Dokuro Cheats - PS Vita

 All cheats for this game by platform: PS Vita
Check out these Dokuro cheats and stay cool!
Unlock Trophies
A Cornered Rat... (Gold) - Defeat 100 monsters in Skeleton Form.
A Hero is Born (Gold) - Defeat 1,000 monsters in Hero Form.
Apprentice (Bronze) - Complete stages 1 to 4.
Aw, Shucks (Bronze) - Pick up the Princess 200 times.
Batting 100% (Bronze) - Successfully deflect boomerangs 100 times.
Blue Chalk Master (Bronze) - Use blue chalk successfully.
Bulging Pockets (Bronze) - Collect 75 coins.
Call Me Speedy (Silver) - Complete all areas in a total of 350 minutes or less.
Candlelighter (Silver) - Light 4 torches with a single red chalk.
Moneybags (Silver) - Collect 120 coins.
Newby Knight (Bronze) - Complete stages 5 to 8.
Numismatist (Bronze) - Collect 25 coins.
Old-Mismatist (Bronze) - Collect 50 coins.
Red Chalk Master (Bronze) - Use red chalk successfully.
Shining Skeleton (Platinum) - Earn all other Dokuro trophies to unlock this platinum trophy.
Skydiver (Silver) - Fall from a great height.
Treasure Hunter (Silver) - Collect 135 coins.
Dark Lord's Treasure Complete! (Gold) - Collect all coins.
Dark Lord? No Biggie (Silver) - Defeat the Dark Lord without taking any damage.
Friends with Death (Bronze) - Die 100 times.
Go Big or Go Home (Gold) - Complete stage 14 without taking any damage.
Happily Ever After (Silver) - Complete all stages.
Hide 'n' Seek (Silver) - Complete stage 11-5 without being discovered once.
I'll Just Hold On to These (Bronze) - Collect 10 coins.
Knight (Bronze) - Complete stages 9 to 11.
Lucky Find (Bronze) - Collect your first coin.
Master Knight (Bronze) - Complete stages 12 to 15.
Master of the Castle (Gold) - Complete all areas in a total of 250 minutes or less.
White Chalk Master (Bronze) - Use white chalk successfully.
Who Keeps Dropping These? (Silver) - Collect 100 coins.
With Friends Like These... (Bronze) - Let the princess get knocked out 100 times.

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