Tomb Raider Cheats - Sega Saturn

 All cheats for this game by platform: GameBoy Color | Nokia N-Gage | PC | PlayStation | Sega Saturn
Check out these Tomb Raider cheats and stay cool!
Primary Collection of Cheats
Level skip (NTSC version)
Pause the game and enter the passport screen. Go to the "Exit To Title" page and press [Z], [Y], [Z], [Y], [X]x3, [Start]. Lara will make a sound to confirm correct code entry. Press [A] to skip to the next level.

Weapons (NTSC version)
Press [X], [Y], [X], [Y], [Z]x4, [Y], [Z], [Y], [X]x3, [Start] at the inventory screen. Lara will make a sound to confirm correct code entry. Then, enable the "Level skip" code and use it to advance to the end of the game. Then, begin a new game and activate the "Weapons" code, followed by the "Level skip" code again. All weapons in the game will appear in Lara's inventory.

Unlimited ammunition
Enable the "Level skip" code, then press [X] + [Up].
Karate pose
Stand directly in front of the fireplace in the gym, then press [A] + [Up] + [B]. Release [B] mid-jump and Lara will make a kind of karate pose.

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