Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2000 Cheats - PlayStation

 All cheats for this game by platform: GameBoy Color | PC | PlayStation
Check out these Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2000 cheats and stay cool!
Primary Collection of Cheats
Steer bad shots
After hitting a bad shot, hold [Left] or [Right] while the ball is in the air to bring it on or closer to the fairway or green.

Change voices
Hold [Up] or [Down], then press [X], [Square], [Triangle], [Circle], [L1], [L2], [R1], or [R2] to increase or decrease the pitch of the comments made during the game.

Press one of the following buttons in a two player game just before your opponent swings to activate the corresponding distraction.

Crowd cheering[L1]
Tiger Woods laughing[L2]
Tiger Woods says "That was lucky" [R1]
Tiger Woods clearing his throat[R2]
Tiger Woods says "Fore"[Triangle]
Tiger Woods says "Nice Shot"[Square]
Tiger Woods says "No way"[Circle]
Tiger Woods says "No pressure"[X]
Destroy the golf cart
At the driving range, aim your balls at the golf cart that goes back and forth across the screen. The first two times you hit it, the driver will yell amusing surprise comments. Hit it a third time to make it explode.

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