Suikoden 2 Cheats - PlayStation

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Downloadable Suikoden 2 Cheats
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Nov. 29, 2006
Nov. 29, 2006
Nov. 29, 2006
Primary Collection of Cheats
Random name entry
Highlight "Determine" at the name entry screen, then press [L2] + [R2].

Maximum potch
Note: You must have already recruited the armor shop owner to your armies cause for this trick. Once this has been done, go to his shop. This glitch involves some simple calculations, use the following example as a guide to see how it is done. Equip one character with Dragon Armor (23,000 potch), and make sure that at least two other characters have no armor equipped, but can wear Draqon Armor. You should also have 23,000 to 30,000 potch. Talk to the armorer, go to buy, then choose to purchase Dragon Armor. When prompted to place it in the bag or to equip it, choose to equip it on the character already wearing Dragon Armor. When prompted to sell the old armor or put it in the bag, cancel the action. You should still be in buying mode for the armor. Simply purchase the two armorless characters Dragon Armor. The potch meter will reset to somewhere around 999,999.

Alternate saved game icon
Collect the five squirrels from the routes surrounding Greenhill. The saved game icon will now be different. Additionally, the ending sequence will have a new scene.
McDohl appearance
McDohl, the Hero from Suikoden, appears in the game if you have collected all 108 characters from the first Suikoden. Load your previous Suikoden game data when prompted after starting a game. Play through the game until you have gone over to Gregminster and have met their leader. Then, go to Banner Village and talk to Ko, the boy who is dressed similarly to you. After, go over to the east side of Banner where the dock is located. There will be a man, Gremio, blocking your path (if not him, it will be Ellie). Return to Ko, and he will help you get past the man. That should lead to McDohl. McDohl and Viktor, like others, will make their second appearance in the series.

Go to Mitilda early
The first time you can go to the Muse and Mitlida border, you will see two guards blocking the entrance. Simply have the Hero push the gate forward, allowing you to enter the Mitlilda kingdom.

Open Air Bath
Recruit Tetsu in Lakewest. While you are in the Kobold section of Two River City, stop to buy a few Fried Tacos. When you eat these, there is a probability of becoming toasty. Return to Lakewest and make sure there is steam releasing from the Hero's body. Talk to Tetsu and he will provide you his service, and you will have acquired an Open Air Bath. You must first have the Jungle Bath model. Exit and renter the Jungle bath at least twenty times until you have obtained the Open Air Bath.

Before fighting Beast Rune
At the end of the game before you fight the Beast Rune, go to the place of Sworn Reunion between you and Jowy. You will see him one more time. Note: Go prepared to fight.

Defeating Luca
Just before you fight Luca, equip the characters (eighteen to be exact) that you will bring to the battle with two Sacrificial Jizos. (bought at Alex's store at the castle), the best armor (from Hans at the castle), and Runes (from Jeane at the castle) for those who do not have any.

Ted's picture
Go to the capital of the first Suikoden and enter the house where the hero began. Go into the main character's room. You will see a picture of Ted, the main character's best friend.

Glitch: McDohl misspelling
To get McDohl in your party, you do not need all 108 characters from the first game. However, when you get him due to a text parsing error in the game, the first letter in McDohl will be the first letter of his name in the first game (for instance, my character was named Daros, so in the second game, his name is DcDohl). This has nothing to do with the number of characters.

When you load your saved data and see Mcdohl, he will not be called Mcdohl due to a glitch in the name. For example, if you named him Jim the name will appear as Jcdohl. The game will take the capital letters in his name from the first game you uploaded and overwrite the Mcdohl entry. So, if you had JIM, his name would be JIMohl.

To resolve this error with the spelling, have your name in the original Suikoden something that starts with "M", such as Max or Matthew.

If you name McDohl anything you wish in all capital letters, and have it six letters, the name will carry over. If you name the main character in the second game the same name, Gremio will make a reference to how strange it is that both of the main characters have the same name.

Glitch: Door
When you go to the gate that leads to Matilda, just push up on the door to make it slide back. It is exactly the same as with people and boxes. When you go in, you can get to level 30 or higher early in the game -- just as long as you are strong enough to defeat the monsters. Do not recruit the people in the village, because it will glitch the game and require that you fight a very difficult Boss to get them in your group permanently.

An easy way to level up at the Matilda area is kill off every enemy except one. Then, kill off everyone in your group except Humphrey and the character that is leveling up. Try doing this in a group of six Phantoms.

Recruiting Futch and Humphrey using the door trick will not glitch the game. You can even get them as soon as you return to Mercenary's Fortress from Kyaro.

Glitch: Easy level up
As soon as the Hero and Jowy gets their runes, go to Muse-Matilda gate. You can push away the door and enter an area you are not supposed to at this point of the game. Try to get to Highway village without getting into random battles, as you will probably get killed at your current level. At this point, recruiting Futch and Humphrey will not glitch the game -- you can even complete their sub-quest. Get them in your party, use them to reach at least level 35, and buy some good equipment at Matilda's castle. You can then go to Mt. Rakutei to save Kent. The Boss there will be very easy, as Jowy should have very powerful spells for the Black Sword rune, as well as for the Hero and the Bright Shield. Once you have saved the boy, you can use Futch and Humphrey as permanent members.

Glitch: Push people
Use the following trick to get someone out of the way when a path is blocked. Walk up to someone and keep walking. In about three seconds the Hero moves into a pushing form and starts to push. This only works on people that walk around freely. It does not work on people who are standing there, waiting for you to enter the room (when a conversation automatically happens), for example when a battle is about to happen and Shu is waiting for you in the hall.

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