Final Fantasy X / X-2 HD Remaster Cheats - PS Vita

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Check out these Final Fantasy X / X-2 HD Remaster cheats and stay cool!
Unlock the Aeon Cup in Final Fantasy X-2
Complete the Fiend Tales for the monsters listed in this section. Capture them, get them five levels' worth of EXP, then release them in the Creature History menu to complete their Fiend Tales. Upon release, they evolve into aeons. Once all of these monsters have been attended to, the Aeon cup will be available.

Chapter 1-4 (Besaid Island) - Large trap pod - Flame Dragon (Ifrit).
Chapter 2 (Moonflow, Bevelle, Calm Lands) - Small trap pod - Flan Blanco (Shiva).
Chapter 3-5 (Mi'ihen Highroad, Zanarkand Ruins) - Small trap pod - Mycotoxin (Valefor).
Chapter 5 (Bevelle) - Medium trap pod - Critical Bug (Yojimbo).
Chapter 5 (Bevelle) - Large trap pod - Azi Dahaka (Bahamut).
Chapter 5 (Bikanael Desert - after completing mission) - Large trap pod - Jumbo Cactuar (Magus Sisters).
Chapter 5 - after clearing at least Cloister level 20 (Bevelle) - Large trap pod - Aranea (Anima).
Chapter 5 - after clearing Thunder Plains (Thunder Plains) - Large trap pod - Machina Striker (Ixion).

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