WWF Wrestlemania Cheats - PlayStation

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Check out these WWF Wrestlemania cheats and stay cool!
Downloadable WWF Wrestlemania Cheats
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Nov. 29, 2006
Primary Collection of Cheats
Unlimited combos
Hold [L1] + [R2], then press [Square], [X], [Circle], [Triangle] at character select screen. The word "Combo" will appear under your player to confirm correct code entry. The combo meter will automatically be refilled.

Hyper mode
Hold [L1] + [R2], then press [Up], [Down], [Up], [Down], [Square], [Triangle], [Right], [Left] at character select screen.

Random select
Hold [Up] and press [Start] at the character select screen.

Easy CPU opponent
Pause the game and press [X], [Triangle], [R2], [Triangle], [X].

Reset cheats
Pause the game and press [Square], [Circle], [Triangle], [X].

No human damage
Pause the game and press [X], [Triangle], [R2], [Up].

Stronger hits
Pause the game and press [X], [Triangle], [L2], [Down].

Weaken opponent
Pause the game and press [X], [Triangle], [L2], [Right].

Stop timer
Pause the game and press [X], [Triangle], [R2], [Left].

Pause the game and press [X], [Triangle], [R2], [Up].

Two times less powerful hits
Pause the game and press [X], [Triangle], [L2], [Right].

Disable all enabled cheat codes
Pause the game and press [Square], [Circle], [Triangle], [X].
Flying objects
Normally, sweat will appear when a wrestler is hit by a move. However, objects may appear from time to time. You can use any move that does not use projectiles to make the following objects appear from the indicated wrestlers:
Razor Ramon: Razors and gold chain necklaces
Lex Luger: Dumbells and American-striped stars
Undertaker: Bones, skulls, and bats
Yokozuna: Hams and fish
Bam Bam Bigelow: Fireballs
Bret Hart and Shawn Michaels: Hearts
Doink: Bowling pins and colored balls

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