Guardian Heroes Cheats - Sega Saturn

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Nov. 29, 2006
Nov. 29, 2006
Nov. 29, 2006
Primary Collection of Cheats
Debug code (Japanese version)
Enter the options menu and press [A] + [Y] + [C]. Enter the set up screen, which is the first item on the options menu. A new debug option is now at the end of the set up screen list.

Debug code (North American version)
Hold [X] + [B] + [Z] + [Down] in the options screen. Each option will begin cycling. Press [C] when the "Exit" option is highlighted. Enter the DIP switch screen and select the debug option.

Debug mode options
In story mode: <UL> <LI>Start at level 200 <LI>Stage select <LI>Maximum or zero life (Pause the game and hold [X] + [Y] + [Z]. Press [Up] for maximum life or [Down] for zero life.) <LI>Move to different battle scenes: <UL> <LI>Press [R] + [Start] to skip forward one scene. <LI>Press [R] + [A] + [Start] to skip forward two scenes. <LI>Press [R] + [B] + [Start] to skip forward three scenes. <LI>Press [R] + [C] + [Start] to skip forward four scenes. <LI>Press [L] + [R] + [Start] to move back one scene. <LI>Press [L] + [R] + [A] + [Start] to move back two scenes. <LI>Press [L] + [R] + [B] + [Start] to move back three scenes. <LI>Press [L] + [R] + [C] + [Start] to move back four scenes. </UL> </UL> Additional debug options include: <UL> <LI>Play all 45 characters in Vs. battle mode. <LI>Maximize your character's power. <LI>Choose which stage to begin in story mode. <LI>Watch the different endings by selecting the test mode selection from the options menu. <LI>Enable the "Enemy Level Disp." selection from the options menu to view the experience levels of all enemies in story mode. <LI>Enable the "Next Exp. Disp." selection from the options menu to view how many experience points are needed to reach the next level. <LI>Enable the Debug code and the "Next Exp. Disp." selection from the options menu to view the current amount of karma points in story mode. </UL> Collision boxes
Enter the Debug code, and pause the game. Press [L] + [Y] + [R] and resume game play. Collision boxes will appear around your character. Repeat the code again for 3D collision boxes. Repeating the code again will return to normal mode.
Blue box = normal
Green box = defending
Red box = attacking.
Blue + Blue = No movement
Blue + Green = No movement
Green + Green = No movement
Blue + Red = Damage to Blue
Red + Green = Green defends with the Red
Red + Red = Weapon clash
Quick text
Press [R] to skip to the end of the text displays.

Ninety-nine continues
Begin a game on easy difficulty, then press [Reset]. Return to the Options menu and select any difficulty level to begin another game with 99 continues.

Instant experience
Enable the 99 Continues code, then press [Reset] during game play. The Experience menu will appear at the cost of one continue.
Hidden arena
The arena is accessible in stages 3, 5, and 12 in story mode. Kill all the enemies on those stages (including the hidden plants and dysfunctional robot on stage 3). Then, move to the back of the screen (the third row) and stand in front of the wooden sign. Your character will be transported to the arena where multiple battles can be fought for experience.

Keep the Firesword
Enable the "Debug" code. Start the game and pick Han, then play until you encounter the first robot. Hold [R] and press [Start] to skip to the next scene. Your character will have the Firesword and the undead hero will be with you.

Mystic Roper
On the tenth level, Town of Traitors, defeat all enemies until you reach the end of the level. After the last enemy falls, set the Undead Hero to go Berzerk (the last command on the menu). He will then begin to run back towards the beginning of the level. Follow him until he reaches a white roper (Mystic Roper), which you can attack and kill.

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