Street Fighter Alpha Cheats - Sega Saturn

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Downloadable Street Fighter Alpha Cheats
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Nov. 29, 2006
Nov. 29, 2006
Primary Collection of Cheats
Fight as Akuma
Hold [L] + [R], highlight the "?" box, and press [Away]x3, [Down]x3, [X] + [Y]. For an alternate costume, replace the second button sequence with [Away]x3, [Down]x3, [A] + [B]. Beat the game in order to save the character to memory. After this point, the character may be selected by highlighting the "?" box, and pressing [Down] until to scroll through the choices.

Fight against Akuma
Select a character, then hold [L] + [R] + [B] until Akuma appears and does his raging demon combo on your next opponent.

Fight as M. Bison
Hold [L] + [R], highlight the "?" box, and quickly press [Away]x2, [Down]x2, [Away], [Down]x2, [X] + [Y]. For an alternate costume, replace the second button sequence with [Away]x2, [Down]x2, [Away], [Down]x2, [A] + [B]. Beat the game in order to save the character to memory. After this point, the character may be selected by highlighting the "?" box, and pressing [Down] until to scroll through the choices.

Fight as Dan
Hold [L] + [R], highlight the "?" box, and quickly press [Y], [X], [A], [B], [Y]. For an alternate costume, replace the second button sequence with [Y], [B], [A], [X], [Y]. Beat the game in order to save the character to memory. After this point, the character may be selected by highlighting the "?" box, and pressing [Down] until to scroll through the choices.

Fight against Dan
Win every fight during game play. At the end of every round that is won, hold [X] + [Y] + [Z] + [Up], [Down], [Left] or [Right]. Press the D-Pad in the same direction each time this sequence is entered. The phrase "A new fighter has entered the tournament" will appear at the start of the sixth fight. Your character will now be allowed to fight Dan. Dan may also be fought by holding [L] + [R] + [Up] after winning the fifth, sixth, or seventh match.

Fight in Dramatic Battle
Dramatic Battle is a mode in which player one as Ryu and player two as Ken work as a team against M. Bison. Perform the following actions in the character selection screen. Hold [L], press [Up]x2, release [L], and press [Up]x2 on both controllers. Press [Jab] on controller one [Fierce] on controller two. This sequence does not need to be done simultaneously. To continue playing the Dramatic Battle without repeating the code, press [X] on controller one and [Z] on controller two.

Team Battle mode
Enter the Dramatic Battle code and defeat M. Bison on an upper difficulty level (at least 8) Choose the training mode option on the main menu to enable team battle mode.

Various winning quotes
Immediately hold [X] + [Y] + [Z] and press [Up], [Down], [Left], or [Right] after winning a match.

Original blue super shadows
Set the music to original in the options menu.

Keeping characters in a saved game file
M. Bison: Fight M. Bison and beat him on level 8, with as many continues as needed.

Dan: Enter the Fight against Dan code on level 6 or higher, then beat the game with as many continues as needed.

Akuma: Find and beat Akuma without using the code. This may be done by playing at level 5 or higher, using a Super Finish in 10 or more rounds, winning almost all rounds, using the original colors on the left side ([Punch] to select) and using the original colors on the right side ([Kick] to select).

Note: After saving the secret characters, they may be accessed in future matches by highlighting the "?" box and pressing [Down] until the desired character appears.
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