Panzer Dragoon Cheats - Sega Saturn

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Check out these Panzer Dragoon cheats and stay cool!
Downloadable Panzer Dragoon Cheats
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Nov. 29, 2006
Primary Collection of Cheats
Space Harrier mode
With no CD in the Saturn, access the data memory menu and choose Deutsch (German) as the language. Load the game disc and press [Up], [X], [Right], [X], [Down], [X], [Left], [X], [Up], [Y], [Z] at the title screen. The sound of the dragon being hit will confirm correct code entry.

Rolling mode
Press [Start] at the title screen. Sweep the D-Pad in three clockwise full-circles when the screen with normal game and options appears. A sound and the phrase "Rolling Mode" will appear to confirm correct code entry. Tap the D-Pad twice to perform a roll during game play. To activate a smart bomb, begin a roll and hold any button to highlight all enemy targets on the radar. Release the button to destroy the targets.

Restart episode
Press [L] + [R] + [A] + [B] + [C]. The dragon will dive to the ground and the episode will restart.

Wizard mode
Press [Start] at the title screen. Press [L], [R], [L], [R], [Up], [Down], [Up], [Down], [Left], [Right] when the screen with normal game and options appears. The phrase "Wizard Mode" will appear to confirm correct code entry. Game play will be very fast when this mode is enabled.

Invincible mode
Press [Start] on the title screen. Press [L]x2, [R]x2, [Up], [Down], [Left], [Right] when the screen with normal game and options appears. The sound of the dragon being hit and the phrase "Invincible Mode" will appear to confirm correct code entry. Note: The good ending will not occur in this mode.

Press [Up], [X], [Right], [Y], [Down], [Z], [Left], [Y], [Up], [X] at the easy game options screen. The Sega logo will turn into a polygon woman. This normally occurs after the game is completed without dying. Go to the Episodes screen and hold [B] for red lasers, [C] for missiles, [Y] for rapid fire, or [Z] for a wide shot weapon.

Dragon-only mode
Enable the "Power-ups" code, followed by [Left]x2, [Right]x2, [Up], [Down], [Up], [Down], [L], [R]. The sound of the dragon being hit will confirm correct code entry. Only the lock-on weapons will be available with this code.

Play Episode 0
Press [Up]x3, [Down]x3, [Left], [Right], [Left], [Right], [Left], [Right], [L], [R] at the title screen. The "Invincible mode" code can also be enabled with this code.

Episode select
Press [Start] on the title screen. Press [Up]x2, [Down]x2, [Left], [Right], [Left], [Right], [X], [Y], [Z] when the screen with normal game and options appears.

View normal ending sequence
Press [Up]x2, [Down], [Up], [Right]x2, [Left], [Right], [Down]x2, [Up], [Down], [Left]x2, [Right], [Left] at the main menu,

View hard difficulty ending sequence
Press [Up]x2, [Down], [Up], [Left]x2, [Right], [Left], [Down]x2, [Up], [Down], [Right]x2, [Left], [Right] at the main menu.

Unlimited continues
Press [Start] on the title screen. Press [Up], [X], [Right], [Y], [Down], [Z], [Left], [Y], [Up], [X] when the screen with normal game and options appears.

Red Sega polygon man
Press [Start] on the title screen. Press [Up], [X], [Right], [Y], [Down], [Z], [Left], [Y], [Up], [X] when the screen with normal game and options appears. The sound of the dragon being hit will confirm correct code entry. After finishing the last continue, the polygon Sega figure will be red instead of blue.

Control Sega polygon man
When the polygon figure appears in demo mode, hold [X] + [Y] + [Z] and press [Start] on controller two. Use the following actions on controller two to control the screen:
[Right] or [Left]: Rotate screen
[A] + [Left] or [Right]: Rotate image
[Up] or [Down]: Zoom in and out
[A] + [Up] or [Down]: Tilt forward and backward
[X] or [Y]: Adjust shading
[A] + [B] + [C]: Reset view
Press [Start] on controller one to resume game play.

Remove paused game text
Pause game play and press [X] + [Y] + [Z].

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