Spider-Man Cheats - PlayStation

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Check out these Spider-Man cheats and stay cool!
Downloadable Spider-Man Cheats
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Nov. 29, 2006
Primary Collection of Cheats
Master code
Select "Specials" at the main menu, then select "Cheats". Enter "EEL_NATS" as a code to unlock all cheats. Note: "_" represents a space.

Level select
Select "Specials" at the main menu, then select "Cheats". Enter "XCLSIOR" as a code to unlock the level select option on the specials menu.

Select "Specials" at the main menu, then select "Cheats". Enter "RUSTCRST" as a code.

Full health
Select "Specials" at the main menu, then select "Cheats". Enter "DCSTUR" as a code.

Unlimited webbing
Select "Specials" at the main menu, then select "Cheats". Enter "STRUDL" as a code.

Debug mode
Select "Specials" at the main menu, then select "Cheats". Enter "LLADNEK" as a code.

Big head mode
Select "Specials" at the main menu, then select "Cheats". Enter "DULUX" as a code.

All comic books
Select "Specials" at the main menu, then select "Cheats". Enter "ALLSIXCC" as a code.

All FMV sequences
Select "Specials" at the main menu, then select "Cheats". Enter "WATCH_EM" as a code. Note: "_" represents a space.

All gallery characters
Select "Specials" at the main menu, then select "Cheats". Enter "CVIEW_EM" as a code. Note: "_" represents a space.

Select "Specials" at the main menu, then select "Cheats". Enter "CGOSSETT" as a code.

What If Contest mode
Select "Specials" at the main menu, then select "Cheats". Enter "GBHSRSPM" as a code. In this mode, the game will be subtlety changed from level 2 onward.

J. James Jewett
Select "Specials" at the main menu, then select "Cheats". Enter "RULUR" as a code to unlock J. James Jewett in the character gallery.

Symbiote Spidey costume
Select "Specials" at the main menu, then select "Cheats". Enter "BLKSPIDR" as a code. This costume allows Spider-Man to have unlimited webbing. Alternately, successfully complete the game under any difficulty setting.

Spidey 2099 costume
Select "Specials" at the main menu, then select "Cheats". Enter "TWNTYNDN" as a code. This costume allows Spider-Man to do double damage. Alternately, collect all comics in the game.

Captain Universe costume
Select "Specials" at the main menu, then select "Cheats". Enter "S_COSMIC" as a code. This costume allows Spider-Man to have double damage, unlimited webbing, and invincibility. Note: "_" represents a space. Alternately, successfully complete the game under the hard difficulty setting.

Spidey Unlimited costume
Select "Specials" at the main menu, then select "Cheats". Enter "PARALLEL" as a code. This costume allows Spider-Man to have stealth mode by pressing [L2]. Alternately, successfully complete the game twice in a row under the same difficulty setting and using the same costume.

Scarlet Spider costume
Select "Specials" at the main menu, then select "Cheats". Enter "LETTER_S" as a code. Note: "_" represents a space. Alternately, defeat Rhino in Level 3-1.

Amazing Bagman costume
Select "Specials" at the main menu, then select "Cheats". Enter "AMZBGMAN" as a code.

Peter Parker costume
Select "Specials" at the main menu, then select "Cheats". Enter "MJS_STUD" as a code. Note: "_" represents a space. This costume only allows two webbring cartridges. Alternately, find Peter Parker in the Kraven room in item hunt mode. You have to collect all the spheres on the top and then go into the pit. Run into a wall that has a "?" on it all in under one minute. Then, find Peter Parker to unlock the costume.

Ben Reilly costume
Select "Specials" at the main menu, then select "Cheats". Enter "BNREILLY" as a code. Alternately, successfully complete level 4-2.

Quick Change Spidey costume
Select "Specials" at the main menu, then select "Cheats". Enter "ALMSTPKR" as a code. Note: This costume only allows two webbring cartridges. Alternately, get more than 10,000 points in Zip-Line training.

Armored Spider-Man
Unlock the Captain Universe costume. Go to the costumes and select it. Collect the Armored Spider-Man icon during game play to appear as Armored Spider-Man during the remainder of the game, including the intermission sequences.

Successfully complete the game in What If mode, and be sure to get him on your screen when fighting Carnage. He just stands on a rock and watches. Unfortunately, Stan Lee provides no commentary for him.

Wire frame view
Highlight a person in the character viewer, then press [L1] + [L2] + [R1] + [R2] to change them into wire frame view. Repeat the code to change them back. .This will also work while the credits is rolling and you see Spider-Man in the background.
difficulty setting
Web-jerk him into the sonic field immediately, and keep webbing him until he dies out. Do this as Symbiote Spider-Man or Captain Universe, as they have unlimited webbing.

When you start out, simply press [Triangle] + [Up] for impact webbing. He is already targeted, so it will hit him plus he will not be able to attack. Do not release the buttons until his meter runs out, which takes awhile. After his meter runs out, you will have to stop the impact webbing attack. He will probably come after you, but a couple of punches should take care of him.

Defeating Rhino
While fighting Rhino, stand by an electrified pillar. When he starts to charge, hide behind the pillar. He will get shocked and Spidey will make a smart comment. Alternately, you can have him charge the barrels, and jump when he is near. This is the best way to get the comic.

Hint Defeating Scorpion
When fighting Scorpion under the hard difficulty setting, fight him as much as possible until JJJ runs into the other room. If you attack Scorpion and quickly run back into the other room, he will not go after Spidey. Use the "Web Ball" attack with Symbiote Spidey or Captain Universe, as they have unlimited webbing.

When you are fighting Scorpion for the first time, just sling him with your web, then punch or kick him one or two times. Then, jump away and you will also throw furniture at him.

Defeating Lizardmen
When you get to the sewer and you see the lizardmen, it only takes this many hits on a close range web ball attack:
Kid mode: 1
Easy: 1
Normal: 2
Hard: 3
To easily defeat the lizards on the subway level, enable the "Unlimited webbing" code or get a costume with unlimited webbing. Make lots of web domes constantly. The lizards will either die or fall of the subway.

Strangle enemy
Continue shooting web strings and eventually your opponent will die.

Dodging missiles
In the missile attack level, the missiles can only hit you if you are on the completely boarded up windows. Avoid them and you will not get hit.

Unlimited fire webbing
Use a costume that has unlimited webbing and collect the fire web icon. You will have unlimited fire webbing for the remainder of that stage.

Dancing Spider-Man
Hold [Triangle] + [Square] or [Triangle] + [Circle] while walking around.

Censored codes
Enter an obscene word as a code. Spider-Man will appear in one of his costumes, punch the code, and another word will appear.

Characters speak out
View the characters in the special mode and press [Square] or [Circle] after Stan Lee finishes talking. Some characters will say something or perform an action.

Comic book locations:

1Bank ApproachOn top of the Fantastic Four Building
2Hostage SituationUnder the chair in the cubicle. The cubicle is located on the second half of the level
3Stop the Bomb!After freeing the hostages, return to the hallway just prior to the first security door
4Race to the BugleWhen the game cuts to the FMV of the two henchmen, you can find the comic on the right side of the big building
5Spidey Vs. ScorpionAfter destroying all of the furniture in the room, the comic will appear in the middle
6Police Chopper ChaseOn the last building, look behind the box on the right-front
7Building Top ChaseInside the Goblin Crane Lair.
8Scale The GirdersOn the left side of the building on the ledge.
9Police EvadedThe building with the skylights that get destroyed has the comic. Shoot the broken glass. It will be located behind the class
10Spidey Vs. RhinoAfter destroying every barrel in the level you can find the comic in the middle of Electric Pylons.
11Catch VenomLocated on the incomplete building
12Catch VenomLocated on the roof of one of the buildings
13Spidey Vs. VenomLift the car and toss it aside. The comic will appear.
14 Sewer Entrance This comic is located inside the first hallway. Walk to the Cavern and then return
15Sewer CavernBehind the waterfalla
16Sewer PlantWalk down the hallway and make your first left, walk to the endm
17Hidden SwitchesPress the fourth switch and return to the third switch
18Tunnel CrawlHit the switch on the first box, the comic will be in the second boxl
19The Lizard's MazeTalk to the lizard, the comic will appear near by
20Symbiotes Infest BugleIn the vent with the Hostageo
21Elevator DescentWalk down the Hallway, it will be at the bottom-left.
22Stop The PressesLift and throw the stack of paper located on the second half of the level
23Bugle's BasementShoot all four leaking pipes. The comic will become revealed when the furnace on the left explodes.
24Spidey Vs. MysterioDestroy all of the target on the first stage, the comic will become visible on the bottom level
25Waterfront WarehouseLook in the alcove
26Waterfront WarehouseAt the end of the level, just prior to opening the vent that leads to the next level, you must locate the hidden room behind the grating. It is the last grating before the end of the level
27Underwater TrenchIn the second machinery room is a hidden switch. Return to the part where all of the gun turrets are (at the beginning of the level) and access the secret door
28Stopping The FogIn the center column, a small room will be located in the bottom portion
29Spidey Vs. Doc OckIt will appear after Doc Ock's shield regenerates the first time. It will only appear for a few seconds, so grab it quickly
30Spidey Vs. CarnageIn the middle of the bubble it will appear and disappear and then appear and then disappear
31Spidey Vs. Monster-OckAt the first bend in the pipe
32Spidey Vs. Monster-OckAbout 3/4 of the way through the level.

Easy enemy kills
Thug: If you have enough web fluid, just web trap him until he is down and he will disappear. You can also just web yank them into a wall, impact web them off a building, or grapple them and punch them until they are gone.

Bank Thug: Same strategy as for Thug.

Police and Swat: Do not bother fighting them, just keep moving.

Police Helicopter: When you see the target, move. The easiest way to get out of the way is to jump towards the nearest building and web swing over. You cannot destroy the helicopters.

Lizard Men: Strategies vary, depending on where you are. If facing multiple men in a tunnel, web yank one to you and finish him off with your fist one at a time. If one is near water, web yank or impact web him into it. If one is on a pipe above a pit, impact web him or yank him in.

Symbiotes: First, destroy the generators. If alone (without fire webbing) jump and hit punch or kick to hit him from above, then hit with a 1, 2, 3 combo and repeat. If near a furnace, knock him into it to set him on fire. If you have fire webbing, impact web him or web trap him until he catches fire. When in the warehouse, pick up a can or box that is labeled flammable and throw it at them. If you are low on energy and on the subway or fighting a large group of symbiotes, constantly create web-domes until they are all gone, or the sub stops.

Any enemy can be grabbed and punched or kicked except the Bosses. Often the grab maneuver followed by a punch or kick will do the job. Most often the punch is more effective because you can perform it as many times as needed to successfully kill the enemy. Note: This tactic does not work as well on the pink Symbiotes. They can sometimes throw you over their back.

Unlock the enhanced strength costumes, then use the web gloves to kill enemies easier: thugs (1), henchmen (1 or 2), lizardmen (1 or 3), and symbiotes (3)
Easy training
Enable the "Invincibility" and "Unlimited webbing" codes, then do a training mission. This is the easiest way to unlock Quick-Change Spidey.

Homing punch/kick
When facing an opponent, jump and press "Punch" or "Kick" buttons while in the air. Spider-Man will fly through the air and hit the opponent.

Level 1.1: What if mode Neversoft reference
The building with the long trench down the middle of the roof and a thug has "Neversoft" written across it in neon letters.

Level 2.1: What If mode JJJ suicide
Get to the Bugle (where Scorpion is after JJJ). They play Marco Polo. If you let JJJ die, he offers to throw himself out the window.

Level 5.3: Hidden room
In level 5.3 (the level before Mysterio, downstairs in the Daily Bugle), you have to destroy two Symbiote generators and then find the imposter Spiderman-Mysterio. After finding the first generator and destroying it, find the second one. The wall behind the second generator is holographic. It does not appear so, but when you try to climb it, you will go right through. Two web cartridges and one flame cartridge are inside.

Police Chase level: What If mode Spidey Armor
On the second part to the Police Chase in What If mode, there is a crane to the extreme far right. Look at it to see a pumpkin and the word "BOMB" on the side. Swing to it to find an open hatch. Jump inside to find the secret lair of Green Goblin, where you can get a Spidey Armor.

Sewer Chase: What If mode lizard droppings
On the first part of the Sewer Chase, you will be trapped in a little tunnel. About five lizard monsters will run up to you. When they or you get closer, you will hear a farting noise. One of the lizard monsters will have made some droppings.

Scorpion level: See J. James Jewett
Enable the "What If? mode" and "J. James Jewett" codes. Play the Scorpion code and you will see J. James Jewett instead of J. Jonah Jameson.

Stop The Presses level: What If mode flattened Spider-Man
If Spider-Man falls into the printing press, a flattened Spidey in his red and blue suit will be stuck to the paper (no matter which suit you use).

Waterfront Warehouse level: What If mode hidden armor
Go to the waterfront warehouse in "What If" mode. When you start, there will be a stack of boxes next to you with one of the generators on it. Go past this stack to find a box that appears different from the rest. You can take off the cover of the box just by doing the same action to lift objects. Inside the box is Spidey armor and "The Ark Of The Covenant".

When playing the level after fighting Mysterio you will at one point reach a fan with a cage over top, so you cannot fall through. When you go to the next one in the level it will not have a cage over the top. Jump down through the fan and quickly press [R2]. If done correctly, you will stop between the two fans and find another entrance that contains "Trusty Spidey Armor". Note: Do not move around too much or the first fan will hurt you and Spidey will most likely fall all the way down because he is "stunned".

To find Spidey Armor, defeat all the Symbiotes (so you have no trouble), and destroy the first two generators. Then, go to the back of the warehouse (not where the last two generators are located) to find a wall to the left. Climb up the wall, and you will see a fire webbing cartridge. Walk inside a box and you will see a golden cartridge. Touch it to get the Spidey Armor, then get fire webbing cartridge.

Waterfront Warehouse level: What if mode No-Prize envelope
When you first enter the Waterfront Warehouse level, go to the left and jump up on the boxes. The boxes on top will have the Marvel Comics "No-Prize" envelope wording on them.

Make Spider-Man sleep
Start the game in "What If" mode and do not do anything. Spider-Man will eventually will shoot a web straight up, cling on it, and start sleeping. Note: This only happens in indoor levels, or in levels with a ceiling.

Practice fighting
When being chased by the N. Y. P. D. in What If mode, there will be a gold U.F.O. Swing on to it. It will help you practice fighting.

What If mode
What If mode adds small variances in the game, for example The Torch will be on the FF building. You will know that it is definitely unlocked, if you see the Watcher just after the second FMV sequence (featuring the helicopters). He will have new dialogue.

The following differences will be present when What If mode is played under the easy difficulty setting:
Level 1.1: None

Level 1.2: Speech by Watcher, Torch on FF building.

Level 1.3: Dancing Spidey. Goointo room which you opened by pressing button 1 and step on the platform.

Level 1.4: Back of wall says "Hans was Here".

Level 2.1: Fireballs/comets falling from sky at start, JJJ/Spidey/Scorpion playingaMarcooPolo

Vs. Scorpion: When Scorpion chases JJJ intoothe next room he says "Heeeeerrrrre's Johnny!".

Level 2.2: Spidey blimp two seconds into level. Now, you can do two things: Go through the level as usual, the copter guy says something else; or swing to the blimp. If youllook quickly enough, you will see the Silver Surfer pass by. To beat the blimp, fall off the side which you came on, and you will go straight to the wall.

Level 2.3: Heamakes alcomment about Wolvie and Jerry Swinger as he passes their signs. (Swinger has Cap on his sign).

Level 2.4: Man on copter sings that traditional war song.

Level 2.5: None

Level 2.6: First billboard aboutamonsters in NY sewers... Spideyamakes alsmart comment.

Vs. Rhinoo(level 3): None.

Level 4.1: Different and funnier dialogue as they fall through the building.

Levels 4.2, 4.3, 4.6, 4.7: None.

Level 4.4: Venom with alnew saying.

Level 4.5: There is alrubber ducky in the first pool you come by (upstairs).

Level 4.8: Water has been replaced by lava, another smart Spidey comment.

Level 4.9: Lizard will not tell you the path again -- he will repeat once.

Vs. Venom: MJ has some.... nice things toosay to you.

Level 5.1: The hostage in the cleaning duct has lost all hope.

Level 5.2: Spidey with aldifferent saying at start of level.

Level 5.3: When Spideyameets his imposter, and goes into FMV, instead of staring at each other, they go into the famous "Matrix bullet time scene".

vs. Mysterio: He has fish swimming around in his head.

Level 6.1: None.

Level 6.2: Man in the submarine talks throughoutamost of the thing, challenges you tooalrace, and gives you a code if you defeat him (watch the FMV). Different Spidey comments.

Level 6.3: In FMV, Cat is dancing, and realizes it.

Game: The lids of the fog are bananas.

vs. Doc Ock:It looks like alhippie palace. Flower designs and bright colors everywhere. Someone named Dr. Love is on the walls. Ock isamuch smaller -- and if you go to the edge of the walls, his tentacles cannot reach you.

vs. Carnage: Shark floating around, Carnage has alreal whining voice. Prince Namor, the Sub-Mariner, is seen on a rock outside the structure just watching. It is hard to find him, but once you see him, you never lose sight. He also appears in the character section.

vs. Monster Ock: None.
Back Breaking Kick
Press [Circle] + [Triangle] then press [Circle] again. This attack does really well against the Symbiotes in the basement of the Daily Bugle.

Head Punch
Walk up to an enemy and press [Square] + [Triangle] and keep pressing [Square]. You can only press [Square] a maximum of three times once you have jumped on the enemy. Note: Doing this attack makes you vulnerable to being thrown by your enemy, so execute with caution.
Other moves
Press [Square]x3.
Press [Circle]x3.
Press [Square]x2, [Circle].
Press [Circle]x2, [Square].
Press [Square], [Circle].
Press [Circle], [Square].
Press [Square]x2, [Triangle].
Press [Circle]x2, [Triangle].
Press [Square], [Triangle].
Press [Circle], [Triangle].
Knocking off and trapping enemies
In any outdoor level, swing to a building with an enemy. Make sure the building does not have a ledge. Climb or sneak-up on the enemy, then web yank him left or right or use the impact webbing. The enemy will fall off the building. Sometimes you will accidentally trap the enemy with your web. This trick also works in the subway train level with lizard men.

Tony Hawk appearance
After you defeat Scorpion, he will knock over a desk with a television. As it falls you can see Tony Hawk skate boarding on the monitor.

Tony Hawk comment
Play the level after you go up on the long skyscraper with the choppers shooting at you. At the next level you will see a big logo sign. Climb on it, and turn over on your back so you see the picture. You will see the Tony Hawk Pro Skater 2 logo. Go on the picture and Spider-Man will say "Ah, Tony Hawk, I've skated with that guy before".

Glitch: Level 1.4 (The Bomb): Guard walks through safe
After destroying both cops in front of the television, jump to the roof and sneak past the guard that appears. Kill the robbers, pick up the bomb and throw it to the back of the safe. Before shutting the doors, aim and hit the guard that you went past with just a little web. As he runs at you, run to the back of the safe. Face the guard, and as soon as he approaches you, jump over him and shut the safe. He will stay in the safe until the scene almost cuts away. He will pass through the safe's door and start hurting you.

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