Twisted Metal Cheats - PlayStation

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Check out these Twisted Metal cheats and stay cool!
Downloadable Twisted Metal Cheats
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Nov. 29, 2006
Primary Collection of Cheats
Helicopter view
Enter [Circle], [Circle], [Triangle], [X], "_" as a level password, where "_" represents a space. This view only works on Arena, Rooftop and Arena 2. After entering those levels, press [Down] + [Start] until the helicopter view appears.

Unlimited ammunition
Enter [Triangle], "_", [Square], [Circle], [Circle] as a level password, where "_" represents a space.

Enter [Square], [Triangle], [X], "Space", [Circle] as a level password.

Unlimited turbos
Enter [Triangle], [X], [Triangle], [Triangle], [Circle] as a level password. The turbo will start at 20, resets at 29, returns to 20, and repeatedly resets again to 29.

Fight for your life
Enter [Square], [Triangle], [Circle], [Square], [Square] as a level password. This is the Arena 2 level with five opponent cars.

Alternate Minion battle
Enter [Square], [Triangle], [X], [Circle], [X] as a password.

Glitch screen
Enter [Triangle], [X], [Triangle], [Triangle], [Circle] as a password. A screen of text will appear for several seconds before the game resumes.

List opponents
During game play in a one player game, press [Start] + [X] to display a list of remaining vehicles.

During game play in a one player game, press [Start] + [Right].

Hold [Start] and press [Left] during game play.

Hidden hotel
Find the glass pyramid in the Rooftop stage and destroy it. You will drop down and drive around a hotel with many rooms and areas.

Escape when frozen
Press "Turbo" to escape if your character becomes frozen.

Play track two and above of the game disc in an audio CD player to hear music from the game.

Custom game music
Press [Start] during game play. Replace the game disc with an audio CD of your choice. Wait for the PlayStation to load the CD. Resume game play to hear the music from the CD. Note that this will randomly select a song and the game disc must be replaced before changing levels.

View game ending without playing
Place the game disc in a PC CD-ROM drive and open up the folders. Open the *.txt files that you find to see the endings for each character, in addition to the history, and credits.
Calypso portrait
Towards the end of the credits, "Calypso Photographer Craig Incardone" will appear. The Calypso portrait seen in the background is actually a photograph.

Deathmatch or tournament modes
Shoot at only one car at a time until it is defeated. The other CPU cars will leave you alone and go after only the one car being attacked. You must quickly choose a new target the first has been destroyed or all the cars will resume the free for all type behavior. This works well when playing with four players.

Glitch: Drive outside level
At the last level, go through the tunnel after you destroy the glass pyramid. Use your land mines and place each of them in a row starting from the top of the ramp. Then, go to the bottom of it and face the mines. Hit your turbos and run over the mines. Your speedometer should reach 1000 mph. You will land outside of the city and can drive around wherever you want. Do not to return to the roads or your car will explode.
Warehouse District Warfare[Circle], [Triangle], [Square], [Circle], [Circle]
Freeway Free For All[X], [Square], [Square], [Circle], [Triangle]
River Park Rumble[X], [Triangle], [Square], [Circle], [Square]
Cyburbia[X], [Square], [Triangle], [Triangle], [Triangle]
Rooftop Combat[Square], [Triangle], [X], [Circle], [X]
Final Battle[Triangle], [X], O, [Square], [Triangle]
CharacterLicense PlateMeaning
Sweet ToothISKREEMIce Cream
WarthogUESUVAU. S. of A.
DarksideSTNSPWNSatan(s) Spawn
HammerheadKILRGRNKiller Green
Yellow Jacket DRTOLMNDirty Old Man
Road KillTYMTRPRTime Trooper
SpecterDHEDGIEDead Guy
Mr GrimmSOLTAKRSoul Taker
Crimson FuryTRSTNOITrust No One
Pit ViperGN4HYRGun for Hire
ThumperDRYVBYDrive By

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