Grand Theft Auto 2 Cheats - PlayStation

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Check out these Grand Theft Auto 2 cheats and stay cool!
Downloadable Grand Theft Auto 2 Cheats
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Nov. 29, 2006
Nov. 29, 2006
Nov. 29, 2006
Primary Collection of Cheats
Debug mode
Enter "WUGGLES" as a player name. Your coordinates will now appear.

While in debug mode, use the following buttons on controller two to activate more cheats.
Press [Square] on controller two.

Clear wanted level
Press [Circle] on controller two.

Toggle popularity with each gang
Press [L1], [L2], or [R1] on controller two. Each one controllers a different gang.

Toggle coordinates
Press [Select] on controller two.
Unlock all areas
Enter "ITSALLUP" as a player name. This will unlock all normal and bonus areas.

Extra money
Enter "MUCHCASH" as a player name.

All weapons with maximum ammunition (99)
Enter "NAVARONE" as a player name. Note: You will still have your weapons and ammunition if you die or get arrested by the police. You can still lose all your weapons even with this code if you play the "Alma Mater Return!" job.

All locations, all weapons, all ammunition, unlimited health
Enter "BSTARD" as a player name.

Always on wanted level zero
Enter "LOSEFEDS" as a player name. If you use this code with the "Start at wanted level 4" code, this will overwrite it.

Police will always find you
Enter "BLOWME" as a player name. The police will know where to find you, no matter where you are.

Unlimited health
Enter "LIVELONG" as a player name. Note: You can still die if inside an exploding vehicle, fall off a high building, or fall in the water.

Start at wanted level 4
Enter "DESIRES" as a player name.

5x multiplier
Enter "HIGHFIVE" as a player name. Your multiplier will never go up or down, and will always remain at 5X.

1 million points
Enter "BIGSCORE" as a player name. You can exit Downtown District (level 1) at the start of the level with this code enabled.

Debug basic scripts
Enter "NOFRILLS" as a player name. Note: This will lock up the retail version of the game and was only available in the beta versions.
Using multiple codes
Enable any code, then as soon as you get to the screen pause and quit. Enter another code and continue. For example, you can enable the "NAVARONE" and "LIVELONG" codes to have unlimited health and all weapons.

Enable a code by entering it as your player name then select "OK". Return to the player name screen. Delete the code name and enter another name. You can enter as many codes as desired.

Play the game disc in an audio CD player. The soundtrack can be heard on tracks two and higher.

Tune radio
Press [Up] when driving a car that has a radio to change stations.

Getting rid of cops
Go to the territory of what ever gang you are working for and they will shoot them for you.

If you only have one bouncy cop, head on the top of the screen and want to get rid of it, just hide somewhere. In a few minutes they will be gone.

When you have a single wanted level, lose all the cops chasing you. Then, go into an area that you cannot see any roads. The cops cannot see you, so they will not chase you. They always drive on the road.

If you are being chased by the police and in a car, find a car painting place. Paint your car and the cops will stop chasing you.

Regardless of how many cops heads are shown, this will get rid of them in the first level. Proceed to the church where the level begins. Walk to the tutorial phone and make sure that you activate the tutorial (and the man begins to speak to you). Immediately proceed to the west side of the building (left of the screen). Walk through the opening on the west side wall that leads up to the roof. The cop heads should be gone.

No army on the first level
The army is not available on the first level. No matter how much you kill and destroy your neighborhood, they will not show up until you reach level 2. The same is true for the CIA, however regular city police and SWAT appear.

Destroy the train and tank
On the first level, steal the tank by the crane crusher. Drive it to the nearest train station -- you will have to drive up some stairs, which is difficult. Get into head-on collision with an oncoming train. When you see it coming, the track will fill with electricity, drive at fastest possible speed and fire at it head on. The impact will destroy both of you, but you can return to see it.

Using the tank
To fire the cannon while riding in an army tank, just press [Shoot]. You can also run cars over in a tank; however each car that you run over will cause a small amount of damage to the tank.

When you are in the tank, hold "Horn" and steer to aim.

$5,000 tank
Note: $5,000 is required for this trick. Wreak havoc near the Spray Paint shop. As soon as you are at six heads, steal a tank that is driving by and not one of the ones that shoots at you. Drive the tank outside of the Spray Paint shop. Steal a car, and with luck, you should not be blown up. Note: This cannot be done on the first level. Also, this works with any other government car such as the police car, SWAT van, and the special agent car. The trick can be used with the SWAT van and police car on the first level.

Free tank
Enable the "NAVARONE" and "LIVELONG" codes. Begin the game. Steal any desired car and start a traffic jam. You can do this anywhere in the level. Then, take out your Rocket Launcher and blow up every car. A policeman should appear. He cannot bust you with the "LIVELONG" code enabled. Let him attack you. When he approaches you, blow him up. Keep blowing up cars and killing people. After a while you should see six talking policemen at the top. When you see this, the Army should attack you. If you walk around, you should find a tank shooting at you. Go up to it and steal the tank. Note: You do not get unlimited bullets.

Finding tanks
To get a tank in area 2, you need to do the following . When you start, go straight up to the road and get a car. Turn left and go to the lights. Then turn left again when you reach the lights. When you reach the end of the road, turn left again, and go straight until you reach a fence. When you reach the fence, turn left and go straight down until you reach the garage. When you reach the garage, on your right you should see a building with stairs beside the building leading to a platform. When you reach the platform, there should be a hole in the wall. Go through and you should see another platform leading to the right. Follow the platform to find the tank.

To get another tank in area 2, go to the garage across from the building with the staircase neary to where you found the first tank. Drive up until you reach one-way traffic, then back to two-way traffic. Starting at that red light, turn on the next street. Drive just briefly and the tank should be just off the road. To get to the tank you will have to get out of the car. Run on the beginning of the gray part on the side of the road.

In area 2, there are two tanks. To get to the first one, go to the left from the beginning. Youu will be on a four lane highway. Go left on the road. Turn right on the first road to the car's right. You should be driving north (up) on a two lane road. When you get to the end of the road, turn right. You should immediately see a road to the car's left (north of you) running parallel to the road that you are on. Turn left on that road and you will be on a bridge. At the end of the bridge, you will see a tank in the alley to the car's right. To get to it, turn right on the first road and you will immediately see a large alley to the right. Follow the alley and to get to the tank. The second one is slightly more confusing to reach. As in the first tank, go to the left from the beginning and go left down the four lane road. Then, turn left on the third road, then turn right on the first road, then left on the first road. If you are on the correct street, you will be driving south and end up on a large ramp. Go on the ramp and you will fly into another ramp. Turn onto the second road to your left. That road turns left. Where it does, you will see a tank on the roof of a building. Keep going down the same street and turn on the first road to your left. When you reach an intersection, you will see a set of stairs leading to the roof. Go down into narrow passageway and follow the rooftops to get to the tank.

To get a tank in area 3, go to the Zaibatsu Power Core. As you drive along the street, look at the top of the screen. You should just about see a tank through the metal grid at the top. The entrance may be at the top of the compound but is very hard to get to.

As you start on area 3, go to the first main road one screen left of your starting position. You are now in Tedium. Follow that road north until you reach Mad Island. Rednecks from the second island will be shooting at you constantly. Follow the road around to the left until you can no longer go north. There is a path that leads to the tank. You will have to make some building jumps and kill more rednecks to get over there. Once you do so, you can just drive the tank up over the ramp it is next to.

Get a fire truck
Blow up a car using the bazooka. Wait until a fire truck appears, then car jack it.

When you are in the fire truck, hold "Horn" and steer to aim.

Flamethrowing fire truck
In level 2, go to the Zaibatsu Village to the green phones and answer the bottom one. Do the job up to the part where you have to steal a fire truck. Take it back to the village. A man will get in and the weapon will change from the water cannon to a flamethrower. Whether you finish the job or not, the truck is yours unless it explodes. If you fail you can do it over to get another flamethrowing fire truck.

Armed land rover
Get your wanted level to 6 cop heads when the military appears. Some land rovers will be armed with machine guns on the back. Like the fire truck and army tank, hold "Horn" and steer to maneuver it around.

Move vehicle guns
You can move the guns on the fire truck and army tank with the armed land rover. You can tell which land rovers are armed because they have machine guns in the tray.

Shoot water cannon while in fire truck
To use the water cannon while riding in a fire truck, just press [Shoot]. The water cannon will not only push cops back, it will kill them if exposed for a total of five seconds.

Get a police car
Repeatedly press the button used to enter cars to get into a police while the cops are still in it.

Go to a police car that has a cop driving it. You need him to stop. Get in his way and try to open the passenger side door. When he gets out, try to get in again and drive off.

Get a police uniform
In level 2, go to where the Z gang are found and answer one of the green phones with the mission called "Flame It". It will tell you to steal a cop car. Once you steal it, get out and you will be in a cop uniform. To stay in the cop uniform, do not finish the mission.

Get a CIA car
In level 3, get a car called an Eddie and drive to the paint shop near the Zaibatsu Power Core. Get a paint job done. Your car will turn into a CIA car but will not have sirens or armor like the real CIA car. If you paint it any other color, it will change back to an Eddie.

Taxi job
Get a taxi, then park on the side of the road and wait. Sooner or later someone will enter the taxi and you will earn money.

News van
The news van has a dish that always points towards the church.

Get weapons from cars
Steal a car, then find the junkyard (area with two cranes). Drive under the crane. Get out of the car and it will be crushed and placed on a conveyer belt. Depending on the type of car, you will get three of the same weapon. Note: The crane will not take any type of vans.

Throw grenades and pipe bombs farther
Hold [X] while throwing a grenade or pipe bomb.

Bad civilians
Watch out for people wearing red shirts. They will try to steal your and other people's money. They will not try to steal the money if you or they are in a vehicle. Also, lawman and gang members will shoot to kill them. Watch out for people wearing green shirts. They will try to steal vehicles even if you are in them. They also drive recklessly and will run over you or anyone that gets in their way. The person that was in that vehicle previously will yell at the person in the green shirt and tell them to get out -- he will do so. Lawman and gang members will also shoot to kill them.

Easy money
Get a high multiplier and get a tank. Use the tank to wreak havoc and do not get busted by the cops. The army will make this a lot harder on level 2 and 3. The tank will blow up by taking four powerful hits.

In a mission where a gang gives you members that follow you around to help, get into a taxi cab and they will start paying you.

Aggressive civilians
Start the first level and take the mission "Radio Za-Za" at the loonies place. All the people around will try to kill you.

Finish all the 22 jobs in the level and all the civilians will go crazy.

Bad civilians
Watch out for people wearing red shirts. They will try to mug you and will steal your money unless you kill them first. People wearing green shirts will try to see cars even if your in them.

Have molotov cocktails or grenades as your weapon. Press [R1] to jump in the air and quickly and repeatedly press [R2] (fire). This will enable you to fly. You may have to do this off of the ramps and other objects. You cannot die no matter how high you are, but keep pressing [R2] while descending.

Fall without dying
When you are in a high place and want to get down quickly, walk to the edge of the building. Turn around and shoot or throw some kind of explosive. When you get blown back off the roof, you will still be alive.

If you are on a high building or ledge and get blown off by a bomb, hold [Left] or [Right] until you spin and you will not die.

Temporary invincibility
In the Residential Sector , steal a B-Type and bring in to the Scrapyard to be crushed. A few seconds later, an icon will appear on the conveyer belt . Get it and you will be invincible for awhile.

Die while invincible
You can still die when invincible by being inside an exploding car. The other armed men can also blow up your vehicle. You can also die by jumping from a high location or by drowning.

Guided tour
Go to the phone at the beginning of the first level. A "Schmidt" car will appear below. Enter it and wait for instructions. After finishing the tour, a machine gun and a GTA2 sign will appear below the church.

Insane Stunt Bonus
Enable the "Unlock all areas" code and get to level 2. Then, enable the "Debug mode" code and display the coordinates. On level 2, go to coordinates X50 Y156 to find a large ramp. Steal a police car or any fast vehicle and jump back and forth to get an "Insane Stunt Bonus".

Drive underground
Enable the "Debug mode" code and display the coordinates. Go to X184 Y242 (east to west) or X56 Y242 (west to east) to drive underground.

Drive up stairs
To drive up stairs in a car that cannot normally do so, simply hit the brakes when you go up the stairs.

Blowing people into the air
Use an explosive weapon on a person such as the bazooka. This can also be done with the tank's gun.

Get into the prison
Use the following trick to get into the prison on level 2. Find the building in South Belmont, across from the auto shop. There should be some stairs on it. Use them to get to the top of the building. Once there, use "Fly" trick and jump off the building. Repeatedly press [R2] to fire, and you should stay at the same level as the building and fly away from it. Then, simply go down to the prison and go over the wall.

Drop trailer
Press [R2] to drop your trailer in the Industrial District (level 3). Your headlights will flash off then back on. Then, drive away. Note: you must have a trailer on a truck cab.

Decoy Trailer! mission
Get to the point that you have to get in the trailer. After getting in and starting the timer, just get out of it and wait inside the police station on foot until time is up to complete the mission. By doing this you will not have to drive the trailer around for one minute trying not to get arrested by the cops.

Quick wanted level 2
Steal a car, rig it with a bomb, then create a huge traffic jam in a two lane road. As soon as at least four or five cars are blocked up, arm the bomb and get out of the area. In about five seconds the bomb will explode, destroying all the cars around you.

Elvis message
When you see a line with Elvises, run them all over in a single line without any running away. A message reading "Elvis has left the building!" will appear.

Scrapyard bonuses
Steal a car and go to the nearest scrapyard. In exchange for the car you will get the following bonuses,
Downtown Area
Yakuza Miara: Rocket launchers
Loonie Dementia: Invisibility
Cop car: Cop bribe
Aniston BD4: Get outta Jail free card
Taxi: Double damage
B-Type: Invulnerability

Residential Sector
SRS Scientists Meteor: Invulnerability
Zaibatsu Z-type: Silenced uzi
Furore GT: Rocket launchers
Benson: Electro fingers
Big Bug: Armor
T-Rex: Electro gun

Industrial Sector
Russian mafia Bulwark: Shotguns
Zaibutsu Z-type: Silenced uzi
Jefferson: Get Outta Jail free card
B-type: Invisibility
Maurice: Health
Rumbler: Fast reload
Wanted levels
Wanted level 1 (One cop head)
One cop will go after you at a time. The cops will not run as fast as you will. The cops will have about one heart of health.

Wanted level 2 (Two cop heads)
Two cops will go after you at a time. The cops will not run as fast as you will. The cops will have about two hearts of health. The cops appear more often.

Wanted level 3 (Three cop heads)
About three cops will go after you at a time. The cops will run as fast as you will. The cops will have about three hearts of health. The cops will set up roadblocks. The cops appear even more often.

Wanted level 4 (Four cop heads)
About four or five cops will go after you at a time. The cops will run as fast as you can. The cops will have about four hearts of health. The cops will set up roadblocks. The SWAT team will go after you. The SWAT team will seem to have bullet-proof armor on, as they a lot of hits to kill. The SWAT team will use pistols to kill you. The cops will come after you about every time you go in the street.

Wanted level 5 (Five cop heads)
Special Agents will go after you. Special Agents will run as fast as you can. Special Agents have about four or five hearts of health. Special Agents will set up roadblocks. Special Agents will use silenced S-Uzi machine guns and shotguns to kill you. Special Agents will come after you almost every time you go in the street. Note: You cannot reach this Wanted level in Downtown District (level 1).

Wanted level 6 (Six cop heads)
This the most dangerous wanted level: The Army will go after you. Soldiers will be everywhere. Soldiers will run as fast as you can. The Army will set up tank roadblocks. You will only find Military vehicles. Soldiers around the city will have one heart of health and soldiers that comes out of jeeps will have about five hearts of health The Army will use S-Uzi machine guns to kill you. Note: You cannot reach this Wanted level in Downtown District (level 1).

Note: If you die or get arrested, your wanted level will go back down to zero.
Weapon summary
Power: (2) Weak
Speed: (2) Slow
Special: None
Best use: If you have no other weapons

S-Uzi machine gun
Power: (1) Very Weak
Speed: (4) Very Fast
Special: None
Best use: Killing light-arm people

Power: (3) Medium
Speed: (5) Constant
Special: Fire: Lights people on fire
Best use: At close range, touching someone lights them on fire and kills

Rocket launcher
Power: (5) Very Powerful
Speed: (1) Very Slow
Special: Explosive weapon
Best use: Blowing up vehicles

Silenced S-Uzi machine gun
Power: (1) Very Weak
Speed: (4) Very Fast
Special: Silenced: Will not make any noise
Best use: Shooting without making any noise

Dual pistol
Power: (3) Medium
Speed: (3) Fast
Special: Double Shot: Shoots two bullets at once
Best use: At close range so both bullets hits the target

Power: (3) Medium
Speed: (2) Slow
Special: Spread Effect: Can hit multiple targets with one shot
Best use: At close range for the most damage -- (4) Powerful

Molotov cocktails
Power: (5) Very Powerful
Speed: (Skill) (As fast as you can press the attack/fire buttom)
Special: Explosive weapon
Best use: Blowing up people and vehicles quickly

Power: (5) Very Powerful
Speed: (Skill) (As fast as you can press the attack/fire buttom)
Special: Explosive weapon
Best use: If you have no Molotov cocktails left

Electric Gun
Power: (3) Medium
Speed: (5) Constant
Special: Homing ability: Electric will hit anything in close range
Best use: Using on multiple targets
There is a cool gang, weird gang, and Zaibatsu gang in all three levels:

LevelCool GangWeird Gang Zaibatsu
Glitch: Lose life after getting arrested
At times, you will die after getting arrested by the police.

Glitch: Flying car
Steal a car and park it at a stop light. When all the cars get in a line, jump over the first car. You cannot land on the car or go in those small spaces, so you will keep flying like if there was no gravity.

Glitch: Double death
Punch anybody then immediately draw the pistol and fire it at the knocked down body. Blood should spatter. When the person would normally get up, he falls right back down and dies.

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