Madden NFL 2004 Cheats - PlayStation

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Check out these Madden NFL 2004 cheats and stay cool!
Primary Collection of Cheats
Change music
Hold [Square] (Help) and press [L1] or [R1].

Touchdown celebration
After you make a touchdown, hold [Circle] to spike the ball.

Bingo cheat
Reach level 2 in your EA Sports Bio.

Ray Lewis
Reach level 3 in your EA Sports Bio.

1990 Eagles team
Reach level 4 in your EA Sports Bio.

Steve Spurrier coach
Reach level 6 in your EA Sports Bio.

Preist Holmes
Reach level 9 in your EA Sports Bio.

Super Bowl 38 stadium
Reach level 19 in your EA Sports Bio.

Tiburon Complex stadium
Reach level 29 in your EA Sports Bio.

Ricky Williams
Reach level 27 in your EA sports Bio.

1988 San Francisco 49ers
Reach level 35 in your EA Sports Bio.

EA Sports Stadium
Reach level 50 in your EA Sports Bio.
Cheerleader and Pump Up Crowd Cards
Successfully complete the "Game Situation" challenges in mini-camp mode. The Cheerleader or Pump Up Crowd Cards for the team used will be unlocked.

Madden Cards and game cheats
Get a gold rank in any event on the All Pro, Pro and Rookie levels in mini-camp mode.

Add stats to Bio
Every time you simulate a season, if your team makes the playoffs it raises the stats on your EA Bio. You only have to save the Bio, and not the season.

On field mismatches
By pressing [Circle] on the play call screen, you can make quick substitutions to line up your stronger players against weaker opposing players.

Determine if defense is playing man to man coverage
Send a player in motion. If a defensive player follows him, then the corners are playing man to man coverage. Remember that the safeties may have zone and a LB could cover a WR (should be an easy completion).

Easy interceptions
While in defense, choose the play Nickel-Normal, go to cover 2. Now that you chose the play move your line in, your LB to the left, and your coverage in. Note: This only work about 85% of the time in rookie mode, sometimes in pro, if you are lucky on all-pro, and almost never in all-Madden settings.

Easy sacks
If you have Bill Callahan's defensive playbook, go to Nickle defense and scroll down until you find Middle Blitz. Select that play then shift both your line and your LBs inside. You should get a sack about 85% of the time.

Note: You must have Easy Play on or Offsides off. Use your right sided DT to the right sided center guard gap. Hold the "Left Analog-stick Down" and your man should be running in place now. This will work 50 to 60% of the time.

When on defense, enter the 4-3. Find the Man Buzz play. Flip the play until the blitzing outside linebaker is blitzing on a side where there are no TEs, and preferably no RBs. Shift your D-Line and LBs to the outside. Your outside LB should be able to get to the QB cleanly, and get the sack.

Pick a play where the middle linebacker blitzes and move the left DT to the center block the center. This will work about 70% of the time.

In franchise mode create a player as a left end. Make him about 6' 3" tall and 350 pounds. Make him all muscle. Then, sign him to your roster and improve all of his stats. Next, go to "My Madden" and turn "Off Sides" off. Then, play a game and have your left end go off to the side of the player who is guarding him and have him run. Because off sides is off, he will not go off sides, and there will be somewhat of a barrier. After the ball is snapped, he will start moving and the man who is guarding him will turn and face you. However, because your player is so fast, most of the time he will outrun him. If not, just run into him and knock him down with a rip move. There will be an open lane and he will either get sacked or make a bad pass and you will possibly intercept it. Note: If he is about to pass, make a diving tackle to see if you can knock the ball loose.

Easy fumbles
Go to Mini Camp mode. Do the LB Chase And Tackle. First do it under the rookie difficulty setting, and when you are skilled enough, advance to the pro setting. Get a gold trophy in the mini camp drill. Do not waste your time in the game situation. You will receive a Silver Fumbilitis. Use the card during a game. This card increases your chances of getting a fumble by 50%.

Easy first down or more
When you create a playbook, make a formation with the quarterback one step back from the center, and the halfback in the same location as the quarterback, only behind the left tackle. Make a custom route for him. Have him run straight towards the QB, then streak as soon as he reaches the outside of the offensive line. Have the fullback out as a receiver going for a 25 yard post. Have the left side receiver go for a 25 yard streak, and make a custom for the right receiver (next to the fullback). Have him go straight for 5 yards, have a two second delay, then post left. About the time he starts his post, the fullback should be starting his, and the defense re-adjusts to cover both men, leaving just enough time to get the ball to your open halfback. This works about 90 percent of the time. You must be quick to avoid getting sacked.

Easy touchdowns
Call the play HB Screen, then press "Playmaker" and press [Triangle] + [Circle].

Easy Rushing yards
Go to create a playbook, and go to create a formation. Created a formation called the Stack, with three backs in the backfield and two tightends on the line of scrimmage. <PRE> TE T G C G T TE QB FB TE RB </PRE>

This is how you should line it up. Use a lot of off tackle sweeps and counters with a fast running backs (Michael Bennett, Ricky Williams, Marshall Faulk, etc.). If the PCU played man to man, they would move all of their players to be in better position to stop the play, leaving the flats wide open for big runs; if the CPU shifts people to one side you should playmaker the run the other way and you should have a very fun time running all over the CPU. This formation can work on all levels and requires that you have blockers in the back field that have good awareness so that they will make key blocks.

Hint Easy punt return touchdowns
Chose "Block Punt" then when they come out, audible to a middle punt return. This will work about 85% of the time.

Easy blocked punts
Chose "Punt Return Middle", then "Audible" to block a punt about 95% of the time.

Take your RE and press [Left]x4. Rush the punter and you should slip past the line.

Choose "Punt Block" and be the defender furthest on the left (indicated by "X"): <PRE> x********** 2000000 1 3 0 P </PRE>

Shoot through the gap between "1" and "2". "3" will not try and block; go right for the punter and tackle him or try to block the punt. Make sure not to get too close to "2", as he may block you.

As soon as you have stopped the CPU and they are about to punt the ball away, on the formation select screen instead of choosing "Punt Block", choose "Field Goal Block", which brings everyone down to block the punt. Before the ball is snapped for the punt, move the man at the far left (which should be the cornerback) downfield to receive the punt, just in case the punter just gets the ball off. This trick works under all difficulty settings, including All-Madden, and especially if you have a fast lineman and linebackers.

Go to "Goal Line", find "Blitz C", and select it. You will block the punt 80 to 85% of the time.

Stop field goal blocks
To stop a friend from blocking field goals, when you hike the ball to the holder hold [X] until his defender comes across the line off sides.

Easy two point conversion
Once you score a touchdown, go to "Special Teams", then choose "Fake Fieldgoal Pass". Once you snap the ball, the CPU will immediately drop back into coverage, which lets your quarterback rollout and run it in, or pass it to your tight end.

After scoring a touchdown, if you want to go for a two point conversion instead of choosing the special teams formation, choose goal line and press the button that corresponds to the FB Dive and just run it in for an easy two point conversion Note: This works about 98% of the time.

Easy points and tokens on Two Minute Drill
To get easy points on two minute drill, go for running plays. Make sure you score a touchdown or you will not get enough points. By the end of the drill, you will be given bonus points and get at least 355 tokens for one drill. Note: Go for four drills to get a lot of tokens, but make sure you play against a weak defense like the Claymores.

Play as the Vikings against the Claymores. Make sure Moss is running a Fly Route (straight down the field) and that no one else is running a route close to him. Then, just hike the ball, wait a few seconds, and lob (tap the button) it up to Moss. This works about 95% of the time.

To get over 70 points and nearly 40,000 points in Two Minute Drill, play as the Rams and use both the Shotgun-Normal-Hail Mary and Shotgun-4WR-Hail Mary plays. Use both these formations every few plays just to throw off the defense. Throw to Marshall Faulk while in the normal formation after you have moved him to the left or right and you should have a touchdown about 96% of the time. Play against a European team such as Barcelona and you should do well.

To get easy tokens in Two-Minute Drill, set the CPU defense to the Amsterdam Admirals and set the difficulty to All-Madden. Set the offense to the Atlanta Falcons and start. When the game begins, pause and go to "Coaching Strategies". Go to "Substitutions", and find the Field Goal formation. Substitute the QB already in the play with Michael Vick, and begin the drill. Call all Pass plays, and instead of passing, run with Vick. Usually, you can get it in in one play. After the TD, call a Fake Field Goal - Pass for your extra point. Again, instead of passing, run the ball in with Vick, and you will get more points. Repeat this until the Drill finishes.

Instead of passing to players, run the ball. Play against the Amsterdam Admirals and use a team that has got a good running back and just run it the whole time. Most likely, you will break a run and get a touchdown, if you are skilled at running the ball. Also, the points are a lot higher if you run for a touchdown and you will get many tokens.

Select a bad team such as the Claymores and change their rosters around. For example, put the punter as the QB and switch the entire roster so that their overall rating is 12. Then, go to Two Minute Drill and choose the Vikings. Play against the Claymores in All Madden and keep passing it to Moss.

Play as the Rams against the Thunder. Make sure Kurt Warner is the quarterback, and Isaac Bruce is playing. Also make sure that you have Mike Martz's playbook. Set up the Shotgun 4-WR. Run the Hail Mary play and throw a light touch pass to Isaac Bruce. You will score a touchdown most of the time. Then, go for two and run Goal-Line. Run the Outside Toss play then run to the outside. They will move in the corner back usually, giving you a clear shot. If they do not, call a fake audible and they will pull them almost all of the time. If they do not start running to the outside, then very sharply cut into the edge of the line and stay at least three yards away from any line backer. Keep doing this repeatedly to earn a lot of tokens.

Skip into the endzone
Get to about the 1 yard line, then do a passing play. Go left or right and the quarterback should be skip into the endzone.

All-Madden coffin punt and clutch kicking in mini camp
Use the following trick to get gold on All-Madden coffin punt and clutch kicking. When you start, look at the kicking meter to see how fast the wind is blowing. At 10 to 15 mph, it is difficult to get a kick just right. Keep restarting until the winds are at 3 mph or lower. This makes it a lot easier to kick the ball to the red or yellow target.

Easy tokens
Go to "Rosters" and select the Green Bay Packers' Wide Receivers. Make Donald Driver 6'8'' or taller in his information. Next, get out and go play the two minute drill with the Packers as your team and the Amsterdam Admirals as the defense (European Team). Then, go to Shotgun formation, then to Shotgun 4WR and find Hail Mary. Keep throwing touchdowns to Donald Driver. Just throw bombs; because of his height he should easily catch it. After your done with the two minute drill, go to your Madden Cards and save your profile. Next, buy a pack of cards. Usually when you have about 250 cards out of 285 cards, you will get a lot of repeats. You may have 400 points and get nothing. This is why you should save the game before you buy the cards, so that you get a second chance at getting a card that you do not already have and do not waste your points on cards you already have.

Easy stadium
In owner mode off season, you will have the opportunity to create a new stadium twice. One is when you can go to stadium mode and you can chose rebuild, or relocate. In both areas you will have a chance to create a new stadium. Most of the time if you create a bad stadium, you will have your proposal denied because you do not have enough money. Get about $300 million then create a stadium that has one section at least of press, and one section of press and luxury. The rest can be finished off as desired. Then, on the "Secure Funds" section, make it so that the team provides the most money possible, making it so that the board has more approval for the stadium. Note: If you relocate to a city that has a high desire for a sports team such as Los Angeles or Boston, their approval will be higher.

More yards in Ground Attack
If you have a play such as this: <PRE> xxxxxx x / x / x </PRE>

Get through the tight end gap, and if your fullback blocks the DT, go around him and cut back to the opposite side.

Quick blitz
If you want to blitz fast, go to the setting menu, then choose "Penalty", and turn off "Offsides". You can now run before the play.

Getting good players
Enter owner mode and create a player. Intentionally keep his stats very low and sign him to your team for the maximum number of years at a minimum salary. Then, return to the player creation screen (not through the rosters), and change his attributes to full. You will be able to keep the player through the length of his contract for the original low salary.

While in franchise or owner mode, when asked to input players at the end of a season, begin this by doing the regular offseason procedures. When the next screen appears, go to your features to create-a-player. Create your player, but make his attributes between 12 to 20. Save the player, then go to offseason features until you get to re-sign free agents. Begin the bargaining process on your created player (if the above steps are done correctly, his salary should be between $200,000 to $400,000) and sign him. When main screen appears, go back into the features and highlight your created player you just signed. Go to attributes and raise all the attributes to 99. Notice that although the overall rating goes up, the salary remains the same.

Check to see what teams you are playing. Then, create a player with a 99 overall rating. WRs work best as they are not used every play on offense. Sign the free agent, then go to trade block. Look carefully at what your true needs to make your team better are. Put the created player on the block. Ask for the two positions with a rating of 90 you need the most and a first round draft pick. You can usually get a first rounder with a 90 to 95 player depending on what position you ask for. When you trade, try to get the best deal from teams that you will not face. You can do this with probably three to five created characters, depending on the deals that you get and the needs of your team. This is easy because you do not have to spend any time creating the player and you benefit by trading to teams you do not face.

To get unbelievable players, create a player, in a position that you need who is only 18. Make him rated about 75 overall. After training camp, pre-season, and a good season, you can have a player near 83 overall. Then, down the road, you can easily produce a 99 overall player.

To have a good team with one player or more and a low salary, create a player that would be very bad at his position. Sign him for as cheap as you can without a bonus for seven years. A bonus would make you pay more in the long run. Change his rating to perfect and make him good to a position which is common to his position on offense/defense. For example, WRs can be good secondary players and defensive lineman can be good offensive lineman, or if they are smaller and fast a fullback or tight end.

Note: The following trick only works in franchise mode. To get good first round draft picks each year, create a player during the season (quarterback works best). Make his quarterback accuracy and power 100; if any other stats are made better he will be too much to sign. He will be added to the free agents. Go to rosters and look for all the teams in the NFL that have a bad quarterback. Most of the time, the team who has a bad quarterback will also have a bad season. Once you have found the team with the worst quarterback, go to "Free Agents" under "Roster", and sign the player you created to a one year deal. Once this is done, go to "Trades" under "Roster". Trade your created player (his stats should be about 78) to the team that had the worst quarterback for their first and second round draft pick. Next, go to create a player and adjust the attributes of the quarterback you just traded and make him 12 overall. Now you will have the team's first and second draft pick, and they will have a bad quarterback.

Note: You must have Corey Dillon or the Bengals for this trick. To get a good spot at the NFL draft (if not the first), trade Corey Dillon for their first or second draft picks. They will usually accept. You will now have two good draft picks.

When you are playing a franchise, wait until it gets to week 6. Check to see who has the worst record in the league. Go to that team and trade your first round pick for their first round pick. Even if you are 6-0 and they are 0-6, they will accept about 95% of time.

At the end of the season in franchise mode when signing coaches, go to coaching postions. Be the coach of the team that the desired player is on. Then during the season, trade between the teams you coach. At the end of the next season, go back to coaching positions and quit coaching that team. This is also allows you to take their draft picks.

If you think you have a good draft pick, go to "Sign Draft Picks" and select that player. If he is asking for over $60 million, he should be over 80 overall.

Create a QB and make his overall stats as low as possible. Sign him, then put his stats up. Trade him to any team for one or two of their good people. After you trade, go back to the create a player option and set his stats back down.

Play as the Rams in a fantasy draft. They always get a low draft pick.

Try to get an 11 or 12 pick. For a slightly stronger offense, do offense first pick and defense second pick and so on, or vice versa for defense. If you want a strong special teams, pick a punter and kicker in the lower twenties. Do not simulate, as they will give stronger players to CPU controlled teams.

Dante Hall is rated 99 at KR, but not so well at WR. This makes it easy to trade him. A simple second Round Draft Pick, or another decent WR, will trade Dante Hall onto any team you want him on.

To get good players for franchise mode, edit a team's roster before starting your franchise. You can trade anyone on your team without problems, as long as you have cap room. Then, start a new franchise with your altered rosters. If you run out of money, edit older players (such as Rice, Brown, Gannon, R. Woodson, and Romo) so that their stats are at overall 12. Release, then resign, then re-raise their stats. If done correctly, you will have a strong team with cheap veterans.

Get under the salary cap
Go to "Rosters", then go down to "Resign Players". Sign your players to seven year contracts. This will give more money most of the time. This is a good way to get more money before the off season to get those highly paid players.

In owner mode, go through a couple seasons, then in the off-season select "Staff". Select "Hire Coach". You can select old players as head, offensive, defensive, and special teams coaches.

Low salaries for star players
Before you start a season or franchise, go to "View Rosters" and edit all of the player's attributes. When you do this, his salary does not go up but his overall skill does. Do this with younger players so you have them longer and they do not retire in franchise mode.

Players become coaches
Great players that retire in franchise mode can return to be coaches. Wait a couple of years after your favorite star retires, and he will show up in the coaching free agent list to be signed as an assistant or head coach.

Free advertising
Just before a home game, put all advertising up and play your game. After the game, do not sim week. Go out and set the advertising to zero. Sim week and you will get 100% attendance, but pay nothing.

Extremely bored crowd
Get the highest amount of points you can in the game. After this, if you get an interception, touchdown, etc., the fans will not have any reaction and seen extremely bored.

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