World Heroes 2 Cheats - SNES

 All cheats for this game by platform: SNES
Check out these World Heroes 2 cheats and stay cool!
Downloadable World Heroes 2 Cheats
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Nov. 29, 2006
Primary Collection of Cheats
Fight as Bosses
Press [Select], [A], [Up], [R], [Up], [Select] at the title screen. A ringing sound will confirm correct code entry. Hold [Select] + [R] when entering the character selection screen to fight as Neo Geeguse. Hold [Select] + [L] when entering the character selection screen to fight as Dio.
See all endings
Complete the game without losing with anybody on the number 4 hard difficulty setting, no time, and normal energy bar. Then, go to versus battle mode and choose the character whose ending you wish to see. Then have player two select anyone. When the battle starts, defeat player two in both rounds. After it shows both players' winning stats, the game will display the ending for the player that won. Do not allow the game to idle too long after your win or it will enter demo mode and you will have start the trick again. To see another fighter's ending, keep selecting the player whose ending you want to see in versus battle mode until you have viewed all the endings.

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