Final Fantasy Origins Cheats - PlayStation

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Nov. 29, 2006
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View world map
Once you have the ship, go to Matoya's Cave (somewhere near Pravoca). Talk to a broom. It will say something that appears like nonsense. However, notice that it says "Flipper over, flip flip! Elcric dna trats!" Flip the line "Elcric dna trats" and it spells: "Circle and start". Press [Start] + [Circle] and you can view a world map.

Final Fantasy: Dragon Warrior reference
Find the three tombs located next to the white magic shop in Elfland. The tombstone farthest to the left reads:
"Here lies Erdrick"
This is a direct reference to a character in the game Dragon Warrior.

Final Fantasy: "Legend Of Zelda reference
"Find the three tombs located next to the white magic shop in Elfland. The tombstone farthest to the left reads:
"Here lies Link"
Final Fantasy: Easy experience
Northeast of the port town of Provaka is a two space wide peninsula with enemies from the Northern Continent. They offer a lot experience and are difficult to defeat unless you are around levels 12 or 13.

Throughout the game are certain "keyed" squares that will always send you into battles, consisting of one to eight specific monsters. Many of these squares are found directly in front of treasure chests, or in rooms that have treasure chests. If you keep going over the square, you will get into a fight every time, against the same basic enemies (one or two, more or less).

By the time you reach the Earth Cave, you should be at about level 10. As you enter the cave, go directly left into what is referred to as the "Hall Of Giants". In this place, with each step you take, you will encounter at least one Hill Gigas. Step into the first block that begins the Hall Of Giants. The most common fight you will have is two Hill Gigas and two Lizards. Winning this fight results in about 500 experience points each time. It may seem boring, but it pays off to take the extra time to level up here.

Final Fantasy: Easy gil
Acquire the ship from the pirates. Board the ship, and hold [X] and press [Circle](55) times. A number-sliding game will appear. Complete this as fast as possible. If you finish under two minutes, you will receive 10,000 gil. Finish under four minutes for 5,000 gil, and under six minutes for 2,000 gil. Note: This feature is in the beta version of the game and may have changed in the final release.

You can quickly amass a fortune once you have the ship using the tile sliding game. Once you are skilled and can solve the puzzle in under two minutes, play the puzzle until you are one move away from winning. Do not do the last move immediately, ,but let your time build up to 1:59. Then, do the last move. You will get the 10,000 gil for breaking the record. Play again and this time wait to finish the last move at 1:58. You will break the record again. Doing this guarantees you will not set a record that you cannot break for a long time, and can keep winning the 10,000 gil.

Later in the game, the armor for the warriors are high, magic costs a lot, and you do not have much money. Use the following trick to get 486 to 1386 gil in the Western Keep. Once you obtain the Mystic Key, return to where you fought the evil elf at the Western Keep. Go the room which you need the Mystic Key to enter. There are random battles at each chest you touch once. The two chests at the top are random battles of Mummies, which cause sleep and are heavy on damage. The chest at the bottom is nothing but Wraiths; they are easier to fight for the money. Make sure you have enough Dia2 and Fire2.

Final Fantasy: Easy healing
After you get the Healing Staff, get in a battle with any weaker monsters. Kill all but one of them, then have someone use the staff and the others in your party use equipment that do not do anything. Continue until fully healed. This works well when going into the Ice Cave after the long river ride.

Final Fantasy: Adamant location
The location of the Adamant needed for Excalibur is in the tower in the sky -- you need the chime and the cube. Go in the tower and continue to the place with eight ways to travel. Go in the bottom left diagonal and fight the enemy that guards it. Open the treasure chest to get the Adamant.

Final Fantasy: War Mech
Go through the Sky Castle until you find a room that appears to repeat itself over and over. If you are very lucky, you will fight a battle robot called War Mech that has powerful attacks. This can take awhile, since War Mech is the rarest enemy you can encounter randomly.

Final Fantasy: Zeus Glove
Go to Bahamut's cave. Once you first enter, go to the bottom left part. The Zeus Glove will appear in the items screen if you are lucky -- There is a 1/300 chance of finding it.

Final Fantasy: Easy healing
With the correct items, you can constantly keep your party at full HP without using any MP. Find a battle with at least one weak enemy. Kill all but that one monster. Along the way, use the White Shirt for Invis2 to make your entire party invisible. Once this is accomplished, you can set your strongest attacker to use the Giant's Glove (casts Saber, and increases your attack power). Set the other three characters to use the Heal Staff, and the two Heal Helms. You can substitute any other item for the Giant's Glove, but it is recommended because it does not do any direct damage. A controller with an auto-fire feature is useful. If one is not used, you will have to keep pressing the button (when using items, holding the button will not automatically keep the cycle going).

Final Fantasy: Hidden Magic Shops
In the town where you received the chime to Mirage Tower, go to the top right corner. When you reach a break in the wall keep going right. You will find a Black and a White Magic shop. The black shop sells level 8 magic Flare, and the white shop has level 8 magic Life2.

Final Fantasy: Spell casting items
The following is a list of items that cast spells. They are especially useful if you are using a party with little or no magic.
Gauntlet and Thor's Hammer: Bolt2
Mage's Staff: Fire2
Black Shirt: Ice2
The two Light Axes: Dia2
The Venom Blade: Poison
The Heal Staff and two Heal Helms: Heal 1
The Muddle Staff: Confuse
The Giant's Glove: Saber
The White Shirt: Invis2
The Defender: Blink
Final Fantasy: Invisible guard in castle
In the first castle entered in the game, Castle Coneria, above Queen Jane's room is what appears to be a room with no one inside. Search around the room a bit, however, and you will realize that you can talk to someone although they are not there. After you rescue the princess, the message will change.

Final Fantasy: No antidote when poisoned
If you are poisoned from a monster's attack, you will stay in that status after the battle. Your character will lose HP every step that you take. To avoid this, use your ship, canoe, or airship. You will stay poisoned, but you will not lose HP. This is useful when you are out of Antidotes.

Final Fantasy: Recommended party
The best team to have is The Warrior, Monk (when he gets to level 10, take away his weapon), Black Mage, White Mage (required for healing and saves money).

Final Fantasy 2: Concentration card mini-game
After getting the snowcraft, use it north of Salamand. During the game in the snow area, hold [Circle] and press [X](22).

Final Fantasy 2: Faster airship
Repeatedly press [Circle] until the airship flies faster. After that point, pressing [Circle] will toggle between slow and fast movement.

Final Fantasy 2: Easy HP and Strength
Go into battle, against Imp or another easy monster. Hit yourself with two or three of your characters, and cure with the other one. Do this a few times, then kill the monster(s). You will gain HP and Strength, which is an easy way to built up a character at the start of the game.

Final Fantasy 2: Easy experience
In battle, pick any action that you want to gain experience with (casting magic or attacking) for the first three characters (or two if there are only three). Then, cancel all actions. The game will read that you did those actions and weapons and magic will gain experience.

Note: Before doing this trick, you should have about 150 HP and around 30 MP. Also, everybody in your party should have Cure, and some sort of damaging Black Magic Spell (for example, Fire). Go to a fight where the monsters are very easy to defeat. Kill almost all the enemies and leave one alive. Then, make everybody cast their Black Magic spell on the entire party. Keep doing this until everybody's HP is red (near death). Then, finish the battle by killing the last enemy. Next, go to another battle and kill all but one monster, as before. However, this time make everybody cast Cure on on the entire party. Keep doing this until you run out of MP or your HP is fully restored. After that, finish the battle. After the battle, if you still have enough MP, repeat all the steps until you do run out. When you run out of MP, rest at a Inn. Repeat everything until you have had enough. If done correctly, every time you finish a battle you should have increased the following stats: HP, MP, Magic, Sprit, and Intelligence. The battle where you hurt yourself with Black Magic increases your HP because you lose a lot of it, your MP because you use a lot of it, your Magic because you used Magic, and your Intelligence because you used Black Magic. The same thing occurs in the battle where you heal yourself except instead of increasing your Intelligence, you increase your Spirit because you were using White Magic. Also, if you do this trick a lot of times, you will eventually increase your Magic Spell's level (for example, Cure becomes Cure 2 and Fire becomes Fire 2).

Once you have reached Mysidia, buy the Swap/Change magic and get it to about level 3. Then, go to a place with Hornets, Goblins, or very weak creatures. That place needs to be near a location where you can recover. The best place is Altair. Get into a battle. During it, use Swap/change and your characters will be very weak. Kill the enemies and most of your stats (especially HP and MP) will increase a fair bit. Then, rest in Altair to recover your strength. Repeat this until you are as strong as desired.

Final Fantasy 2: Easy weapon experience
To easily gain experience with a certain weapon, get two of the same weapon. Equip both to one person (left and right hands) and fight monsters in the area that you are in. You will get experience for each time you hit with that weapon. The same thing happens with a shield, but with a shield, you cannot attack with it.

Use the following trick to gain one weapon and armor level every fight for the characters in the first three slots. After the opening sequence, when you gain control of the warriors, leave town and get in a fight with a low level monster such as a Hornet or Goblin. If there are multiple monsters, kill all but one. With the characters in your party, select "Fight" from the command menu for everyone except the person in the fourth slot. Once you are able to choose a command for the fourth character, cancel the previous commands and then repeat the process over again. For example, choose "Fight" from the choices in the command list. Next, choose a target for your weapon to hit and confirm your choice by pressing [X]. Cancel the choice you made by pressing [Circle]. Repeat those three steps 100 times and you will go up one level per fight. Note: When you first start the game, you only have three characters in your party; you can only do the trick for the first two persons.

Final Fantasy 2: Blood Sword
You will acquire the Blood Sword during/after your quest to storm Fynn Castle and depose the Dark Forces there. Do not let its attack rating fool you. Equipped on an experience sword user (for example, Firion), the Blood Sword drains the HP from its target to restore the user. Against most enemies, it will drain a good portion of health, making it a quick save in case you run out of magic. Do not bother draining the undead, as it will damage, and not heal. The Blood Sword is most effective against boss battles, or against any monster will a high defense rating, (for example, Red Mousse, Dark Flan, Hill Gigas, Wood Golem, Green Dragon, White Dragon, etc.). The Blood Sword drains HP and ignores enemy defense. Better yet, to enhance its effectiveness, cast Berserk (to increase attack power) and Aura (to increase damage against certain foes) on the person wielding it to maximize attack/drain power. Even the most difficult monsters can fall in a few hits from this thing. Do not sell it. It is to your advantage to train someone extensively in the Sword class to make it an effective weapon for your party.

Final Fantasy 2: Training after Mythril
You must have completed the mission at Semite Falls by acquiring the Mythril before attempting this trick. It is highly recommended to have both Mindu in your party and to have gone through enough training and leveling up to afford the best armor and weapons at the time. Your characters should have their strongest weapons (for example, Long Sword, Battle Axe, Mace) and armors available (for example, Bronze Helm, Plate, Gloves, etc.). The trip through Semite Falls should give your characters enough Gil to make those purchases; if you are still short, fight more monsters until you have enough money. After returning to Altair with the Mythril, give it to Tobias at the Weapon Shop and he will forge it into Mythril armor and weaponry. Buy what you can with your remaining Gil (it is expensive), equip those armors (particularly on those characters with the lowest HP), and use Mindu's Canoe to sail northwest past Fynn Castle. Northwest of Fynn is where the river stops; marshland and forests surround the immediate area, and you will encounter several new foes including the Phorusracos (a lavender-colored Loper), Deadringers, Spiketoises, Ogres, Ogre Mages, Wererats, and Warlocks. These creatures rank two and three; you have the best weapons and armor (and high proficiencies in each), you will hardly make a dent in them. The best strategy is to use magic to damage these enemies. When exhausted, sail down to Gatrea to heal. Make it a priority to fight and defeat as many of these creatures as possible. Warlocks frequently drop higher level spell scrolls, such as Blind and Berserk, and sometimes some Fire and Ice scrolls. Berserk boosts attack power, and can also be sold for 5,000 Gil each. A rare, but infinitely valuable, drop is the Mage's Staff; with an attack power of 42, give it to any proficient Staff user and they will do remarkable damage even against high-defense foes such as the Spiketoise. Ogres occasionally drop Mythril Helms and Mythril Shields, and Ogre Mages will drop Scrolls on occasion as well. Because these enemies are difficult, your party will naturally increase its stats with each battle. Save often to make sure you do not lose your progress.

Final Fantasy 2: Glitch Dreadnought floors
As your party makes it way through the Dreadnought after Princess Hilda's (first) abduction, notice that although you are going downstairs to reach the basement floor where the engine lies, the floors increased from 1F to 2F to 3F, etc.

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