Black Dawn Cheats - Sega Saturn

 All cheats for this game by platform: PlayStation | Sega Saturn
Check out these Black Dawn cheats and stay cool!
Primary Collection of Cheats
Level skip
Hold [C] + [B] + [A] + [Up] + [L] (in order) when the phrase "Press Start" appears at the opening screen. Release the buttons in the following order: [A], [C], [L], [Up]. The phrase "Blackhole engaged" will be spoken to confirm correct code entry. Hold [A] + [C] + [Up] + [L] during game play to jump to the next level.

Summon wingman
Press [Start] to pause game play. Then, press [Z]x3, [C], [X]x3, [B].

Full fuel and ammunition
Press [Start] to pause game play. Then, press [Z]x3, [C], [Y]x3, [B].

Full weapons
Press [Start] to pause game play. Then, press [Z]x3, [C], [L], [Z], [R], [C].

Power-up gun
Press [Start] to pause game play. Then, press [Z]x3, [C], [Z]x3.

Power-up special weapon
Press [Start] to pause game play. Then, press [Z]x3, [C], [L]x2, [R]x2.

Mission skip
Press [Start] to pause game play. Then, press [Z]x3, [C], [Y]x3, [Down]x3.

Debug coordinates
Press [Start] to pause game play. Then, press [Z]x3, [C]x3, [Z]x2.

Two player vs. mode
Press [Z] + [C] at the main menu. A new "Two Player Vs." option will appear. Select that option to play a Combat mini-game with helicopters. Note: A programming bug in the mini-game forces both helicopters to be controlled by controller one.

Urban Shield1018
Black Out1006
Ice Storm1213
Desert Fury0203
Tiger Trap0917
Crack Down0354

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