Lucky Luke Cheats - PlayStation

 All cheats for this game by platform: GameBoy Color | PC | PlayStation | SNES
Check out these Lucky Luke cheats and stay cool!
Primary Collection of Cheats
Level passwords
Enter one of the following passwords, listed from top-left to the bottom-right, to start game play at the corresponding level.

Train 1[Dalton] [Dalton] [Lucky Luke] [Jolly Jumper]
Train 2 [Lucky Luke] [Lucky Luke] [Jolly Jumper] [Rantamplan]
Pueblos[Dalton] [Jolly Jumper] [Lucky Luke] [Rantamplan]
Mine[Lucky Luke] [Jolly Jumper] [Dalton] [Rantamplan]
Indian Desert[Rantamplan] [Rantamplan] [Dalton] [Jolly Jumper]
Saloon [Dalton] [Dalton] [Jolly Jumper] [Rantamplan]
Waterfall 1 [Dalton] [Lucky Luke] [Lucky Luke] [Jolly Jumper]
Waterfall 2 [Rantamplan] [Dalton] [Lucky Luke] [Lucky Luke]
Wagon Race[Rantamplan] [Dalton] [Dalton] [Jolly Jumper]
Bush Wackers [Jolly Jumper] [Dalton] [Rantamplan] [Rantamplan]
Dalton City[Jolly Jumper] [Jolly Jumper] [Lucky Luke] [Rantamplan]

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