The Ignition Factor Cheats - SNES

 All cheats for this game by platform: SNES
Check out these The Ignition Factor cheats and stay cool!
Primary Collection of Cheats
Bonus mission
Score over 4500 points in Missions 1 through 8.

Level skip
Level 2
Hold [R] on controller two and press [Start] on controller one at the title screen. McGlone Mine, Dino Park or Whitney Appliances may now be selected.

Level 3
Hold [L] on controller two and press [Start] on controller one at the title screen. Gemini Towers, Shylock Center, or Paris Mine may now be selected.

Bonus mission
Hold [L] + [R] on controller two and press [Start] on controller one at the title screen. This mission is based on the Deutschland Moldavia HQ level from the SNES game, The Peacekeepers.
<CENTER>2</CENTER>SSKD 0008 280G 84L2
<CENTER>2-2</CENTER>SSK8 8038 LP88 5002
<CENTER>Bonus</CENTER>XV10 P0!4 LND9 Z403

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