Wipeout 3 Cheats - PlayStation

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Check out these Wipeout 3 cheats and stay cool!
Downloadable Wipeout 3 Cheats
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Nov. 29, 2006
Nov. 29, 2006
Nov. 29, 2006
Primary Collection of Cheats
Link-up mode for four players
Load the game on two linked PlayStations. Select "Options", then "Game Setup", then "Default Names", and "Default Name Player One". Change the default name on both PlayStations to "LINK". The screen will flash to confirm correct code entry. Choose the new "Establish Link" selection on the options screen on both PlayStations. Note: The first PlayStation to enable this option will be set as the master, and the other PlayStation will be designated the slave. Select the number of players (up to two per PlayStation), then choose a single race or eliminator mode (on the master PlayStation). If a single race was selected, choose a class and track. Select a vehicle to start the race.

All teams
Enter "AVINIT" as a default name.

All circuits
Enter "WIZZPIG" as a default name.

Four prototype tracks
Enter "CANER W" as a default name. Alternately, successfully complete all tracks with all teams in single race mode. Then, select the new "Prototypes" option on the main menu.

All challenges
Enter "THEHAIR" as a default name.

Phantom class
Enter "JAZZNAZ" as a default name.

Unlock tournaments
Enter "BUNTY" as a default name.

Unlimited shields and thrust
Enter "GEORDIE" as a default name.

Unlimited hyperthrust
Enter "MOONFACE" as a default name.

Hitting side of track slows down vehicle
Enter "NOWHEELS" as a default name.

Change blue turbo triangles to white
Enter "BEBEDEE" as a default name.

Unlimited random weapons
Enter "DEPUTY" as a default name.

Hear soundtrack
Play tracks two and higher on an audio CD player to hear the game's soundtrack.
Easy link mode
Hold [Start] at the main menu and enter the options screen. The "Establish Link" option will appear.

Overide auto-pilot
Press [Left] or [Right] at a junction to override the auto-pilot if it is active.

Longer auto-pilot
Keep pressing [Circle] when the auto-pilot is disengaging in single race mode.

Quick start
Note: This trick requires a Dual Shock controller. Hold your acceleration at the start of the race until the controller just begins to vibrate. Keep your thrust at that point until the race begins.

Avoid wall damage
Switch to the auto-pilot any time before hitting the wall. If done in time, there will be no effect from the collision.

Scrape along walls to get a slight boost.

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