Quake Cheats - Sega Saturn

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Downloadable Quake Cheats
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Nov. 29, 2006
Nov. 29, 2006
Nov. 29, 2006
Nov. 29, 2006
Primary Collection of Cheats
Weapon power-up
Pause game play, highlight the "Auto Targeting" option, and quickly press [R]x2, [L], [R], [X], [Y], [Z], [X], [Y], [Z]. A confirmation message will appear behind the option menu selections. One of your weapons will become powered-up for the corresponding level being played.

All weapons, full ammunition
Pause game play, highlight the "Customize Controls" option, and quickly press [R], [X], [L], [Z], [L], [R], [Y], [L], [R], [Y]. A confirmation message will appear behind the option menu selections.

Full health
Pause game play, highlight the "Customize Controls" option, and quickly press [R], [Y], [L], [Y], [X], [Y], [Z], [X], [Y], [Z]. A confirmation message will appear behind the option menu selections.

Zero-G mode
Pause game play, highlight the "Lookspring" option, and quickly press [R]x2, [L], [R], [X], [Y], [Z], [X], [Y], [Z]. A confirmation message will appear behind the option menu selections.

Normal difficulty setting
Pause game play, highlight the "Music Volume" control on the options menu, and quickly press [R]x2, [L], [R], [X], [Y], [Z], [X], [Y], [Z]. A confirmation message will appear behind the option menu selections.

Easy difficulty setting
Pause game play, highlight the "Music Volume" control on the options menu, and quickly press [R], [L], [X], [Y], [Z], [R], [L], [X], [Y], [Z]. A confirmation message will appear behind the option menu selections.

Hard difficulty setting
Pause game play, highlight the "Music Volume" control on the options menu, and quickly press [R], [X], [L], [Z], [L], [R], [Y], [L], [R], [Y]. A confirmation message will appear behind the option menu selections.

Pause game play, highlight the "Customize Controls" option, and quickly press [R], [L], [X], [Y], [Z], [R], [L], [X], [Y], [Z]. A confirmation message will appear behind the option menu selections.

All Runes
Stand in the area in "The House of Cthon" where the first Rune was located. Pause game play, highlight the "Customize Controls" option, and quickly press [R], [Z], [L], [X], [Y], [L], [R], [Y], [L], [R]. A confirmation message will appear behind the option menu selections.

View map
Pause game play, highlight the "Customize Controls" option, and quickly press [L], [R], [L], [R], [Z], [Y], [X]x2, [Y], [Z]. A confirmation message will appear behind the option menu selections.

Level select
Enable the "All Runes" code. Pause game play, highlight the "Reset To Default" option, and quickly press [R]x2, [L], [R], [X], [Y], [Z], [X], [Y], [Z]. A confirmation message will appear behind the option menu selections.

Restart level
Pause game play, highlight the "Reset To Default" option, and quickly press [R], [L], [X], [Y], [Z], [R], [L], [X], [Y], [Z]. A confirmation message will appear behind the option menu selections.

View credits
Stand on the right half of the bridge under the round stained glass window in the "Castle of the Damned" level. Pause game play, highlight the "Stereo" option, and quickly press [R]x2, [L], [R], [X], [Y], [Z], [X], [Y], [Z]. A confirmation message will appear behind the option menu selections.

View bonus credits
Stand in the hidden underwater cave with the Megahealth and Nails in the "Gloom Keep" level. Pause game play, highlight the "Stereo" option, and quickly press [R], [L], [X], [Y], [Z], [R], [L], [X], [Y], [Z]. A confirmation message will appear behind the option menu selections.

Quake wrestling
Stand at the second Quad Damage (on the hidden ledge that is reached by jumping into the overhead light) in "The Sewage System" level. Pause game play, highlight the "Stereo" option, and quickly press [R], [X], [L], [Z], [L], [R], [Y], [L], [R], [Y]. A confirmation message will appear behind the option menu selections. Alternatively, enter this code after standing in the suspended cage located approximately half way through the "The Tower of Despair" level.

Pause game play, highlight the "Stereo" option, and quickly press [R], [Z], [L], [X], [Y], [L], [R], [Y], [L], [R]. A confirmation message will appear behind the option menu selections.

View graphics as episode loads
Pause game play, highlight the "Stereo" option, and quickly press [Y], [Z], [X], [Z], [Y], [L], [R], [Y], [L], [R]. A confirmation message will appear behind the option menu selections.

Use monster missile weapons
Pause game play, highlight the "Autotarget" option, and quickly press [R]x2, [L], [R], [X], [Y], [Z], [X], [Y], [Z]. A confirmation message will appear behind the option menu selections. Note: This code may only be enabled on levels that contain monsters.

Nails leave traces
Pause game play, highlight the "Autotarget" option, and quickly press [R], [L], [X], [Y], [Z], [R], [L], [X], [Y], [Z]. A confirmation message will appear behind the option menu selections.

Rockets explodes into five grenades
Pause game play, highlight the "Autotarget" option, and quickly press [R], [X], [L], [Z], [L], [R], [Y], [L], [R], [Y]. A confirmation message will appear behind the option menu selections.

Programmer love declaration
Pause game play, highlight the "Autotarget" option, and quickly press [Z]x2, [Y]x2, [X]x3, [Y], [Z]x2. A confirmation message will appear behind the option menu selections.

Jevons control mode
Note: This code requires an analog controller. Pause game play, highlight the "Customize Controls" option and quickly press [R]x2, [L], [R], [X], [Y], [Z], [X], [Y], [Z] . Note: For the PAL version of the game, press [R], [L], [X], [Y], [Z], [R], [L], [X], [Y], [Z]. A confirmation message will appear behind the option menu selections. The new controller functions are:
[Analog-pad]: View direction
[A]: Action
[X]: Item
[B]: Move back
[Z]: Move forward
[Y]: Slide left
[C]: Slide right
[L]: Weapon
[R]: Jump
[Up] or [Down]: Item select
[Left] or [Right]: Weapon select
Nightmare difficulty level
Select any difficulty level and begin game play in episode four. Dive into the pool of water and swim underwater to locate a niche in the wall. Drop down and land on the beam suspended above the floor. Follow the beam as it branches to the left to find a dark doorway. Jump through the door and follow the corridor to locate the entrance to Nightmare level.

Lobotomy outhouse sounds
Allow the game to idle until the Lobotomy outhouse sequence appears. Hold [L] + [R] and press any other button to hear bathroom sounds while the outhouse light is on.

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