Final Fantasy 9 Cheats - PlayStation

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Nov. 29, 2006
Nov. 25, 2005
Nov. 25, 2005
Nov. 25, 2005
Nov. 25, 2005
Nov. 25, 2005
Nov. 25, 2005
Nov. 25, 2005
Nov. 25, 2005
Nov. 25, 2005
Nov. 25, 2005
Primary Collection of Cheats
In-game reset
Hold [L1] + [L2] + [R1] + [R2] + [Select] + [Start] during game play.

Black Jack mini-game
Successfully complete the game normally and allow the credits to finish. Press [R2], [L1], [R2], [R2], [Up], [X], [Right], [Circle], [Down], [Triangle], [L2], [R1], [R2], [L1], [Square]x2 at "The End" screen. A sound of an item being used will confirm correct code entry. Press [Start] to play the Black Jack mini-game.

Hold [L1] + [L2] and you will see your party flee from a battle. Keep the buttons held until they escape. Note: This only works with wild monsters and not Bosses.

Press [L1] + [R1], wait a moment, then do it again.

Jump rope mini-game
Have Vivi approach the girls jumping rope near the ticket both in Alexandria. Talk to them and they will let Vivi join them. Press [X] when the symbol appears over Vivi's head to jump. Keep jumping successfully to get Gil, rare cards, and other items:
20: 10 Gil
50: Cactaur card
100: Genji card
200: Alexandria card
300: Tiger Racket card
1000: King Of Jump Rope (key item)
Two player battle
Go to the main menu, select "Battle Control", highlight "Custom", and press [X]. A screen featuring all the characters that you have and some controllers will appear. Move a controller to the second slot for the person that you want player two to control.

Other endings
End the game with Cinna's "Hammer" in your inventory to get additional endings.

You can also get the other ending if you have "Save the Queen" when the game ends. You will not get a better ending if you have both items.

Target all with magic
When in a fight, target someone or something with your magic. Then, press [L1] to target all characters on that side of the battle field for the same MP as if using it on one person. This works very well when you want to heal your party quicker. If [L1] does not work, then try [L2]. Note: This trick does not work with all magic (for example, Shell or Protect). Also, when using this trick the effectiveness of your magic will be reduced slightly, but not so much as to make its powers insignificant.

Unlimited MP
Have Amarant in your party and make sure he has learned the Chakra skill. Also, the minimum MP needed for this trick to work is 4 MP. Enter a battle and have Amarant cast Chakra on himself. For 4 MP, he will restore MP equivalent to about 20% of his maximum MP. Continually cast it until you get reached your maximum MP. Since you can do this to other characters in the party as well, you can end up will everyone with maximum MP.

Easy AP
Walk around in the darkness for awhile in the field and forests around the town that has the Auction House and lady who collects the zodiac signs. You will encounter a ghost. Give it some ore and you will win the battle, resulting in 10 AP.

Go to the forest west of the mountain path when going to the Lifa Tree. It is the only forest there. Walk around in the forest until you encounter a friendly monster called "Ladybug". Give it some Ore and it will reward you with 30 AP.

With the Invincible, go to Popo mountains where the grand dragons are located. Walk around in the forest until you find a Garuda. He will ask for Lapis Lazuli. If you give it to him, you will win the battle and get 40 AP.

When you arrive at the Lost Continent, somewhere around Esto Gaza, you will encounter a friendly Feather Circle. Give him a Moonstone and you will get 50 AP.

Go to the Crystal World after defeating Lich and kill the fake crystal Bosses there. They do not give any experience points, but are worth a lot of AP.

Easy experience
Use Quina's level 5 Death spell against the level 60 Grand Dragons on the outside of Gizamalike's Grotto for around 8800 experience per person. Equip the quick level gain support ability (level up) for even more. Also, remember to take Coral Rings to protect against the Dragon's Thundaga spell.

Find a Dracozombie. In Disc 4, you can find then on the small green patches of land near the Ipsen's Castle on the world map. You must have Zidane, Dagger or Eiko, Amarant, or Quina in the battle against Dracozombie (you can use others character if you needed). Have Dagger or Eiko use the Silence ability on Dracozombie, because it can cast the Lv 5 Death spell. Keep defending until all your characters are affected with the Zombie spell, then kill it. Use Magic Tag to cure the character that you want to level up quickly. Equip the Quick Level Gain support ability (Level Up) to make your character get more experience. You must disable the Auto-Regen and Auto-potion support ability on every character which is affected by the Zombie spell. You cannot use items to cure or use spell such as Cure, Cura, Curaga and White Wind on the affected character. Amarant's Chakra skill is essential, since it still works on the affected character.

When you finish beating the plant brain, right after you go out the door stay in the same location. Do not move and the creatures well keep appearing. They are easy to defeat and give a decent amount of EXP and AP.

Fight the monster called Yan or Chimera. When you fight this monster, keep defending until it drops or bites your party member and gives them viruses. Cure the person that you want to level up. Then fight a monster that has a lot of experience such as Grand Dragon, Iron Man, Vepal or Worm Hydra. Fight until the party member that was cured from the virus levels up.

Once you are on Disc 4 and have the Invincible Airship or a Gold Chocobo, go to the island southwest of the Iifa Tree. It is a long, thin island with a mountain and a forest. On this island (called Vile Island), you will fight enemies called Yan in mostly groups of three. These enemies are extremely difficult, but each group of three will give each character 28,000 EXP (more if a character is "snorted" off the screen or killed). To survive these battles, try to have all your characters equipped with Auto-Reflect, Auto-Haste, and make their Magic-Defense as high as possible. Note: If these creatures "snort" all your characters off the screen, the game will end. Make sure you have a lot of Tents, Vaccines (to counteract Virus Powder), and save between battles. Note: This is the same island to find the final friendly monster, the Friendly Yan, in the forest.

During the fight against the masked man, steal the Mage Masher. At the opera scene, keep encoring with a high score and get a few thousand Gil. After the opera ship crashes, fight in the first area that you can do so, and steal every fight for a Potion or High Potion. Use these to heal when critical. Repeat this until you gain a few levels it will pay off.

On Disc 4 by the Chocobo Forest, you will find one or two Mistodons that are fairly easy, but require a few attacks to kill them. Equip Shadow absorbing items. One of their attacks called Mist will heal you about 1000 to 2000 HP. If you defeat two, your entire party gets 12138 experience, 3 AP, and 4,000 gil.

Go outside of Lindblum with just Zidane and train during your first visit. You can get lots of experience when he is alone. Make sure to equip well, or you could be killed in the forests, where Bombs that have large amounts of experience are located.

When Steiner and Marcus are in the cage, get out, but make sure you have the Bloodsword (acquired from the Stellazio lady in Treno) by now. Fight as many Alexandrian soldiers as possible. Some of them will give up Potions when defeated. Only use the potions on Marcus, because the Bloodsword will heal Steiner.

When you revisit the Iifa Tree and Garnet runs down the tree trunk to help her mother fight off Kuja, do not move. Kuja's Spawns should keep running down the tree after you. They will give you a lot of experience for the place in the game that you are currently at. Equip everyone with the Auto Potion ability (and Auto Regen if available). If you have a controller with a turbo feature, set [X] to turbo and allow the game to idle, checking your party's status about every ten minutes.

When in Olbivert, there is a monster called a Epitaph that looks like a grave stone. It uses a move called Mirror when you attack. Wait for it to use Mirror three to four times and kill every Mirror. Then kill the Epitaph. This will result in about 9,900 to 10,000 experience. Note If the mirrored person is in your current party, the mirror will say "I am the real…" and use an attack called Shattered Mirror which deals 9,999 damage to that character.

Note: This only works for Vivi. When you reach Mount Gulug in Disc 3, you will meet several Red Dragon enemies. Equip Vivi with the Octagon Rod, which absorbs Water and Wind elemental attacks. Since the Red Dragon enemy casts the devastating Twister (Wind Element) Attack, it will heal Vivi rather than damage him. Your other characters will most likely die from this attack. Red Dragons, if in pairs, will sometimes use this attack twice in a row. Vivi will accumulate all the experience points.

Buy the Reflect Ring in Treno at the auction. When Dagger, Zidane, and Vivi go out to search for the passageway to the outer continent, instead go to Gizelmakle's Grotto. Go the Moogles and climb the vines. Make sure all your characters have learned Auto-Reflect. Equip your strongest weapons. and make sure to buy as many Tents and Potions as possible. Also be sure to learn Antibody. When you battle a Grand Dragon, it will be level 60 and you will probably be at a very low level. However, you have Auto-Reflect. Have Dagger stay and defend. When Dagger's ATB gauge returns, do not do nothing. You will need her for healing, with items and not magic. Then, have Vivi use the Blizzara spell on all three of your party members. This will reflect the Blizzara spell back at the Grand Dragon at three times the power. This will do about 2000 to 5000 damage. Zidane should have the MP Attack and Counter if possible. Have Zidane attack and Vivi use Blizzara on yourself.. The Grand Dragon will also help you to victory. It will use Thundaga, which will reflected back at him. This will do about 4000 damage to the Grand Dragon itself. If the Grand Dragon uses Venom Breath, make sure to use Guard against it.. If you get knocked out, use Dagger for Phoenix Downs and healing. Buy as many Healing items as possible By the time you get to Fossil Roo, you can get to about level 50 or higher.

On Disc 3, after visiting the Black Mage village, take your boat to the islands to the west. There should be some beaches to "park" on, and an island with a patch of trees and then green grass. Get on that island. First, defeat the enemies encountered in the forest. Once you get to about level 38, walk out of the forest and fight the Grand Dragon as many times as desired.

Go to the grotto where the Grand Dragons are located and use Quale's level 5 Death. The grand dragon is at level 60.

If you want to get very strong before reaching Burmecia, be at least level 15 or higher and go to Gizmulke's Grotto. Go up the vine or ladder to get to the world map. Then, fight a battle in the forest. Hopefully it will be against a Garuda rather than a Grand Dragon. You should be able to win it at this level. If you do, you should become about level 22 to 26, which is high for this part of the game.

Catching frogs

9Silk Rode
23Silver Fork
33Bistro Fork
45Battle Boots
99Battle Master Quale to receive Gastro Fork
Ragtime Mouse
If you find the Ragtime Mouse (it resides in wooded areas) and properly answer its questions, you can earn some extra Gil. Answer by choosing either "True" nor "False." The mouse will then give you Gil in return for each correct answer, as well as keep track of your percentages. Some locations the Ragtime Mouse have been known to inhabit include Gunitas Basin, Lindblum Plateau, Bentini Heights, Lucid Plains, Pualei Plains, and Alexandria Plateau. The rewards for correct answers in a row are:
Question 1: 1,000 Gil
Question 2: 1,000 Gil
Question 3: 1,000 Gil
Question 4: 2,000 Gil
Question 5: 2,000 Gil
Question 6: 3,000 Gil
Question 7: 3,000 Gil
Question 8: 4,000 Gil
Question 9: 4,000 Gil
Questions 10: 5,000 Gil
Some questions the Ragtime Mouse have been known to ask include:
The 15th Lindblum War started in 1600? (False)
Chocobo Forest is located between Lindblum and South Gate (False)
The Theather Ship Prima Vista was built in Artania Shipyards (False)
"I Want to Be Your Canary" was written by Lord Afon (False)
Lindblum Castle is larger than Alexandria Castle (True)
Lindblum's air cabs operate around the clock (True)
Some Mus are friendly and don't attack (True)
Berkmea Cable Cars have been running for eight years (True)
Fossil Roo is a tunnel that connects Treno and Alexandria (False)
Theater Ship Prima Vista uses Mist as its source of energy (True)
Stallazio coin locations
Dali windmill.
Behind item shop in Treno.
At entrance to Treno, throw Gil in fountain 13 times.
Beside an overturned cart near the entrance to Burmecia.
Near Netune statue in Alexandria,
Black Mage Village Inn.
The right side of the fountain in Maiden Sari.
Below the HP/MP restoring spring in Quan's Dwelling.
Left of the pickle cart in Lindblum.
Water right of the entrance to Daguerro.
The right chest at Ipson's Castle.
Chest inside the Invincible.
Where Scorpio was located in Quan's Dwelling.
Chocobo Evolution locations
River Chocobo: Healing Shore
Mountain Chocobo: Dawn Lagoon (requires River Chocobo)
Ocean Chocobo: Green Plains (requires Mountain Chocobo)
Golden Chocobo: Get all six Chocograph pieces
Friendly creature locations
Near Treno
Between ice cavern and Dali
Forest around Black Mage Village
Biggest Forest around Madain Sari
Forest directly east of Oeilvert
East forest on plateau above Gizmaluke's Grotto
Forest on Vile Island (in West continent)
Chocograph treasures
1. Streamside, located southwest of Chocobo's Forest in the location where the river meets the beach. You will get two Elixers, three Hi-Potions, four Ethers, and two Germinas Boots.

2. Between Mountains, located west of Dragon's Gate in between the mountains. You will get five Potions, five Hi-Potions, two Tents, and two Cotton Robes.

3. Healing Shore, located northwest of Cleyra. You will upgraded to a light blue Chocobo.

4. Uncultivated Land, located south of Ice Cavern (Airship required). You will get one Jade Armlet, three Wing Edges, and one Cargo Ship Card.

5. Abandoned Beach, located east of Black Mage Village. You will get nine Phoenix Pinions, five Phoenix Downs, thirteen Peridots, and one Diamond Glove.

6.Cold Field, located east of Esto Gaza. You will get five Echo Screens, seven Hi-Potions, three Tents, and one Theater Ship Card.
Racing Hippaul
You can find Hippaul and his mother on the main street of Alexandria. Speak to Hippaul's mother and agree to help Hippaul to cut down his weight. Thus, a race with Hippaul starts. Tap [Circle] and [Square] to run. The race ends when both reach the finish line. Hippaul's level will increase when you keep racing with him. The higher his level, the faster he runs. For every 10 levels that Hippaul gains, his mother will give you a card. You can keep winning a card until level 70, and at level 80 you receive a key item. The maximum level Hippaul can reach is 100, but you will not get any reward when he is above level 80. The rewards are:
Level 10: Wyerd Card
Level 20: Carrion Worm Card
Level 30: Tntarian Card
Level 40: Armstrong Card
Level 50: Ribbon Card
Level 60: Nova Dragon Card
Level 70: Genji Card
Level 80: Athlete Queen
When racing Hippaul, try to let him catch up to you before the finish line. Apparently his mother rates his level increase on how well he does against you. In addition to the key item, you can get cards such as Nova Dragon and Genji. This can be very useful for the upcoming Treno Card Tournament.

Dali: Treasure chests
When you first visit the Village of Dali, go to the room next to the Mayor's house and climb up the ladder. You will see two treasure chests. Zidane will say he that cannot get them while the windmill is turning. The mayor is in charge of the Windmill. On Disc 3 when they return to Alexandria, you will see the Mayor from Dali in the Inn at Alexandria -- no one is taking care of the windmill in Dali. Afterwards, Zidane, Vivi, Freya, Amarant, and Eiko will go to Treno. When they arrive, before entering the card tournament, get out of Treno through south gate and return to Dali. Go to the room next to the Mayor's house and climb the ladder. The windmill is off, and you can now get the chests. One contains an Elixir.

Defeating the Earth Guardian
If Quina has already learned Bad Breath, use it. He will be inflicted with Mini, Poison, Blind, etc.

Defeating Gizamaluke
Have Vivi know Thunder (level 11). Have the Ogre for Zidane. Have Freya use Jump. Get Quina a Needle Fork and keep attacking with it. Keep using those and you will eventually win

Before the battle, optimize your equipment to have the very best, and have some Tents available. As soon as battle is joined, use a Tent on him. It will cause Silence/Blind/Poison/Snake Bite statuses, leaving him literally unable to attack. You can now steal his items and destroy him.

Defeating Grand Dragons
Have Garnet/Dagger casting Beserk (to prevent him from casting Bolt spells) and Mini to reduce his physical attack and defense. Also have poison protection equipped on each character when he attacks with Poison Claw. Then, physically attack and cast magic to finish him off.

Defeating Griffin
Use the following trick to defeat the Griffin easily in Treno on Disc 2. When you first enter Treno, there are many places you can go to. There is a woman selling weapons that has a "pet" Griffin. If you fight it, you might get something special. Find the woman and challenge her Griffin. Make sure you have a level 15 or higher Steiner with full life and the best weapons. Also, make sure you have learned Minus Strike and Bird Killer. Then, fight the Griffin. Make sure you have Good Luck. First, hope that the Griffin does not use its Aero attack on you, as it can kill you instantly. Start by attacking normally. When the the Griffin does a high damaging attack on you, use the Minus Strike. Once again, hope that it does not use Aero on you. Then, when you get the chance, use a High-Potion. You should have twenty by now. The Griffin will probably do another strong attack. Use the Minus Strike once more, and it should die.

Defeating Lani
In the battle with Lani at the start of Fossil Roo, as long as Dagger remains alive, Lani will always attack her. To render Lani completely harmless, have Quina use Magic Hammer until Lani is out of MP. Then, cast Vanish on Dagger. Since Lani cannot cast anything, she will keep using regular attacks on Dagger and will always miss. This gives you plenty of time to steal her items and defeat her.

Defeating the Lifa Tree
When fighting the Lifa Tree, simply cast "Life" on it and it will die instantly. It is an "undead" creature, so "Life" is essentially "Death".

At the battle of the Lifa Tree, there is an easy way to make it through this area with very little effort with the Stroupers (the little tree-like creatures). Use Soft on them. Because they are made of stone, they will become too soft to live. This trick also works at Ispen Castle against the Gargoyles and the Epithats. Use Life against Dracozombies -- Phoenix Down has no effect. You can use Life or Phoenix Down against Zombies. Against the Soulcage and the bottom of the Lifa Tree, have Eiko or Dagger cast Life upon it to win instantly. Also, do not throw away any of your weapons. They will be needed at Ispen Castle, where your strongest weapon will do the least amount of damage and vice versa. At that location, Zidane's Angel Bliss and Dagger will do the most damage.

When you battle the Lifa Tree, use Ekio or Dagger's white magic and cast Life on it.

When fighting the Soul of the Ancient Tree of Life, never use a Fire spell. If this is done, it will counter-attack your entire party with this Fire magic or do an attack that can deal over 700 HP of damage. Sometimes he may even use it two times in a row that can immediately end the game. Instead, use others spells such as Ice 2 or Bolt 2, which can do some very heavy damage on him.

Have Dagger, Eiko, Vivi, and Zidane. Have Vivi Focus every time, and Zidane Steal. Have no one else attack the Lifa Tree until all items have been stolen. Once you have taken all of the items, Vivi's magic power will be very high. Have Eiko cast Carbunckle. On Vivi's next turn, cast the highest fire magic on all of your players. It will hit the Lifa Tree for 9,999 damage, killing it instantly.

Defeating Gilzamaluke
Start by putting a Tent on him to find out if he is affected by that Item. If not, restart and try again. If it does, he will not use magic, and about 50% of the time his attacks will miss.

Buy 50 Potions and 2 High Potions (do not get Quina). If you are not close to a Trance, this will work. When Freya attacks at level 9, it will do 325 damage to him. Then with Vivi, Focus three times then attack with Blizzard. When Freya and Vivi get knocked out, use Potion every time Gilzamaluke attacks until you are in a Trance. This may take at least fifteen to twenty minutes. If you have the Ogre Sword for Zidane from the Lindblum Synth Shop, then use Shift Brake on Gizamaluke. It will do 1,323 damage.

Defeating Hades
Create a party consisting of Zidane, Garnet, Steiner, and anyone else (Amarant for example). Everyone needs to have their final weapon, with the exception of Steiner who should have at least the Ragnorok. Also have Auto-Regen/Auto-Haste on. Everyone must have armor that protects against Shadow. Hades will cast Doomsday. Have Zidane be higher than level 55, Garnet higher than level 50, and Steiner and your other character between 45 and 50. Also, prepare for all status effects. Hades will perform curse about three rounds into the battle. When this happens use Remedies or the Mini spell to get rid of the Mini status. Cure any other status effects. Hades will then use Heave and Doomdays to leave you in bad shape. Let Auto-Regen do the healing. Do not worry if you cannot get ready fast enough. Have Steiner use 5 to 6 rounds of Shock and Hades will not be able to hit you with Curse or Doomsday again. Use Dagger for healing and attack with full force. Hades will then let you Synth some of the best items. You can go back without having to fight him again.

Have Zidane, Dagger/Garnet, Stiner,and Vivi. Have them all about level 65 and fight Hades. Have Stiner with the Ragnorok and have him use Shock. It should do 9,999 damage. Have Zidane attack. Have Garnet heal or use Bahumat-.Have Vivi use Meteor and you should defeat him by the time his sword gets charged. Note: It might not work in this order; you may have to fight him more than once.

Defeating Ozma
If you encountered all the spirits in Gaia and satisfied their requests go to Chocobo Aerial Garden (you will need a Gold Chocobo and a Dead Pepper). Examine the stone on the second platform and choose the third option, then the first option to fight Ozma. To defeat Ozma, put Zidane, Dagger, Quina and Eiko in your party. Have Quina use Magic Hammer three or four times to steal all Ozma's Magic Points -- from now on it cannot use any spells. Then, have Zidane and Quina attack and Dagger and Eiko heal (do not use summons, you need a large amount of MP in this battle). With some of patience (an half of an hour if you are lucky), you should defeat Ozma.

Have Zidane, Dagger, Steiner, and Quina in your party. Equip all character with armor that protects against or absorbs Shadow damage before the battle. Make sure Quina and Steiner have plenty of MP, and it is preferable that Zidane has the Long Reach ability. First, have Quina use Magic Hammer about four to five times while Steiner is using Shock. Then, if Zidane has the Long Reach ability, attack; or if he goes into Trance use Grand Lethal. Use Dagger to heal using Cura or Curaga when necessary and you should come out of the battle unhindered.

Use a party that consists of Zidane, Freya, Steiner, and EIko. Next, equip armor that dodges shadow, Zidane with the Ultima Weapon, Freya with the Dragons Hair (obtained in the Choco Quest). and Steiner with the Ragnorak (also obtained in the Choco Quest) As the battle begins, have Eiko cast Reflect on everyone and have Freya and Steiner attack with DragonCrest and Shoch, respectively. Reflect will bounce back all of Ozma's magic attacks, including the dreaded Curse. Note: The same tactic also works on Hades, Kuja, and the final Boss.

The four items you can steal from Ozma are the Elixer, Robe of Lords, Dark Matter, and the Pumice Piece. In the battle, you should steal the Pumice Piece. When you win, you will get a Dark Matter and Pumice Piece. The Dark Matter teaches Dagger the summon Odin. You can combine the two Pumice Pieces when you defeat Hades. In Memoria, in the room where Quina tries to swim, search among the coral to fight him. Hades will synth the pieces to make the Pumice, which teaches Dagger her strongest summon, Ark. Ark uses Shadow to harm its opponents.

Equip everyone with Auto-Reflect. You should also have a party consisting of Zidane, Vivi, Armarant, and Freya (the last two can differ as needed). With Auto-Reflect on, all of Ozma's attacks will bounce off and do a large amount of damage (about 9999). Keep attacking with everyone except Vivi. Have Vivi keep casting Flare at himself and it will reflect off and do 9999 damage.(Note: Auto-Reflect and Reflectx2 must be equipped.

Have Zidane at level 92, Dagger at level 70, Vivi at level 70, and Quina at level 90. Also, have every move that you can learn (except for Vivi's Doomsday and Dagger's Ark Summon). Equip the Ultima Weapon on Zidane, High Mage Staff on Vivi, Gastro Fork on Quina, and the Tiger Racket on Dagger. Make sure you equip Reflect x 2 and Auto-Reflect on Vivi. Have Auto-Haste, Auto-Regen, Anti-Body, Clearheaded and anything else that prevents status effects. It is also a good idea is to equip Half MP on Quina, Vivi, and Dagger. Have Zidane close to Trance, and also catch about 140 Frogs for Quina so the s/he can do 9,999 for Frog Drop. Use that every round and use Flare on Vivi so that it will bounce off and do 9,999 damage on Ozma. If Zidane goes into Trance, use Grand Lethal every round so that it does 9,999 damage. If you do those three moves, you should be able to defeat Ozma in under eight rounds(if it does not use Curaga). Use Dagger to Cure when needed.

Have Zidane, Dagger, Vivi, and Steiner in your party (level 70 and above). Equip armor that protects against Shadow Attack, equip the Auto-Regen and Auto-Reflect abilities to everyone, as well as the Boost ability to Dagger and Reflect x2 ability to Vivi. When Zidane Trances, use the Grand Lethal ability. It will cause 9999 damage to Ozma. Have Dagger summon Bahamut when your party receives large amount of damage. Because the animation is long, you will recover to full HP with Auto-Regen, and Bahamut will deal around 4000 to 7000 damage to Ozma. Have Vivi cast Firaga on all your party members. It will be reflected to Ozma, causing 9999 damage. Have Steiner perform Shock, it will cause 9999 damage to Ozma. If you have met all the friendly monsters, including the friendly Yan found on Vile island, you will have the ability to use physical attacks on Ozma. Otherwise, you can only cast spells and ability.

Use the Zidane at level 89m Amarant at level 78, Steiner at level 83, and Vivi at level 75. Try to get everyone's final weapon except for Steiner, and have the Ragnorock. Equip all status protections, Auto Haste, Auto Reflect, and Auto Regen if possible. Try also to get the Land Spirits so that physical attacks will work. Have everyone absorb Shadow (for example, Demon Mail and Pumice Pieces). Start by using Shock with Steiner, No Mercy with Amarant, and Doomsday with Vivi. If the top of Ozma is white, use Thievery with Zidane. If it does max damage or if tranced, use Free Energy to still get maximum damage. When Ozma casts Doomsday, he will hurt him self for maximum damage because the white side is up. Have Amarant equipped with Return Magic or another maximum damage hit.

Have your characters at about level 65 or higher so that you can survive its attacks. Then, buy lots of Dark Matter. Have at least one healer in the party, then fight. Have everyone except your healer use Dark Matter on him. It should do 9,999 damage to him each time. Have your healer always cure you. Ozma should go down in about two to five minutes.

Defeating Steiner
For battle one, Cinna should steal on every turn. Attack with Zidane and Blank only. For battle two, have Vivi cast Fire. Use the rest to attack him. For battle 3, yse the same strategy as battle two. Steal with Vivi and have him cast Fire.

Defeating Trance Kuja and Necron
A recommended party would include Zidane, Steiner, Amarant, and Dagger. Participating members should be at level 81 or above. To defeat Trance Kuja, have Dagger act as a medic for the party. All the best weapons, armor, and headgear must be acquired and equipped before the fight. Dagger has to learn Curaga by this time. Zidane, Steiner and Amarant must have the MP attack and their best weapon for this to be a quick battle. Trance Kuja has under 56,000 to 57,000 HP and his MP is 9999. Let the others concentrate on Kuja while Dagger acts as a healer. If any character is in Trance mode, just use physical attacks. Everyone's attack must damage Kuja for 9999 damage. In about four to five turns, or until the Trance meter is exhausted, Kuja should die.

Use Zidane, Dagger, Vivi, and Steiner, levels at least 55, 48, 47, and 52 respectively. Zidane should have the Tower, Vivi the Mage of Zeus , and Stiener the Ultima Weapon. Dagger should be able to cast Bahamut and Curaga. Make sure you have at least three Ethers. Attack with Zidane and have Steiner use Doomsday and Stock Break. Have Vivi cast Firaga, Blizaga, and Thunderga. Have Dagger summon Bahamut. Keep attacking and casting until Kuja falls. Do not worry about him casting healing spells; he will eventually fall because they only cure him for about 3,000 points. You should be taking anywhere from 2,000 to 3,500 per hit. Keep the Ethers for the next battle. Battle Necron the same way, but make sure you have Remedies; they will cure the Mini spell. Hack away and enjoy the ending.

Defeating the Yans
Use the following strategy to defeat the Yans at fairly low levels. Equip your party as follows. Zidane at least at level 80, best equipment (Ninja Gear is essential), Auto-Life, Auto-Regen, Auto-Haste, and Auto-Reflect; Steiner at least at level 74, best equipment (Demons Mail is essential), Auto-Life, Auto-Reflect, Auto-Regen, and Auto-Float; Vivi at least at level 56, best equipment (Egoists Armlet is essential), Auto-Life, Auto-Regen, Auto-Reflect, and Doomsday needs to be learned (Mace of Zeus, found in Memoria); Eiko at least at level 75, best equipment (Egoists Armlet is essential), Auto-Regen, Auto-Reflect, Carbuncle learned, and equip Diamond. The Yan will probably get the first attack. When you can attack use, Eiko's Carbuncle and it will cast Diamond Light (because the Diamond is equipped), which will cast Vanish on the entire party. When you can, use Steiner's Doomsday Sword. The Yan will most likely snort Steiner out of the battle, but it does not matter as he has done his part. Then. use Vivi's Doomsday spell to finish them off. If for some reason Vivi fails to finish them, use Zidane's attack to complete the battle.

To live during your fight against the Yans and get easy experience, hold escape. When the Yan begins to chant the Comet spell. about 75% of the time it will miss you.

Yans are located on Vile Island, which you can only reach with a Gold Chocobo. They appear two or three at a time and always counter with Comet, Float, or Snort (makes character get blown out of the fight). To kill them with one hit, use Quina's Mustard Bomb magic. The difficult part is staying alive until you get to use it. You will get over 28,000 experience for the battle. More experience is given if characters die, have virus, or are snorted.

Defeating undead creatures
When battling a creature of the undead type, use an anti-KO item and it will instantly "kill" them.

Defeating stone creatures
Use a Soft on stone enemies, such as Gargoyle, to instantly kill them. This trick will not work well with the spell Stona.

Scan Bosses
To scan Bosses, use a tent. It will restore one half of its HP. Multiply that by two to have an accurate HP total for the Boss. Note: This will work only until the middle of Disc 3, since all your enemy's HP are out of range and will just show 9999. This works if you want an accurate stealing.

Defeating Bosses
Have Vivi learn Reflect x 2 and Eiko use Carbunkle or Dagger use Reflect on everyone. Then have Vivi chant the strongest spell available and it will always do 9999 damage on any Boss.

Use the following if you are stuck on any Bosses from Disc 2 and onwards. Use a Dark Matter (the orb that teaches Dagger Odin) on the Boss. It is a very effective trick, as it does 9999 damage on every enemy and boss, but beware it costs a lot to buy a new one from the Auction House in Treno. This works well on the later and final bosses (Chaos Guardians, Trance-Kuja, Necron, Deathguise, Ozma, etc.)

Before you get into a Boss battle, save the game. There is always a Moogle somewhere before a Boss. Use a tent after your save. If you lose, you will still have your Tent. Just use Vivi's Black Magic and attack with Zidane's Ogre. Dagger can help by using items and Cure. Steiner can use Fire Sword. Quina and Freya can attack.

Once you have completed the Chocobo side quest and found all of the treasures, go to Daguerreo. Talk to the four-armed man. He should say something about an "S-Rank" and run off. Follow him and talk to him again. He should give you the S-Rank Medal, and reveal his true self (Gilgamish).

Survive Doomsday
To survive Doomsday, have Vivi and Freya in your party. Equip Vivi with the Staff Of Zeus then enter a battle . First, have Freya use her jump attack then have Vivi cast Doomsday. If done correctly, the only survivor should be Freya.

Have everyone in your party equipped with armor that absorbs and defends against Shadow damage. For example, equip Zidane with the Egoist's Armlet, Ninja Gear, and Protect Ring. Equip Vivi and Dagger with the Egoist's Armlet and the Demon's Vest. Equip Steiner with the Demon's Mail. Then, enter a battle. Have Vivi use Doomsday and your party will be protected and healed by the spell; only the enemy will be damaged. This is very useful during the final battle with Necron, as it will prevent the Shadow damage and effects from the Grand Cross attack.

Quadruple magic attack
When you get a reflect ring, have the four characters you regularly have in your party with learn "Auto Reflect". When they all have it turned on, cast a reflective party spell, such as Bio or any of the elements, at yourself, This will effectively quadruple the power of the spell on a single target. However, this is only helpful for lower levels and is virtually useless if you have great spells.

9999 damage with Atomost
The formula For Dagger's summon Atomost is as follows:
Full Animation: (30+ Party's number of Amethysts)% of enemies HP.
Short Animation: 2/3 of Full Animation formula.
For example, if you have 70 Amethysts, it takes 100% of the enemies HP off, with a limit of 9,999. This means an enemy with 12,000 health will lose 9,999. This is useful while training against Yans, Grand Dragons, and other difficult enemies.

Skip half of the Disc 3
In order to skip most of the events on Disc 3, you must get a Gold Chocobo after you get the Blue Narcis boat. Once this is done, go to The Forgotten Continent and enter Ipsen's Castle. Equip your weakest weapon. Try saving your first weapon for this, or just fly to Alexandria and buy their weakest weapon for each character that you are going to use.

Change Airship altitude
Put the Airship on auto-pilot, then press [Up] or [Down] to change its altitude while flying to your destination.

Treasure hunting
When hunting treasure with your Chocobo, press [Select] while choosing a treasure to find for a hint.

Hidden items
At the beginning of the game when playing with Vivi, go backwards. There should be an area that you search to find about four cards, two Potions and one Elixir.

Location of crack near Oeilvert
Find the big forest (not the triangular one). Then, go to the cliff in front of it, then look for a long vertical line.

Early Lowell Autograph
After seeing the Lowell Fans rant over him at his theater, go directly to the Artists House in the Theater District and talk to Lowell. He will ask you not to tell anyone, and give you an autograph (key item).

Early Emerald
In Cleyra as Freya, you can go into the cathedral and talk to the high priest to get the Emerald.

Early Mage Masher
After you start and fight Baku in his dragon costume, steal from him to get a Mage Masher.

Early Ore
Get past the evil forest. When you get on the world map, walk around until you encounter a snake-like monster. You can steal Ore from it.

Cargo ship model
Mr.Morrid's coffees can be found at the following locations. Give all three to Mr. Morrid to get the cargo ship model (key item).
Moccha coffee: Near the entrance of south gate.

Kirman coffee: On Eiko's back porch in Madin Sari.

Burman coffee: Get to the treasure chest in the windmill in Dali Village. You will get 30,000 Gil. Check the chest again to find the Burman coffee.
Buy the Magic Fingertip from the Auction House and go to Duguerro. Give it to the old man that was looking for a book about Edions. He will give you Excalibur.

Excalibur 2
Get to Memoria within 12 game hours to receive the Excalibur 2. You can learn Climhazzard with this.

Early Grand Dragon
When you first go to Gizamaluke's Grotto on Disc 1, notice the ladder to the outside in the room with the Moogle couple. Once outside, it leads to an area with a fight involving a Grand Dragon, which definitely increases your level.

Early Iron Sword
While Fighting Baku in the destroyed Prima Vista, steal a Broadsword and defeat him. When you defeat the Plant Brain in Evil Forest and get Blank in you party, go to Equip on Blank and trade the stolen Broadsword for Blank's Iron Sword. Equip Steiner with it.

When fighting the plant-thing that captures Vivi, steal from it. You will eventually get an Iron Sword. When you get Steiner in your party, equip him with it.

Early Mythril Dagger
When Fighting the Masked Baku, Steal from him. You will eventually get the Mythril Dagger.

Early Ruby
When you are answering Baku, say "That's when I capture Queen Brahnne, Right" 64 times. Ruby will storm in.

Knights of Pluto
On Disc 3, when Bahamut and Alexander battle, Queen Garnet must deploy the Knights of Pluto and assign them to different tasks. The correct order is: Have Kohel and Blutzen gather information. Have Haagen and Weimar protect the townspeople. Have Breireicht and Laudo contact Lindblum for reinforcements. Finally, have Mullenkedheim and Dojebon prepare to fire the cannons. Beatrix and Steiner will praise you for your excellent performance and reward you with Angel Earrings.

Silk Shirt
When you play as Steiner at the beginning of the game (looking for Princess Garnet), return to Queen Brahne to get a free Silk Shirt. This is very useful against the plant monsters in the Evil Forest.

Quan's Dwelling
Go to Quan's Dwelling with Quina in your party in Disc 4. Go to the room after the cave and Quina, Vivi, and Quina's master will meet Vivi's grandfather (that died).

If you have a Chocobo and some Dead Peppers you can go to Quan's Dwelling and go to the room that is outside. Go to the edge and a "?" will appear over Zidane's head. He will say that he sees foam in the water. It will automatically put you on the world map if you agree with Zidane. Press [Triangle] and feed the Chocobo the Dead Pepper. It will jump into the water and find a sunken treasure chest. It contains some ores and a Red Rose card. Red Rose is the ship Beatrix is in when you go to the Lifa Tree on Disc 4.

Go to the room in Quan's Dwelling and check the clock. A "!" will appear. Inside the clock are Running Shoes.

Dagger: Getting Ark
To get Ark (Dagger's final summon), without having to defeat Ozma, steal in every battle on Disc 4 until you get a Pumice Piece; or obtain one from defeating an enemy. Then, go to Memoria and find Hades, who is located to the right of the area where Quina nearly drowned.

Dagger: Have Auto-Reflect and still cure
Dagger can cast Cure, Cura, and Curaga even if all of the targets have Reflect. Just equip the ability Reflect-Null, learned from the rare Robe of Lords.

Eiko: Fourth summon
Equip a Phoenix Pinion as an add-on and she can summon the Phoenix, which does fire damage and revives all dead party members.

Eiko: Summons skills
Eiko has only four Eidolons to summon. but if you equip those items on her, you can use different skills.

EidolonItem equippedResultEffect
CarbuncleMoonstonePearl LightCast Shell on all ally
CarbuncleEmeraldEmerald LightCast Haste on all ally
CarbuncleDiamondDiamond LightCast Vanish on all ally
FenrirMaiden PrayerMillennial DecayWind Elemental attack

Freya: Countering Death Sentence or Gradual Petrify
If an enemy casts Gradual Petrify or Death Sentence on Freya, have her use Jump until the end of the battle. Jump will stop the countdown from the time she jumps until the time she lands.

Freya: Final weapon
When you get to Memoria, keep going to the right soon as you enter. You should get Freya's final weapon, and you learn Dragon's Crest which does 9999 damage to an enemy.

Quina: Getting
You can get Quina at Qu's Marsh (grassy area close to Gizamaluke's Grotto that has a"?" next to it).

Quina: Early appearance
On Disc 1 when you are playing as Steiner in Alexandria castle rounding up the Knights of Pluto, go downstairs in the main hall (with a painting of Queen Brane on the stairs). Go through the door on the left, then take the next door also on the left to reach a kitchen. Walk over to the cooking pots to see Quina. When you address her however, it only shows the name as "Head Chef". You cannot get Quina in your team until after your first visit to Lindblum, even if you see her in Alexandria.

Quina: Blue Magic
Quina is actually a very helpful character. The only problem is, you have to level him/her/it up and give him/her/it abilities. Quina's Blue Magic is very powerful, not for dealing damage, but for getting your opponents to the point where they cannot fight back. Mighty Guard casts Shell and Protect. This greatly improves defense. Bad Breath makes an attempt at every negative status in the game focused on one opponent. LV5 Death kills all the targets on the screen whose experience levels are multiples of 5. Magic Hammer, which basically knocks off MP. Magic Hammer is by far one of the most useful. It can make Trance Kuja, Necron, and Ozma helpless. Magic Hammer can decimate anywhere from 1 MP to 9999 MP. Keep using it until your opponent has no more MP. Death Sentence is helpful if the enemy is weak against it. If you have finished the Frog Catching side quest and defeated Quale in battle, then Frog Drop is one of the best attacks; 9999 HP for 10 MP.

Quina: Frog Drop
At Qu's Marsh, have Quina eat a Gigan Toad to learn Frog Drop. Quina's level multiplied by the amount of frogs she's caught multiplied by 100 is the amount of damage given.

Steiner: Peeking
When you reach Alexandrian territory as Steiner, he will be carrying a bag of rotten stuff. That is actually Dagger. When he goes to the corner of the alley, she will think of changing into her costume while he is looking forward. You will get an option for about five seconds to either keep looking or go to the other side. Within those five seconds, if you have good reflexes, you can also choose to look the other way.

Vivi: Chased by monster
Defeat most of the monsters of Lindblum during the Festival Of The Hunt and go to the Business Center. You will see Vivi being chased by a very weak monster.

Vivi: Stronger magic
Summon Carbuncle and then cast Fira or something reflectable. Usualy Vivi's Fira will do 500 damage. With everyone with reflect it will do 2000 and so on.

Make sure you have the Flare ability. Focus three times, then use Flare. It will do 9999 damage. It will do no more damage if you focus four or more times. You can do it with Firaga, Blizzaga, or thundaga if you Focus about five times.

Zidane: Easy kills early in game
Get the beast/bird/dragon/etc. killer. When you go to Lindblum the first time, you will probably have a Mage Masher. Go to the weapons shop and instead of buying the Mythril Dagger, purchase another Mage Masher. Go to the synthesis shop there and get an Ogre Sword. Equipping the killer with the Ogre Sword for Zidane can be lethal (about 400 to 700 for critical hits) until Disc 1 is passed.

Zidane: Ultimate Weapon
Get a Gold Chocobo on Disc 4 and go back to the Shimmering Islands after the explosion. Go to the middle of the remaining pieces and use a Dead Pepper.

Zidane: Easy experience
On Disc 1, when you first go to Lindblum after defeating Black Waltz 3 you can get lots of experience points with Zidane when you are alone with him. First, after you go out of the inn in the city, go outside of Lindblum into the world map. Then, hope that you fight a pair of dragon-like enemies called "Axe Beaks". These enemies give 246 experience points and are easy to kill. They might take off at least 100 HP; make sure you are at least level 9 with Zidane.

Winning the Festival of the Hunt
If you want Zidane to win the Festival of the Hunt, make sure to equip him with The Ogre. One hit should be enough to kill any monster in town. First, go to the end of the Theater District, wait in front of the barrels for a moment, then kill the Fang that appears. Next, go to the Business District and go north. Kill the Fang on the left side of the screen, then head down the right-hand path. You should see the Zaghnol. If not, exit and re-enter until it appears. When you go to kill it, Freya should appear to help you. Use her jump skill and have Zidane attack. If Zidane kills the Zaghnol, he will be catapulted into the lead. After winning, you will receive 5000 Gil.

If you want Freya to win, just kill Zidane. She will receive a Coral Ring.

If you want Vivi to win, follow these instructions exactly. As soon as you step off the tram, immediately get back on and head to the Business District. Head north, fighting as few monsters as possible, and take the left path into the church area. Kill the Fang that is there, then head back out. Vivi should run by, chased by a Fang. Kill the Fang that is chasing Vivi, then head to the right-hand path, where the Zaghnol is located. When you fight the Zaghnol, just have Zidane and Freya kill each other. With luck, Vivi should win the Festival and get a Theater Ship card.

Zidane and Freya's tail motion
After The Festival of Hunt and the reward is handed out and the soldier died, the game will show Cid talking to everyone about what he will do. In the beginning Zidane's and Freya's tail will be doing the same motion.

Alexandria card
Wait until Alexandria is destroyed by Invincible (the big eye in the sky) at the start of Disc 3. Go to the center of the town and press [Square] to challenge the little girl who is chasing the boy. She will say "Here, I found this card in the rubble. You can have it." She will give you the card.

Hades Card
Work your way into the Time Portal (the area with the broken clock and the view of space) in Memoria. Go up the stairs and an exclamation point will appear above Zidane's head. Press [Square] to challenge Card Master Empress to a card battle. Keep winning card games and eventually she will use the Hades card.

To get the Hades Card, you must have defeated the Nova Dragon and gotten into Memoria. After you have defeated the Kraken, go to the next room. There will be a small overhang up the stairs and to the right. At the end of the overhang you will find an exclamation mark. Press [Square] and you will get into a card battle with the rare ghost. Note: It may require a few battles to get this card. There are many other rare cards here, such as the Genji, Ribbon, Elixer, Masamune, Mog, Frog, Lindblum, Two Moons, Boco, and Air Ship.

Hippaual's Secret Cards
After Princess Garnet becomes the queen, take Vivi and walk towards where you met Puck. Keep going until you reach the chapel. You should see two Moogles, one of which is Stiltskin. Climb the ladder, then ring the bell. You should receive Hippaul's "Secret Cards".

After playing a game of jump rope, you will meet Hippaul. He will tell you that he has hidden his treasure. Go to the alleyway where you met Puck (rat kid). When Puck gives you the option of being his slave, refuse then go to the chapel steeple and climb up. Pull the rope to get Hippaul's treasure.

First, talk to Hippaul about his hidden cards, At the first time at Alexandria (with just Vivi) before the play, when that rat man asks you if you want to help him and yourself to free entry into the castle to see the play, say "No". He will say "Fine, suit yourself". Then, go on to the "bell tower' and o ring the bell to get the first three cards. The second time, talk to Hippaul again. He will tell you someone stole his first three cards and that he had three more precious cards and hid them in the same place. Go back there to get them.

Lindblum card
After Lindblum is attacked in Disc 2, go north of the inn until you enter another screen. Go to the wreckage that blocks the path to the north. The Lindblum card will be lying around in that area.

Namingway card
At the Treno Card Tournament in Disc 3, view all of the ATEs. When Vivi is trying to decide whether or not to head home, tell him not to. The next ATE with Vivi in it will show Mario getting a Namingway Card. In the second round of the tournament, you will face Mario, and he should have multiple (probably two or three) Namingway Cards along with other cards. Defeat him to receive a Namingway Card before Kuja's Palace.

In Disc 3 re-enter the Kuja's Hideout and look around in his room. The card may be found by books near the door.

Oglop card
It is possible, though not easy, to get an Oglop card as early as Disc 2. On the mountain path from Conde Petite to Madain Sari, there are little yellow-orange spots running around. Those are Mountain Oglops. Catch one by pressing [X] (no ! or ? will appear, just keep pressing the button) and give it to the dwarf outside the item shop in Conde Petite (the male one, Brian Rootrunner). He will give you an Oglop card.

Ramuh and Shiva cards
When you start Disc 3, go to the church with the bell and the Save Mog. Save, go onto the ladder, and pull the rope. You will get a Goblin, Fang, Ramuh, and Shiva cards.

Card battle with Phantoms
In Memoria, whenever you see an exclamation point pop up, press [Square] to have a card battle with Phantoms, who have a lot of rare cards. The battles are fairly easy, using weak cards such as Flan or Ironites.

Card symbols
Each card has a letter in its symbol at the bottom -- this is either an M, P, or X. M stands for Magic, P for Physical, and X for a special rare type. When battling cards, always attack Ms with Ps and vice versa. This will give you a greater chance for winning. Only use an X card to attack; if you use it to defend, you will almost always lose.

The first number is the attack power of the card. If the card is an M, it attacks the third number, if it is a P, it attacks the fourth. X may attack the weakest of the third and fourth numbers. Attack and defense power is 0123456789ABCDE (0 is lowest, E is highest). For example, if you had card BM06 and your opponent had card AP07, you would more than likely win. All of this information is available in the south of the shop in Dali on Disc 4.

The first number is the card's attack power and can be between 0 and F (0 is the lowest, F is the highest). The next letter is what type of attack they do (M-magical, P-physical, X-special, A-special). The last two numbers are defense. If a card is a magical type it will attack the fouth number on the card. If it is physical it will attack the third number on the card. If it is X-special, it will attack the lower of the last two numbers. If it is A-special it will attack the lowest number on the whole card; it will also attack for whatever the highest number on its card is.

Getting more game cards
At the start of the Disc 3, after the FMV sequence when you become Vivi, go right down the row of houses and talk to the "Hippolady". She will complain about her son playing too many cards and will ask you to race him. Answer yes, defeat him, and she will thank you. Repeat this two other times and she will thank you, say that her son is in better shape and will give you a game card. Keep repeating this process (it will take longer to get the cards each time) to gain more cards.

To get a few rare cards you can play Card Freak Cil in the Treno Card Stadium (on discs 3 or 4). You can get the Ifrit Card. To get all the Airship Cards, go to Daguerreo. In the area where the save Moogle, you can play the Four Armed Man. After you get the Hilda Garde 3. you can go to South Gate. On top of a cart that you could not get to before is a treasure chest that holds the Elixir Card. You can get the Frog Card by going to any Qu's Marsh and fighting the Gigan Toads. You can also get many rare cards such as: Alexander, Odin, Ark,Airship, Masamune, Dark Matter, Tiger Racket and Fat Chocobo by completing the Chocobo Hot and Cold side quest.

When you first enter Alexandria as Vivi, go talk to the hippo standing by the big gate. He will tell you that he hid his cards. Go to the bell tower and pull the rope to ring the bell. His cards will fall out. Then, after Alexandria is attacked, go back and talk to him again. Hye will say the same thing. Ring the bell again. This time he will have better cards.

Changing names
You must have the Namingway card. Go to Daguerreo and go to the inn. There is a ladder behind the library. Descend and go left. Talk to the man on the left and he will offer you to change your names if you just show him the Namingway card.

Easy Gil
Win items in the Chocobo Hot & Cold game in Chocobo Forest, then sell them.

When you get a key item at the auction, look for someone who wants to buy it. When they ask you if you will sell it to them, answer "No". They should say "Fine" and pay you more Gil. Note. You can only do this once per person.

When you get the Hilda Gard 3 ship, go to Treno and visit the shop. Ask about the monster and when the explanation is over, ask to fight it. The first time you win, you will get 15,000 Gil. Leave, save the game, then return and fight a different one. This time you will get the Running Shoes.

When the story line brings you to Lindblum, check the house (theater) that Zidane grew up in to get between 500 and 5,000 Gil per treasure chest.

On Disc 4, get a Gold Chocobo and fly to an island in the top right corner of the world map called Chocobo's Paradise. Talk to the Chocobo just left of the fat Chocobo. It will give you 99 Dead Peppers. Go out and sell all of them, then return to Chocobo's Paradise to obtain 99 more Dead Peppers. Repeat this as many times as desired.

In Disc 1, have at least 14,000 Gil before you reach Dali village. Once there, buy 99 Wrists from the shop owner to the left of the entrance of Dali Village. Then, wait until you reach Lindblum. Once there, go to the business district. Go to Dragoo's weapon shop, located in the third area of the Lindblum business district. Buy some Steepled Hats from Dragoo, then go to the Snyth Shop across from the weapon shop. Synth your Wrists and Steepled Hats into Cotton Robes. They cost 1000 Gil each to synth. When you are out of Steepled Hats for the first time, go to Dragoo and sell your Cotton Robes for 2,000 Gil each. Then, buy more Steepled Hats and repeat the process until all your Wrists are gone. Keep at least two Cotton Robes.

In Disc 3 and 4, have the Invincible or the Hilda Grade 3 and about 40,000 Gil. Fly to Dali Village and buy 99 Wrists from the shop owner. Then, fly to Burmecia. Go to the courtyard where there are three entrances (left, middle, and right). Go into the right entrance, where you will meet a Moogle. Speak to it and buy 99 Steepled Hats. Leave Burmecia and fly to Fallen Alexandria. From there, go into the alley where Vivi and Puck first met in Disc 1. There should be a old man walking up the alley with a cane in his hand. He is the Synthesis. Tell him to make Cotton Robes with the remaining money you have after buying the Wrists and Steepled Hats. Then, go back to the inn in Alexandria. There should be a shop owner in front of the inn. Sell your Cotton Robes for 2,000 Gil each.

Finding items and Gil
Whenever there is an explanation point (!) over the character's head, there is usually items or Gil.

Easy items at auction
Use the following trick to buy items at the auction house in Treno. Let the other buyers fight it out. The auctioneer will say "I think I heard (for example) 12000 gil", or something similar. He will then say "Any more?". Bid at this time. You will almost always get what you are bidding for.

Early abilities and easy levels
After leaving Lindblum when Garnet and Steiner leave, go to the Chocobo Forest. Get all of the Chocographs you can. Get all the ones nearby. Go through Gizamaluke's Grotto and head west to reach a beach with some Chocobo tracks. Call Choco and find the treasure chest nearby. Now you have the River Chocobo. Go back through the Grotto and to Chocobo's Forest. Call Choco and head to the island south of you. Get the chest there and go northwest past Lindblum. There is an island west of the continent you can reach for the Bird's Eye Lagoon Chocograph.

When Garnet, Marcus, and Steiner go to Treno, watch the Treno Tradition ATE. Then go to the Synthesis Shop's hallway and talk to the thief. He will give you an add-on he bought with the stolen money. Then, get Garnet from the Auction House. Buy all the add-ons you can, especially the Reflect Ring. Go outside to learn as many abilities as you can. Note: the Friendly ghost can be found near the entrance to South Gate. Go back into Treno and synthesize any add-ons that you need. Synth two Coral Rings (only get one if Freya won the Hunt). If you need materials, go through South Gate to Dali. Go to Quan's Dwelling near Treno and take the Stellazzio coin there. Get the prizes for the Stellazzio. Take off the add-ons before getting the Supersoft.

When you get control of Zidane again, take the time to let Vivi and Quina learn Auto-Reflect. Go into the room with the two Mogs and save. Give Zidane and Freya Coral Rings. Equip everyone with the Antibody skill. Equip Auto-Reflect on Quina and Vivi. Now, the only attack from the Grand Dragons that can hurt you is Poison Claw, because it is a physical attack. Put everyone in the back row and have Freya Jump, Zidane Attack or Dyne, Vivi use Bio and Quina use Potions or High Potions as needed. The Grand Dragon gives each character 8800 experience if everyone survives (which is not likely at first).

Maxing out attacks
Some characters can max out attacks without being at really high levels.
Freya: Kill as many dragons as possible and Dragon's Crest will eventually do maximum damage.

Steiner: Using Shock almost always does 9,999 damage unless the target has Protect cast on itself.

Zidane: Steal as many items from enemies as possible and Thievery will eventually do maximum damage.

Vivi: Have Reflectx2 on Vivi and cast Flare on a reflected party member to do maximum damage.

Vivi: Have all your members reflected (Auto: Reflect works best, learned wth Reflect Ring) and cast Firaga, Blizzaga, or Thundaga on all party members and it will do 9,999 damage every time guaranteed, even without Reflectx2.

Quina: Formula for 9,999 damage, amount of frogs caught times level, such as 20 frogs and level 5 Quina = 100 Damage. Catch many frogs and level up Quina quickly to gain 9,999 damage.

Dagger: Use Ark on enemies weak against Shadow damage.
Most powerful Eidolon
Once Queen Brahne dies, go back to Treno. Makes sure you do not leave until you go to the auction. Buy the Dark Matter. This will give Princess Garnet the ability to summon Odin. Make sure you equip Garnet with Dark Matter.

13th Zodiac coin
After you find all 12 Zodiac coins and bring them to the Queen in Treno, she will say that it feels like there is something missing. Agree with her, and she will send you on a quest to find the 13th Zodiac coin. You can find this coin in Quan's Dwelling at the same location that you found the Scorpio Zodiac coin. Bring it back to her. She will thank you and give you a "hammer" to help synthesize special weapons and items.

Second Pedriot
You can get a second Pedriot if you defeat the Grithen at Fossle Roo near the man that gives you directions.

Free Ogre sword
Fight monsters on Disc 2 and you will eventually get an Ogre sword.

AP from ladybug
After you have found the ghost outside of Treno which gives you 10 AP, it says something about thanking a ladybug. The ladybug is outside of the Mage village near the forest area. The ladybug will ask you for some ores. Give the ores to the ladybug and she will say something about a Yeti, and give you 10 AP.

Mogster appearance
At Qu's Marsh, you also see Mogster and his little sister

Hidden monster in book
On Disc 3 in Alexandria, you have to search for Eiko and Garnet (on the Eidion) inside the castle. Before you walk up the tower to save her, make sure you go to the castle's library. On the third shelf you can see a book. When the "?" appears above Zidane's head, y

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