Micro Machines v3 Cheats - PlayStation

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Check out these Micro Machines v3 cheats and stay cool!
Downloadable Micro Machines v3 Cheats
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Nov. 29, 2006
Nov. 29, 2006
Primary Collection of Cheats
Nine lives in single player mode
Enter "CATLIVES" as a player name. A sound will confirm correct code entry. You may re-enter another name before starting game play.

Three lives in multi-player mode:
Enter "3LIVES" as a player name.

All tracks in multi-player mode
Enter "GIMMEALL" as a player name. A sound will confirm correct code entry. You may re-enter another name before starting game play.

Tanks on all tracks in multi-player mode
Enter "TANKS4ME" as a player name. A sound will confirm correct code entry. You may re-enter another name before starting game play.

No tank weapons in multi-player mode
Enter "NOTANKS" as a player name. A sound will confirm correct code entry. You may re-enter another name before starting game play.

Snow during trophy win
Enter "WINTERY" as a player name. A sound will confirm correct code entry. You may re-enter another name before starting game play. Enter "CONFETTI" as a player name to return to normal.

Transform car to any object
Pause game play and press [Down]x2, [Up]x2, [Right]x2, [Left]x2.

Floating objects
Pause game play and press [Square], [Triangle], [Square]x2, [Triangle], [Square]x2, [Triangle], [X].

Double speed
Pause game play and press [X], [Circle], [Square], [Triangle], [X]x4. Enter the code again to disable this mode.

Slow CPU cars
Pause game play and press [Circle], [Triangle], [Square], [X], [Circle], [Triangle], [Square], "Cross".

Behind car view
Pause game play and press [Left], [Right], [Square], [Circle], [Left], [Right], [Square], [Circle].

Big jumps
Press [Square], [Right]x2, [Down], [Up], [Down], [Left], [Down]x2 during game play. A beep will confirm correct code entry. Enter the code again to disable this mode.

Debug mode
Press [Square], [Up], [Down]x2, [Square], [Circle]x2, [Triangle], [X] during game play. A beep will confirm correct code entry. Once debug mode is active, enter one of the following codes during game play to activate the corresponding feature:
Win current race
Press [Select] + [X]

Change view
Press [Select] + D-Pad

Zoom in or out
Press [Select] + [L2] or [Select] + [R2]

CPU control of player's car
Press [Select] + [Square]

Destroy all cars
Press [X] + [Triangle] + [Circle] + [Square]
Additional races
After completion of the "Beginner", "Tricky", and "Difficult" groups, an "Advanced" group of races will become available.

Turbo start
Begin to accelerate just before the second beep. If timed correctly, you will begin the race with a turbo start. The phrase "turbo start" will appear to confirm correct trick entry.
Get very good Prize Cars
Make sure you have characters on your memory card (at least three recommended) and load only one. Play Time Trial Single Race and get at least one Prize Car on each track. Go to "Party" and choose "Keepsies". First load a character which you want to have all the cars that you have won so far (not the one you played with). Refer to him as character one. Next, load another player (once again, not the one with the Prize Cars). Refer to him as character two. Load the character with the Prize Cars and refer to him as character three. Choose character one, then character three. Character one must have a car. Choose a car for character one and a good car for character three. Get character one to win the car. Choose to "Update Characters On Memory Cards". Update character one, but when it turns to character two, pull out your memory card. Choose "Cancel". Repeat until character one has all of character three's cars. Choose "1 Player" and only load character 1. Play Time Trial Single Race. Since you only loaded character one, there should be no track records. Play all tracks. Repeat the Keepsies steps so that character two gets all the cars. Play Time Trial Single Race with character two. Do this as many times as desired. When you are done, you can copy all of the cars to all characters on the memory card.

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