MLB 2002 Cheats - PlayStation

 All cheats for this game by platform: PlayStation
Check out these MLB 2002 cheats and stay cool!
Primary Collection of Cheats
Super player
Enter "Scott Murray" as a player name at the player creation screen. He can hit 606 ft. homeruns.
Easy hits
You can hit the ball almost every time when you have power and hold [Down]. You will get either an easy single, double, or very rarely a triple. Sometimes you will ground into a double play.

If the pitch outside, press [R2] and press the D-Pad to move your batter in to have a better chance of getting a base hit. Note: This must be done with a power swing.

Have power on, then hold [Down]. You can get singles, doubles, and (very rarely) triples.

Easy homeruns
If the pitch is inside, press [R2] and press the D-Pad to move away from it. If the pitch is outside, press the D-Pad to move closer to it. Try to move so the pitch is directly in the middle of your bat. Note: Power swing must be on.

Put your power swing on and when the ball comes, hold [Up] and swing. You should hit a homer, or fly out deep to the wall.

Easy strike outs
While pitching in rookie mode, throw the ball in the lower outside corner of the strike zone. The batter will most likely swing and miss, or will not swing at all.

To get easy strike outs, throw these three pitches. For your first pitch, a curveball, low and inside corner. For the second pitch, a curveball, high and inside corner. For your third pitch, a fastball, middle outside.

Easy out
Get a player from the opposing team on base. Take the player with the ball and run over to the base with the man from the other team on it. Throw it to the player on the base next to the opposing teammate. If done correctly, the player will drop the ball and the man on the other team will try to steal a base. Throw the ball to the base in front of him to get an easy out. Note: This works best if done at first base.

Good pitching
The best places to throw pitches are the corners. Throw lots of changeups so you do not waste energy. Do not hold [X] too much or you will use too much energy.

Get hit by pitch
When it is a outside pitch towards your player, hold [R2] and move in to have a better chance of being hit and taking a base.

Glitch: Homerun not counted
Every time you or the other team hits a two run homerun, the game will not register it as a hit.

Every time you hit a homerun, you must reach first base before the ball goes over the fence. Otherwise, the game will only count it as a homerun, but not a hit.

Glitch: Designated hitter pitches
In the second inning when your team is at bat, put in the designated hitter in place of the pitcher. At the end of the inning after the third out, pause game play until the announcer is done reading the score. When the game is resumed, the designated hitter will be pitching.

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