Tobal No. 1 Cheats - PlayStation

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Check out these Tobal No. 1 cheats and stay cool!
Downloadable Tobal No. 1 Cheats
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Nov. 29, 2006
Nov. 29, 2006
Nov. 29, 2006
Primary Collection of Cheats
Adjust camera view
Hold [L2] + [R2] when the game loads after character selection, until the match begins. During a two player game, both controllers must be used for this code.

Alternate costumes
Hold [Up] during character selection.

Hom suicide
Press [L1], [L2], [R1], [R2], [X], [Down]. Hom will turn himself off. Note: Another version of this code is to press [Down] + [R1] + [L1] during a match.

Activate boss
Finish the following quests for the corresponding boss:

4Tori Robo (Udan's Dungeon)
Character preview
To see a preview of a character fighting any known character on the game (including dungeon enemies), there are two things you must do. First, fight the enemy you would like to see in the demo and have them knock you out. Then, wait at the title screen and the demo will begin. It will feature a random character fighting the enemy that previously killed you, including dungeon enemies.

Moving your character's eyes
You can move a character's eyes during their victory pose by pressing the D-Pad.

Hint- Easier deaths in dungeon
When fighting an enemy, usually a Boss, have them push you off a cliff. You will appear behind them, which gives you a great chance to push them to their death.

In Epons level, you can find graffiti on the wall that says "Get The Malmoran!" (the crystal-Like valuable objects found in the dungeon).

Mokujin vs. Puppet
The enemy known as Puppet found in the quest mode is almost perfectly exactly Identical to the character known as Mokujin in Tekken 3. The only exceptions are that Mokujin is wider, and has only one iron ball fist -- Puppet has two of them.

"Final Fantasy 7 demo: Biggs
"In the retail version of Final Fantasy 7, all you have to do at that time is help Jesse up to continue. In the demo, Biggs is also found laying on the ground behind the staircase near the elevator's location on the floor. If you do not help him up also you cannot continue to escape the Sector.

"Final Fantasy 7 demo: Shinra soldiers
"The Shinra Soldiers in the demo are shown in black rather than blue, the original color, when they go after you once you get off the train.

"Final Fantasy 7 demo: Young Cloud's portrait
"Rather than Cloud's original portrait in the status screen in the retail version of Final Fantasy 7, it is a different one that is seen on a flashback in the game that was showing Cloud's past.

"Final Fantasy 7 demo: Barret's portrait
"Barret's portrait in the status screen is different than in the retail version of the game.

"Final Fantasy 7 demo: Aeris' portrait
"Aeris' portrait in the status screen is different than in the retail version of the game.

"Final Fantasy 7 demo: Boss
"The Boss is originally supposed to be a Scorpion Guard, but in the demo is a Sweeper.

"Final Fantasy 7 demo: Leviathan
"The Summon Leviathan is called Tsunami in the demo.

"Final Fantasy 7 demo: Combatant
"There is an enemy called a Combatant found in the demo, where in the retail version it is called a Grunt.

"Final Fantasy 7 demo: Hedgehog Pies
"Hedgehog Pies are enemies that are not supposed to be found in that area of the game, but the demo makes an exception.

"Final Fantasy 7 demo: Deenglow
"The enemy known as Deenglow found in the demo are not supposed to be found anywhere near that area in the retail version of the game.

"Final Fantasy 7 demo: Shinra Soldiers
"The Shinra Soldiers are shown slouching with the guns clutched to the waist. In the retail version of the game they are in a ready position and have their guns out and in a professional manner.

"Final Fantasy 7 demo: Time Bomb
"The Time Bomb is set for three minutes when in the retail version of the game it is set for 10 minutes.

"Final Fantasy 7 demo: Jesse
"Jesse is usually found next to the ladder before you exit the Sector, but in the demo version she is found up on a ledge, followed down a trail from where you originally find her in the retail version of the game. Remember to help her up, since she and Biggs are the only ones that know how to get out.

"Final Fantasy 7 demo: Mako
"In the retail version of the game the power is called Mako, but in the demo version it is called Makoro.

"Final Fantasy 7 demo: Limit/Special
"The demo calls a limit break a special.

"Final Fantasy 7 demo: Heavy Shot
"Barret's Limit break is called Heavy Shot, when in the retail version it is referred to as Big Shot.

"Final Fantasy 7 demo: Strap
"Cloud is shown with an extra large brown strap going from his back around his shoulder to his waist. The designers wanted to show his scabbard used to carry his massive sword, but it was taken out in the retail version of the game.

Glitch: Blue Molmorian wins text
Go into the dungeon, enter a fight with a Blue Molmorian, and intentionally lose. Wait at the title screen until you see a demo of Blue Molmorian fighting a random character. If Blue Molmorian wins, the game will say "Blue Molmorian Wins" but that sign will be too large to display normally, and will be cut off at the ends to where it appears as "lue Molmorian Win".

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