Gravity Rush Cheats - PS Vita

 All cheats for this game by platform: PlayStation 3 | PS Vita
Check out these Gravity Rush cheats and stay cool!
Unlock Trophies
A Meeting with Destiny (Bronze) - Completed episode 5.
A Hundred and One Nights (Bronze) - Completed episode 8.
Adreaux On Call (Bronze) - Completed episode 18.
All That Glitters (Gold) - Gold-medaled EVERY challenge.
Frequent Flyer (Silver) - Landed 10 gravity kicks without landing or taking damage.
From Oblivion (Bronze) - Completed episode 1.
Gem Aficionado (Gold) - Collected a total of 40,000 precious gems.
Gem Collector (Silver) - Collected a total of 20,000 precious gems.
Going Underground (Silver) - Discovered every manhole.
Gold Medalist (Bronze) - Gold-medaled a challenge.
Gravitational Anomaly (Silver) - Defeated 8 enemies with one special attack.
Home Sweet Home (Bronze) - Completed episode 3.
An Unguarded Moment (Bronze) - Completed episode 20.
Ancient Game Hunter (Silver) - Defeated the rare Nevi in Rift Planes: The Ruins.
Burning Game Hunter (Silver) - Defeated the rare Nevi in Rift Planes: The Inferno.
Children of the Past (Bronze) - Completed episode 16.
Curiosity Killed the Cat (Bronze) - Completed episode 10.
Fading Light (Bronze) - Completed episode 17.
Falling to Pieces (Bronze) - Completed episode 19.
Lost Kat (Bronze) - Awakened in Auldnoir.
Memories of Another World (Bronze) - Completed episode 15.
New Challenger (Bronze) - Cleared a challenge.
No Rest for the Virtuous (Gold) - Completed episode 21.
Pitching Machine (Silver) - Hurled 10 objects into enemies without missing or taking damage.
Shadows Over the City (Bronze) - Completed episode 2.
Illusory Game Hunter (Silver) - Defeated the rare Nevi in Rift Planes: The Mirage.
It's all Relative (Platinum) - Collected every trophy. Congratulations!
Kids Just Don't Understand (Bronze) - Completed episode 13.
Learner's Permit (Bronze) - Mastered the fundamentals of gravity.
Letting Old Ghosts Die (Bronze) - Completed episode 9.
Look Out Below (Bronze) - Completed episode 12.
Lost in Time and Space (Silver) - Heard the mysterious couple's complete story.
Silver Lining (Silver) - Earned a silver or better in every challenge.
The Hekseville Phantom (Bronze) - Completed episode 4.
The Lost City (Bronze) - Completed episode 6.
The Lost Tribe (Bronze) - Completed episode 14.
Thick Skin (Bronze) - Completed episode 11.
Too Many Secrets (Bronze) - Completed episode 7.
Top Cat (Gold) - Raised Kat's reputation to 'Top Cat'.
True Challenger (Bronze) - Cleared EVERY challenge.

Additionally, there are eight Spy Pack DLC trophies:

A Time to Play (Bronze) - Completed "A Time to Play."
All-Star Pitcher (Silver) - Earned a gold medal in the Pleajeune Pitching Challenge.
Fireproof Racer (Silver) - Earned a gold medal in the Rift Plane Health Race.
Magma Racer (Bronze) - Earned a silver medal or better in the Rift Plane Health Race.
Second-String Pitcher (Bronze) - Earned a silver medal or better in the Pleajeune Pitching Challenge.
Superspy (Silver) - Cleared every mission and challenge mission in the Spy Pack.
The Dreamlife of Ghosts (Bronze) - Completed "The Dreamlife of Ghosts."
Undercover (Bronze) - Obtained the Spy costume.

Additionally, there are eight Special Forces Pack DLC trophies:

Apprentice Plumber (Bronze) - Earned a silver medal or better in Endestria Energy Race II.
Mushroom Slider (Bronze) - Earned a silver medal or better in the Rift Plane Sliding Race.
New Recruit (Bronze) - Obtained the Special Forces costume.
Special Forces (Silver) - Cleared every mission and challenge mission in the Special Forces Pack.
The Phantom of Bravery (Bronze) - Completed "The Phantom of Bravery."
The Rules of War (Bronze) - Completed "The Rules of War."
Truffle Slider (Silver) - Earned a gold medal in the Rift Plane Sliding Race.
World-Class Plumber (Silver) - Earned a gold medal in Endestria Energy Race II.

Additionally, there are eight Maid Pack DLC trophies:

Head of the Household (Silver) - Earned a gold medal in the Rift Plane Unlimited Time Attack.
In Service (Bronze) - Obtained the Maid costume.
Maximum Shifter (Silver) - Earned a gold medal in the Rift Plane Unlimited Time Attack.
Rooftop Runner (Silver) - Earned a gold medal in Auldnoir Free Race II.
Rooftop Walker (Bronze) - Earned a silver medal or better in Auldnoir Free Race II.
The Diary of a Maid (Bronze) - Completed "The Diary of a Maid."
The Madam and the Shifter (Bronze) - Completed "The Madam and the Shifter."
Unlimited Shifter (Bronze) - Earned a gold medal in Auldnoir Free Race II.

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