Street Fighter Alpha Cheats - PlayStation

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Check out these Street Fighter Alpha cheats and stay cool!
Downloadable Street Fighter Alpha Cheats
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Nov. 29, 2006
Nov. 29, 2006
Primary Collection of Cheats
Fight as Akuma (Gouki)
Highlight the "?" box in the character select screen and hold [L2]. Quickly press [Left]x3, [Down]x3, [Square] + [Triangle]. Akuma in a black costume can be played. To play Akuma in a maroon costume, substitute the last step of the code with [X] + [Circle]. For player two to play Akuma, substitute [Right] for [Left] in the code.

Fighting against Akuma (Gouki)
Choose any character at the character select screen and immediately hold [R1] + [R2] + [X]. Hold the buttons until Akuma performs his "Bison Killer" move into your next opponent.

Fight as Dan
Highlight the "?" box in the character select screen and hold [L2]. Quickly press [Square], [X], [Circle]. Dan in a pink costume can be played. To play Dan in a green costume, substitute the last step of the code with [Circle], [X], [Square]. Dan may be saved on the memory card.

Fighting against Dan
Fight in arcade mode until the fifth fight has been won. Then, quickly hold [Up] + [L2] + [R2] until the next "VS" screen appears. The phrase "A new challenger has entered" will appear to confirm correct code entry. Dan will be the next opponent.

Fight as M. Bison (Vega)
Highlight the "?" box in the character select screen and hold [L2]. Quickly press [Left]x2, [Down]x2, [Left], [Down]x2, [Square] + [Triangle]. M. Bison in a red costume can be played. To play M. Bison in a gray costume, substitute the last step of the code with [X] + [Circle]. For player two to play M. Bison, substitute [Right] for [Left] in the code.

Fight against M. Bison (Vega)
Note: Two players must enter this code. Quickly hold [Start], press [Up]x2, then release [Start] on both controllers. Press [Up]x2 on both controllers. Press "Jab" on controller one and "Fierce" on controller two simultaneously.

Saving secret characters
To save M. Bison (Vega) in memory, beat the game with an eight star difficulty without changing characters, using someone whose end boss is Bison. To save Akuma (Gouki), beat him after going through the ten super combo finishes method with a difficulty level of five or more stars. To save Dan, beat him on the game with a difficulty of six or more stars. Save the game after achieving any of the previous tasks to place the character in memory. Then, press [Down] at the "?" box on the character select screen to view the secret characters.

Dramatic battle
Player one as Ryu and player two as Ken can work as a team versus M. Bison. Beat the game on any difficulty setting with more than four stars. Continues can be used, but characters can not be changed.

Game reset
Press [Circle] + [Square] + [X] + [Triangle] + [Start] + [Select] + [L1] + [L2] + [R1] + [R2] at any screen after the game loads.

Choose winning text
After a fight is won, enter the follow codes for different winning text: [Down] + [Circle] + [X], or [Down] + [Triangle] + [Circle], or [Down] + [Square] + [X].

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