When shooting at the tanks, it may help to move from side to side. Those tanks do not have the best aim, depending on the difficulty setting. If you wait just a moment after you shoot before you shoot again to slightly increase your accuracy.

Castle: Sniping Location
There are many good sniping positions on this map. The first is a small room overlooking the garden and the front staircase. To get to this room either climb the ladder or go up the stairs. The second location is a small room that has a clear line of sight into the room mentioned above. To get to this room, go to the bottom of the map and climb up the staircase. You should be on a wooden porch that connects to the gardens. Turn left and you will be in the room.

Cliffside: Sniping Location
There are two concrete bunkers in this map. Go to the one on the edge of the cliff. From this room you can snipe players as they run by and also shoot them trying the get in from behind.

Cliffside: Strange Voice
On the Japanese spawn side of the map are two concrete bunkers. Go into the one at the top of the hill (with Japanese Flags on it) in Spectator mode. Go through one of the little windows into the back area of the bunker. Turn around and turn up the volume. You should hear a strange garbled and quite disturbing voice coming from the wall. It is a disembodied voice.

Cliffside: Mysterious Shrub
Go into Spectator mode on Cliffside and look down the cliff at the beach. To the left, you should see a small crater on the beach where a mortar shell has hit. Fly down through the crater and keep going down. Eventually, you will go into some invisible water. Come up out of the water a bit and look around. You should see a large bush nearby in the mist. It is just floating there very far under the map.

Courtyard: Sniping Location
At the end of the courtyard, go into the shack and turn right. Use the portion of wall that is jutting out to hop into the tree.

Dome: Big Crowd
Go into the large pit as a spectator, and you will hear the Red Army shouting their battlecry of "URA! URA! URA!". Oddly enough, you cannot hear them at all from within the actual map boundaries (unless you are unfortunate enough to fall in).

Dome: Sniping Location
There is a platform with a ladder on the side of the building. To get to this platform you can either climb the ladder or go up the stairs inside. This spot connects to a ledge inside the building.

Downfall: Animal Shadows
Go to the map in Spectator mode. Look for a drivable tank to the left and in front of two trucks. From there, it should be exactly next to the destroyed building you are looking for. Make sure the truck behind the tank is in front of a destroyed Flak cannon, and the building is to the left according to the direction of the tank. After you find the building notice that the walls are divided into squares or segments. And keep note the correct building is not alone; it is connected to a series of buildings. Line up the tank exactly with the square segment it is next to on the building. Look carefully at the shadows and notice how they fade out the walls. If you look carefully enough looking at the whole wall square, you should see a chicken with its wings in the air with big bulging eyes. Two segments over you should see a fat pig standing up and smiling.

Downfall: Sniping Location
There is a bunker/cave in the upper left corner of the map (second row of buildings). This bunker has a clear shot of enemy respawn points and has good protection from tanks. Make sure to use Bouncing Bettys to protect yourself.

Hangar: Torture Chamber
In the bottom of the two story tin building on the Marine's spawn side is a jail cell with a dead tortured Russian soldier in it. Coming from the door in the cell, you can periodically hear a Japanese person torturing another soldier.

Hangar: Sniping Location
On the second floor of the hangar is a small room. From the outside, you can get to it by climbing up the rubble pile on the side of the building.

Go to the porch outside the hanger entrance. Close to the hanger is a large white carved stone. Jump on it and try and hop over the fence. You will fail, but will land on the fence.

Little Resistance: Ray Gun
After the boat crashes, call in an air strike on the specified location. Run up to the beach and move to the right. You will find a small puddle at the right side of the beach. Stand in it briefly, then move towards the middle of the beach to find a smaller puddle. Stand in that puddle briefly. Move towards the far left side of the beach. Stand briefly in the puddle in the barb wire. After several seconds the screen will shake and you will hear strange voices. Four lion statues will rise out of the ground with alien ray guns in their mouths.

If you just stand in the last puddle and not the others, you still hear the weird voices and can get the ray guns.

Makin: Sniping Location
Go to the circular building and look through the stair entrance. There should be a hut with two rectangular windows overlooking the sandy area that can be used as a sniper position. Also, there is a tall building on the water with windows overlooking the entire map that can be used.

Nacht der Untoten
Open the room that says "Help" during the third or fourth round. It will supply weapons that will give you the upper hand in a crucial battle. Note: There are four openings that the zombies will try to break through.

Never open up the stairs; it will result in more zombies.

Nacht der Untoten: Hidden Radio Music
Start any sort of Nazi Zombie game and unlock the door to the Mystery Box room. Go to the Mystery Box. Go over to the right and look at a table to find a radio. Shoot a bullet at the radio then wait a few seconds. You will hear random sorts of music such as rock, disco, opera, and some in game music such as the Russian victory song, the last level music, or the Japanese combat music. The music will stop in between rounds but will then start again. Every player in game can even hear it.

Nacht der Untoten: Prepare for Next Round
At the end of each round, do not kill the last zombie. Kill all of the others, but allow one to live. When it has entered the building, throw a grenade at it to blow off its legs. It should now crawl slowly on the ground, leaving you plenty of time to patch up any windows you need. The next round will not begin until you kill him. He is easy to evade. Use this opportunity to get ready for the next round. When you are ready, kill him and the round will end.

Nacht der Untoten: Easy Money
For the first few rounds, let all of the zombies break down the boards and come inside. Then, use your pistol or knife to kill them to gain more points than simply shooting them once in the head. A knife to the head will earn 130 points per kill. Once all of the zombies are dead, patch up the boards. You will have much more money than if you simply killed them as they approached. Note: After level 3, the zombies are too powerful to be taken down this way.

Outskirts: Sniping Location
Once inside the church tower, look through the circular window. There is a white building with a small balcony in the distance. Use it to snipe from.

Roundhouse: Sniping Location
There is a platform/hallway that goes over the middle of the map. To get to it, go behind the trashed locomotives. Climb up the staircase and turn left at the round platform. You should have a good view of the whole roundhouse in the middle of the map.

Upheaval: sniping location
Towards the top of the map is building with two windows that overlook the whole area. Note: Other players will try to get you.

Go into the house next to the burning house. Stand on a windowsill and face the side. You should fall on a ledge below.

Enter the burning house. Go up the steps and out the window in the same way to hit a ledge below.

Multi-player mode: Hide among the dead
Find some dead bodies. Run up to them and make sure no one else is around besides your teammates. Get down into laying position. Then crawl into what appears to be the body of the dead person, so it looks like there are fragments of the body around your HUD. Lower your gun, but have it high enough to still see what is coming. This trick will make it harder for people to see you unless they are paying close attention to the ground. The flaws to this trick is that people can sneak up from behind and see you, and you can only see in one direction without moving. After a few kills move to another location because other players will pick up on your trick and grenade or rush you.

Getting More Ammunition
Use the following trick if run out or are running low on ammunition on any mission in Solo mode. Find a non-essential teammate (someone not involved in the story line). Walk up to him and aim the reticule next to his head or torso. Knife the air, and as you do so move slightly towards them so that the reticule is over them. If done correctly, your teammate should die and should drop his weapon. The difficulty setting will not matter. Non-essential teammates will get replaced when you walk into a battle. If the teammate does not die but keeps getting back up, they are essential to the story (for example, Sgt. Roebuck and Sgt. Rezenov).

Saving Private Ryan Rreference
There will be a section where you will be asked to "Save Private Ryan". This is a reference to the critically acclaimed film Saving Private Ryan.

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