Resident Evil: Survivor Cheats - PlayStation

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Nov. 29, 2006
Rocket launcher
Play a game under the normal difficulty setting using no first aid sprays and end with a time less than 1:30:00 with good shooting accuracy to get an S rank. Save the game at the end. Load the saved game to have a rocket launcher with unlimited ammunition.

Defeating Neo Tyrant
If Neo Tyrant is far away enough, unload on him with the handgun shoots and reloads very fast. Never use any other guns.

Defeating Tyrant
Save your magnum ammunition, because this is a very powerful weapon. When your are shooting at Tyrant, always run away from him when he charges you. Fire about three shots with the magnum, and then run . Fire another three shoots and then run away -- your gun is reloading and you cannot kill him while this is happening. You will probably run out of ammunition with this gun - switch to the grenade gun and repeat the same tactics. Shoot him as many times as you want , but try not to get hit. Eventually he will slow and you will be able to kill him.

Use the following steps to defeat Tyrant at the end of the game. After the skinny Tyrant jumps down from the wall and Clark Thompson says, "It's still alive!?", start using all of your strong weapons. When the Tyrant evolves, use the last few shots of your strong weapons and then use your handgun. Every time he lifts you up, aim at his face and start shooting very fast. To dodge his attacks, simply run away toward your left or right, face Tyrant, and shoot. Once again, run away and shoot him. If you using the Grenade Launcher with explosive rounds, when you run away and turn at Tyrant to shoot, aim the target slightly high because the explosives spread and fall for a very short distance. Aim at his head to make him die faster. When you have to use one of the handguns, just let him pick you up and aim at his face as early as you possibly can.

When the Tyrant jumps off the wall, start out with a strong weapon (such as the grenade gun with acid or flame rounds). When he upgrades, take out your shotgun and aim for the heart. Once you hit him in the heart, he will move back slightly. Then, hit him in the heart again. Run around while you reload, then continue to hit him. if you do not have the shotgun, use the Magnum. If you run out of ammunition, use your handgun.

Defeating Mr. X
To kill Mr. X (Tall man in a green coat), fire one clip of handgun B, run down to the other side of the hall, use another clip, and run down the hall again. Use one last clip and run down the hall. Handgun B is a rapid firing pistol, so it is easy to fire before he hits you.

Use handgun D and fire one and a half clips (12 shots) to kill Mr. X. Do not use the Shotgun, as it takes about two clips.

In the arcade stage's first room, search the walls to find a Dino Crisis poster.
In the Arcade stage's first room, you will encounter one UT Trooper after he dispatches two Zombies to their second death. Once you have taken care of him, look around the room. You will see two "Dino Crisis" posters on the walls. Directly to the right of each one is a poster that is hard to view. They appear to be Darkstalkers posters because you can see Jedah's eyes at the top of the poster and to the right you can make out Lilith's head.
In Lott's room, take a minute to look around before you discover Lott's sister. On the wall right next to the bed is a Street Fighter poster (the name is clearly written on the lower-left hand corner). At the other end of the room, above the bookcase, is a poster with a knight, a princess, and a Demon. Those characters are Sir Arthur, Princess Gwenivere (or Princess Prin Prin), and The Demon Sardius from Super Ghouls 'N Ghosts.
In the Police station, before you enter the area where you find the "Young Man's Diary", is a table with a couple cans and papers. Once you enter, turn and face the doorway to see a poster on the right of the door jam. On the bottom is clearly written "Baby Punks", which may be the song possibly sung by the Asian band named "Craze".
Death scene selection
Tyrant will kill three different people towards the end of the game, based on where you go in the second street area that leads to the hospital, library, and arcade. Select the arcade to have Tyrant kill the leader of the Umbrella Cleaners. Select the library to have Tyrant kill the mole informant. Select the hospital to have Tyrant kill the man hanging from the helicopter in the opening.

Handgun A: Default weapon. This gun has a decent firing and reloading rate and is useful when trying to conserve ammunition.

Handgun B: Located in the hospital. It has a lightning-fast firing rate but is slightly slow on reload.

Handgun C: Located in the arcade. It holds less ammo than Handgun A but has an improved firing and reload rate.

Handgun D: Found in the library stage. This gun can hold eight shots and has greater shot power. Note: Handguns A through D use the same ammunition.

Shotgun: Located in the prison shower. Very powerful. There is only a limited amount of ammo for it, so use it sparingly.

Grenade Launcher: Located in the underground parking lot of Umbrella HQ. Capable of firing three different rounds (Acid, Flame, Regular grenades). Its ammo is limited, so use it wisely.

Magnum: Located in the factory. More powerful than any other handgun. It has two flaws - it only holds six rounds and is slow to reload.

Rocket Launcher: Best weapon
Hit average percent = score (for example, 75%=75 points). Time (minutes): 0-60 = 100 points, with a 1 point deduction for every minute over 60. Monsters killed: Killing165+ monsters scores 100 points with a 1 point deduction for kill scores below total (for example 164 kills is a 99). Continues used: 0 = 100 points, 1 = 75 points, 2 = 50 points, 3 = 25 points, 4+ = 0 points. First aid spray use: 0 = 100points, 1 = 80 points, 2 = 60 points, 3 = 40 points, 4 = 20 points, 5 = 0 points.

S rank
Complete the game in under an hour (100 points). Kill 165+ undead (100 points). Have a 70% hit ratio (70 points). Do not use continues (100 points). Do not use any first aid sprays (100 points). This will achieve a total of 470 points, which is between the target for an S rank, which is 450 to 500.

Easy kills
Aim for the neck/head area for a easier kill and to waste less ammunition.

See Nemesis
The report on destroyed Racoon City tells parts of the story from each game. Flip between the last two pages to find see a picture of the Nemesis tyrant from Resident Evil 3.

Street Fighter poster
Look around in Lott's room. There is Street Fighter poster on one of the walls.

Fastest sequence
The fastest way to go is Alley 1, Restaurant, Alley 2, Arcade, Sewer, Prison,Roof, Umbrella HQ, Gutter, Rott's house/Cable car, Forest, Mansion/Factory, Heliport.

Enemy list
Zombie: A human that came in contact with the T-virus. Use a handgun to destroy this undead creature.

Zombie dog: A zombie dog is the result of a canine being exposed to the T-virus. Unlike the zombie, the dog's flesh rots slowly. Therefore it can move much faster. Just shoot it until it yelps.

Crow: These mutant birds attack in flocks from all angles. Just shoot them once using the handgun and they should die.

Licker A: Results when a zombie is even further contaminated with the T-virus as a result of mutation. Stand your ground and use any high powered gun.

Licker B: Same as Licker A.

Hunter: When the T-virus contaminates human DNA it creates a Hunter. Shoot them twice with the shotgun.

UT Trooper: Disposable troops sent by Umbrella. Use one shot with any weapon.

Giant spider A: T-virus contaminated spider. Any weapon will work well from a distance.

Giant spider B: Same as Spider A.

Giant alligator: When an alligator becomes infected, it grows gigantic.

Giant moth

Large roach

Ivy A

Ivy B (rare)

Mr. X

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