WWF Raw Cheats - SNES

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Downloadable WWF Raw Cheats
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Nov. 29, 2006
Nov. 29, 2006
Nov. 29, 2006
Primary Collection of Cheats
Super Punch]
Press [[Right] + [Y] + [B]] four times or [[Y] + [B] + [Up]] four times on the copyright screen. A grunt will confirm correct code entry. An opponent may now be defeated after two punches.

Wrestle same character
Select a two player game and have player one choose a character. Press [Up] + [R] + [A] on controller two and have player two select the same character.

Return to Rumble
Press [A] + [B] + [X] + [Y] after being thrown out of the Rumble to qualify to return to the ring. Alternately, press [Select].

Continue in Tag Team match
Hold Select if your wrestler is tossed out of the ring in a Tag Team match. The next wrestler will enter to take his place.

Special appearance in Tag Team
Hold [L] + [R] and press [Up], [Down], [Left], [Right], [Select] during the match. Another person will appear in the ring to fight player one.

White Doink The Clown
Use 1-2-3 Kid's mega-move (Froggy splash from top rope by holding [L] and pressing [Up], [Up], [Up], [A] when on the back turnbuckle) with Doink The Clown.

Orange Bam Bam Bigelow
Use 1-2-3 Kid's mega-move (Froggy splash from top rope by holding [L] and pressing [Up], [Up], [Up], [A] when on the back turnbuckle) with Bam Bam Bigelow.

Black and yellow Luna
Use 1-2-3 Kid's mega-move (Froggy splash from top rope by holding [L] and pressing [Up], [Up], [Up], [A] when on the back turnbuckle) with Luna.

Super pin
Wait until your opponent's power is all the way down. Knock him down and stand above him. Then hold [L], and press [Up], [Right], [Down], [Left], [X] (when playing as Diesel), or [X] (when playing as Yokozuna or Bam Bam Bigelow).

People's Elbow
This move can be done by any wrestler. Make your opponent lay in the middle of the ring. Then, make sure you are directly above him. Hold [Y], then bounce off the ropes twice. When you come to the downed wrestler, press [B].

1-2-3 Kid's moves
Mega move
Hold [A] + [B] (or [X]) while on the top rope. Then, press [Up]x3, [A].

Turnbuckle to Turnbuckle
Hold [A] + [B] ( or [X]) and press [Up]x4. Release [A] + [B], then press [B].

Turnbuckle to Turnbuckle Jump
When you are on the back turnbuckle, press [Up]x3, [A] or [B].

Make sure the opponent is dizzy on the floor (standing). Go on any turnbuckle and press [R]. Note: Make sure he is not near the ropes or he and you would flip.
Bam Bam Bigelow's moves
Flying Headbutt (finisher)
Climb an upper turnbuckle when your opponent is down and press [R]. Note: Your opponent's life bar must be red.

When your opponent is standing in the ring, press [Up], [Down], [Left] or [Right], then [Y].
Brett Hart's moves
Sharpshooter (finisher):
Press [R] near your opponent's feet when he is down. Note: Your opponent's life bar must be red.

Butt-Flip Off The Turnbuckle
When your opponent is lying down beneath you, climb the turnbuckle, hold [L], and press [Right]x2, [Up], [B].
Diesel's moves
Powerbomb (finisher)
Press [Tie up], [R]. Note: Your opponent's life bar must be red.

Caber Toss
When your stunned opponent is facing the large side of the ring and Diesel is standing behind him, press [Down]x2, [R], [B].
Doink the Clown's moves
Whoopee Cushion (finisher)
Climb the upper turnbuckle and press [R]. Note: Your opponent's life bar must be red.

Field Goal Kick
Stand behind your stunned opponent, then press [Left]x3, [A].
Lex Luger's moves
Running Forearm
Irish whip the opponent to the ropes, run to the other side, then press [R]. Note: If there is anyone else in your way, they will also get hurt even if they are your opponent.

Super Punch
When your opponent is standing in the ring and in punching range, press [Up]x2, [Down], [B].
Luna Vachon's moves
Propeller Splash
When your opponent is lying down in the ring and Luna is positioned above them (north side of the ring), press [Left], [Down]x2, [B].

Knock your opponent down to the ground. Get on the top turnbuckle and press [R]. Note: Your opponent's life bar must be red.

Knock your opponent down to the ground. Get near, not on, the top rope and press [R]. Note: Your opponent's life bar must be red.
Owen Hart's moves
Sharpshooter (finisher):
Press [R] near your opponent's feet when he is down. Note: Your opponent's life bar must be red.

Whirling Dervish
When your opponent is standing in the ring, press [Up], [Right], [Down], [Y].
Razor Ramon's moves
Razor's Edge (finisher)
Press [Tie up], [R]. Note: Your opponent's life bar must be red.

Back Flip Elbow Drop
Your opponent must be down in the ring. Get under him/her, hold [L], and press [Left]x2, [Right], [B].
Shawn Michaels' moves
Slingshot suplex (finisher)
Press [R] behind a dizzy opponent. Note: Your opponent's life bar must be red.

Samoan Drop
Press [Tie up], [A].

Face Plant
Press [Tie up], [B].

Vertical Suplex
Press [Tie up], [X].

Boot to face
Press [X] when your opponent is running.

Press [B] when your opponent is running.

Super Drop Kick
When your opponent is standing in the ring within kicking range, hold [L] and press [Down], [R]x2, [A].
The Undertaker's moves
Tombstone Piledriver (finisher)
Press [Tie up], [R]. Note: Your opponent's life bar must be red.

Running Clothesline
When your opponent is lying down in the ring and vulnerable to attack, press [Left], [Right]x2, [Y].
Yokozuna's moves
Banzai Drop (finisher)
Press [R] near upper turnbuckle when your opponent is down. Note: Your opponent's life bar must be red.

Cannonball off turnbuckle
Press [Down]x3, followed by any button after climbing the turnbuckle and your opponent is down.
New WWF logo appearance
After you or the CPU selects an opponent, a screen with Jerry "The King" Lawler and Vince McMahon sitting down at the announcers table will appear. On Jerry's monitor is the new WWF logo, even though the new logo was made a couple of years later.

On the turnbuckles, the new WWF Attitude logo is seen. This game was made in 1994, and the Attitude logo did not arrive until 1998.

Early X-Pac
Select 1-2-3 Kid and you will be an early version of the WWF's own X-Pac.

Opponent taps out
Play as Bret or Owen Hart in a one-on-one match and beat up your opponent until they have no energy left. Then use their finisher The Sharpshooter. The ref will continuously wave his arms, which tells you the wrestler is tapping out. Try again if it does not work the first time.

Edit wrestler
Highlight a wrestler at the character selection screen. Enter one of the following controller actions to alter the corresponding wrestler's statistics:

Lex Luger Press Down/Right + Start
YokozunaPress Up + A + Y
Luna Vachon Press Up/Right + A
Owen Hart Press Up + A + Y + Start
Doink Press Left + A + Y + Start
Bret Hart Press Down/Left + Start
B.B. Bigelow Press A + Y + Start
Undertaker Press Right + Y + Start
Shawn Michaels Press Down/Left + A + Y
Razor RamonPress Left + A + Y
Diesel Press Down + A + Y + Start
1-2-3 KidPress Up/Left + A + Start
Knock referee down with mega moves
Use the following mega moves to knock down the referee. Note: This referee seems to be modeled after Tim White.
Owen Hart: Use a Tornado Spin and the referee will stay down longer.
Undertaker: Use the Magic Clothesline to run into him and the referee will stay down longer.
Lex Luger: Catch the referee in a Running Forearm maneuver and he will stay down permanently.
Yokozuna: Use a Cannonball Splash off the top rope and the referee will fall but get right back up.
2 on 1 match with the nWo
Choose a Bedlam match, set it on level 10, and press the [Start] button after you choose your wrestler. Then, pick Razor Ramon and Diesel as your opponents. Razor Ramon is the modern Scott Hall and Diesel is the modern Kevin Nash, whom together became part of the New World Order. The New World Order in this game is as dirty as the modern one.

Glitch: 1-2-3 Kid ghost
Note: This trick works in Bedlam mode or Tag mode (if referee is unconscious). One player must be 123Kid or another wrestler that can do his mega move. When playing as 123Kid, knock your opponent down, and do the mega move while the other player punches. When playing as another wrestler, trap an opponent in a corner, punch to 9, get down, back up, and keep punching. 123Kid will get stuck in mid-air, and become a ghost.

Glitch: Stuck referee
You can make the referee quit in any mode except for survivor series, tournament, or a raw endurance match. Knock down the referee several times. He will throw his arms and exit the right side of the ring . If you leave him alone, he will leave the arena and the match will become a brawl. Instead, head him off at the guardrail and punch him until he shakes his head. He will then walk back to the ring but it will appear that his pants will be caught on the steps, preventing him from re-entering the ring. If you and your opponent(s) enter, then exit the ring, he will begin a count. If you are counted out, you will lose. If your opponent is counted out and you are in the ring, the game will freeze. If you are Bret Hart or Owen Hart and you use the Sharpshooter inside the ring, the referee will wave his arms to stop the match. If you pin your opponent inside the ring, the referee will not count. If your opponent pins you, your wrestler will be stuck and you will have to quit the match by pressing [Start], [Select]. Note: You can not pin outside the ring. You can still inflict physical pain on the referee.

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