Final Fantasy 6 Cheats - PlayStation

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Downloadable Final Fantasy 6 Cheats
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Nov. 29, 2006
Nov. 25, 2005
Nov. 25, 2005
Nov. 25, 2005
Nov. 25, 2005
Casting magic on multiple enemies
Hold [R1] to cast a spell on multiple enemies.

Defeating Atma Weapon
Use RASP until Atma Weapon is out of MP to wound him.

Another technique is to cast Vanish and Doom.

To kill Atma, quickly buy Fire Skeens before you go to the floating continent. Use all your resources to keep Shadow alive. After throwing about five or six, you should kill him. Each Skeen does anywhere from 4,100 to 4,600 damage.

Defeating Katana Soul
In the lost castle where you get Odin or Raiden, you can fight a monster in a chest called Katana Soul. An easy way to defeat him is to have Relm in your party. Have her sketch Katana Soul and it will die instantly, giving you the one and only offering.

Defeating Wrexsoul
Take Gogo, a character that has the X-Zone spell, and a character with the Vanish spell. Make sure Gogo has the Magic skill equipped, and not Runic (it is useless in this battle). Cast Vanish on the two creatures, and then use X-Zone. They will die and you will win the battle. Your rewards are the Aura, Cyan, and the Alexander Esper. It is useful in battle against creatures such as Doomgaze, which is weak against Pearl.

Petrify one of your teammates. Wrexsoul will count them as dead and never disappear.

Defeating Phantom Train
Use a Phoenix Down and the Phantom Train, a possibly hard Boss, is easily destroyed.

Defeating the Magi Tower Boss
After defeating the Atma Weapon the first time, cast Life 3 on everyone, have them all holding a Wall Ring as one of their relics (helps through the entire level), and have someone Berserk the Boss. After that he will only use regular attacks and will not change his weakness. Once defeated, he will use Ultima, the most powerful magic attack in the entire game, and it will most likely kill you.

Defeating the undead
First, cast Vanish then either X-Zone or Break. Do not cast Doom, as this will not kill the undead.

Easy experience
Get an Exp. Egg and fight some Tyranos in the forests above the veldt at the World Of Ruin. Use Vanish, Doom or Vanish, X-Zone in the battle.

Note: The following trick requires a controller with an auto-fire feature, a PlayStation that can be left on for an extended amount of time, and tape. In the World of Balance, go to the Lete River. Get on the raft outside of the Returner's hideout. Go to the menu at the first save point. Select "Config", then "Cmd. Set". Select "Short" and press [X]. Place Banon's health spell at the top instead of fight, then save the game. On the river, go up at the first intersection. Turn on the turbo for [X] (or the entire controller). Tape [X] down, so it will always be active. The characters will fight and heal automatically. Leave the game in this condition overnight. This should result in an increase in HP and MP. Disable the turbo, and go the other way. You will find a save point where you can check your levels, Sabin's blitz techniques, and Terra's magic. Save the game if needed. Also, if you want to do this again, as soon as you check your characters disable the turbo and have them kill each other. You will lose all the GP and items you have gained, but your character's levels will be the same. You will be at the first save point, allowing you to repeat the trick as needed.

Note: The following trick requires a controller with an auto-fire feature. Get to the part of the game where you see Baron and you have to get on a raft. Go to the save point where you can get off the raft to switch Baron's attack command with his heal command. Next, get to a part where you can go left (or up), and go in an endless circle. Set auto-fire to [X] and keep it depressed for a very long time. You will have your party attack and get healed by Baron.

Go to the green area around Doma Castle. You will find find Sprintors, Spektors And Tummble Weads there. Always use your most powerful fire attacks for easy defeats. As soon as your characters get powerful enough, you should put only one person in your party and fight around that area to get a lot of experience.

Quick MP
In the World Of Balance, go to the triangular island in the very top right corner. Keep walking around until encountering the invisible monster called Intangir. Simply chant death on it to gain 10 MP.

In the World Of Balance, encounter Intangir as described previously. Instead of casting Doom, have Gau in your party and keep him with you always. When facing Intangir choose the "Rage" Rhodox and wait. The only two commands he uses are Fight and Snare. Snare will eliminate the monster, and it will not be able to counter with the extremely powerful Meteo.

In the World Of Ruin, go to the desert south west of Maranda. There a creature called Cactros that has 3 HP, but is hard to hit and is immune to almost all magic. Use Cyan's Dispatch, Edgar's Drill, or Sabin's Bum Rush to defeat it.

Easy Air Blade
Press [Up]x2, [Left]x2, [Down]x2, [Forward].

Defeating Kefka for the final time
When fighting Kefka for the final time in Kafka's tower, throw the Atma weapon. He should either die or be weak enough to be defeated with one more hit.

Defeating almost every Boss
To kill almost every Boss in the game, cast Vanish then Doom to kill it. The Vanish makes the Boss always get hit by magic spells.

Give Gogo any commands
Go to Gogo's status screen. Look at his commands. You will see Mimic and three empty slots below it. Choose one of the empty slots and a list of all of the commands from the other characters you have will appear. Choose the one you want, then do the same with the other two slots. For example, you can have Mimic, Blitz, Tools, and Swordtech all at the same time, if desired.

More damage with Locke
Equip Locke with Offering and Genji Glove. Then, give him the Atma weapon Valiant Knife. Although this is best when around 4000 HP, he still does a lot of damage if less is available.

Saving Cid
To save Cid at the beginning of the World of Ruin, feed him only Yummy Fish. They are the ones that swim the fastest. If there are none there, go back to him, then return to the shore.

Remove bad after-battle status effects by using Relics
If a character is inflicted with an after-battle status effects such as Poison, go to that character's Relic sub-menu and choose a Relic that prevents the status effect that is afflicted. Press [X] then go back to the menu screen. The status effect that the Relic you equipped to the character should stop any of the status effects it can stop. Return to the Relic screen. Remove the Relic used to remove the status effect and equip the original Relic(s) you had for that character. For example, If Edgar has Poison and Darkness, go to the relic Screen and get a Relic that can either stop Poison and/or Darkness (for example, the Star Pendant). Go back to menu screen, then give him Goggles or another Relic that stops Darkness. Next, go to the Relic screen, remove those two relics, and give him the original ones.

Limit Breaks
To do a Limit Break with any character, you need to be at low HP and do a critical hit. This does not work with the Genji Glove or Offering equipped.

Stronger Umaro
Note: A lot of money is required for this trick. Buy 99 Green Cherries. During a battle in the World Of Ruin, have Umaro in your party. Use some Green Cherries on Umaro and he will become stronger without having to level up.

Getting the Paladin Shield
Equip the Cursed Shield and a Ribbon (so the effects of the Cursed Shield are negated). Fight 255 battles to transform the Cursed Shield into the Paladin Shield.

Once you have obtained the Paladin Shield, have a fast party member equip it along with the Ribbon Relic. Also equip the Dragoon Boots on that character. The countdown until death will be stopped for a period of time. After 255 or 225 battles, the Cursed shield should transform into the Paladin shield. Try battling at the forest north of the Veldt to level up and upgrade your shield.

Getting the Chain Saw
In Zozo, when you find the clock on the top right side of the town, put in the following times. First hand 6:00, second hand 10, third hand 50.

Atma Weapon combo
This trick requires the Atma Weapon (Cave to Esper World), Offering (In World Of Ruin, Odin's Castle), and approximately 7,000 HP. The Atma Weapon powers up by your HP. With high HP you should be able to do 9,999 damage to every enemy (even Kefka). With the Offering, you will do this four times (39,996 damage) in just one turn.

Another Atma Weapon
I is possible to get another Atma Weapon during the final set of battles. When battling the warrior with a woman's head above and behind him (just before god Kefka), steal from the woman's head. You should now be able to equip another Atma Weapon to a character.

Getting Sabin's Bum Rush
Have Sabin in your party and take off in the airship in the World Of Ruin. Go near the Narshe, and search for five trees forming a plus sign like this: <PRE> T T T T T </PRE>

Land nearby and walk into the middle tree to find Sabin's old sensei (who he thought was dead). The teacher will teach Sabin the Bum Rush, an extremely strong, single person attack.

Random hat replacement
Un-equip the hat of the character you like the most. Sell all other hats you have. Then, go to the hatless character's equipment screen and select "Optimum". Sometimes a random item (usually a Genji Glove) will be equipped as a hat, and boosts defense up to 255.

Stealing a Gengi Glove
On the floating continent in the World Of Balance, you can steal a Genji Glove from the Dragon. Bring Locke along and equip him with either a Genji Glove and the Thieve's Glove (or the Steal Ring and the Thieve's Glove). The dragon also carries a potion.

Merit Award
To get a Merit Award, which allows a character to wear heavy armor, fight an enemy called Hoover which uses Sand attacks which cause heavy damage. Equip a Thunder Shield to absorb this effect and use a Blizzard sword to do heavy damage to the monster.

Second Memento Ring
You can get a second Memento Ring by searching the left side of the upper story of Strago's house. Go to the left side wall and go down until you run into the chair. Turn left and press [X] and you will receive a second Memento ring which only Relm and Shadow can use.

Getting the Soul Saber
To obtain this sword, in the World Of Ruin go to Firgao and into the dungeon where Edgar rejoins your party. Go into the room were all the thieves entered. At the center is a statue of armor. Approach to it and press [X] to get the Soul Saber. This is a great sword, as it deals damage by how much MP you used. It also refills you MP.

Get the Genji Glove early
When Bannon asks you to join the Returners, say "No" three times. One of the people inside will give you the Genji Glove.

White Cape
You can get a White Cape from the Returners Hideout early in the game. There is a hidden passage in the north room.

Getting Raiden
To get Raiden you need Odin. Go in Edger's castle in the World Of Ruin and go underground. When the game states that you hit something, go and check. In the jail there will be an open door. Go through it and you enter a cave. After the cave you will get into the Ancient Castle. Enter the throne room, go to the right side of the throne, walk five steps down, and press [X]. When you do this go into the right room, and a new room will be there. Note: If you do this you wll lose Odin and gain Raiden.

Getting Gogo
In the World Of Ruin, go to the northeast triangle island. Bring strong characters. There you will meet a monster named Zoneeater. It uses Demi, but also uses an attack called "Engulf" that sucks a character into him. Allow him to use "Engulf" on all of your characters. The game will not end. Instead, you will end up in a cave. This cave has strong monsters and great treasures, such as the Genji Armor. Jump across the bridges and avoid the walking people to eventually reach the end. Walk through the door and you will see a covered-up person. Talk to him and he will join your party.

Getting Yeti
Go to Narshe in the World Of Ruin. Have Mog in your party. Then, go to the mountain where you first got Mog. You will see the frozen Esper from the start of the game. Use Fire attacks on him and defeat him. This is the esper Tritoch that teaches Fire 3, Ice 3, and Bolt 3. Then, go to where the Esper was located and slide down. You will be in a cave. Most of the chests are trapped, and only have a secret path to them -- do not touch them. At the end of the cave, go to the skull statue, and take the Esper. Yeti will attack you. Defeat him, and if you have Mog in your party, he will join.

Getting Odin Esper
Use the following trick to get the Odin Esper quickly, without getting into battles. After receiving the Airship in the World Of Ruins, go to Narshe. Go to where the Moogle Village is located. Talk to Mog and he will join the party. In the location where you found Mog, search the wall to retrieve the Moogle Charm (when equipped on Mog, you will fight no random encounters). Go to Figaro Castle and talk to the engineer to head back to the desert. When the castle is moving, you will suddenly stop and the engineer will mention something. Go to the prison cell with the door and go through. Have Mog in the party with the relic Moogle Charm equipped. Follow the path until you reach the Ancient Castle. Go to the throne room and search the statue to retrieve the Odin Esper. You will never encounter an enemy unless you open two chests that contain monsters. If this happens, just cast Vanish then Doom to dispose of them. This is an easy way to get Odin and learn the rare spell Meteor.

Getting Ragnorak Esper
After you save Locke in the World Of Imbalance and the scene with Rachele (Locke's girlfriend), go to Narshe. Open the weapons shop and go in the door on the right. The man will ask if you want the sword. Take the Esper. The sword teaches you Flare, but you can learn it elsewhere while the Esper teaches you Ultima, the best spell in the game.

More Espers
Go to Albrook in the World of Balance. Immediately before going to the floating continent, you will meet a man that says someone tried to sell a glowing rock, and that he went to Tzen. Go to Tzen and look behind the trees in the top right-hand corner of the town. You can buy the Sraphim Esper for 3000 GP. Also at this time, if you go to Jidoor you can buy the Golem and ZoneSeek Espers for 20,000 GP at the auction house, but it may take a while because some other things are sold there as well, such as Cure Rings, Cherub Downs and talking Chocobos (which you cannot actually buy).

Economizer relic
This relic turns all MP used on any magic move to only 1 MP. You can only get it the second world, after Kefka blows up the world, above the Veldt (the place where you teach Gau new moves). It is a small forest patch on the island just north of the Vedlt Island. You will be close when Tyranos start attacking. Keep fighting them and every once and a while a monster called a Bracosaur will attack. Have Locke steal from it. If that was unsuccessful, kill it and hope that it appears after the battle.

Make sure Lock is level 35 or higher. Equip him with an Off Ring, the Theif Knife, and your best armor. The Marvel Shoes also help. Save the game and bet the Strato at the Colosseum. You will fight an Aquila. Locke will attempt to steal about 50% of the time. When he is successful and if you are lucky, you will get an Economizer. If you get a Phoenix Down, use the in-game reset, reload, and try again. Once he is successful and you win the fight, you will get a Pearl Lance. Bet that in the Coliseum, and you will win another Strato. You can repeat this as many times as desired.

Go any town and check out the houses. Many houses have a grandfather clock. Walk up to the clock and press [X]. You will most likely receive an elixir. Note: This only works once per clock.

Easy Catrot battles
You will find a creature called the Cactrot in the desert southwest of Maranda. It only has 3 HP, an extremely high Evade. Equip your characters with a Sniper Sight and a Genji Glove to take off 2 HP every time it is attacked. This can also be helpful when you face a Catrot in the coliseum.

Equip the Sniper Sight and the Atma Weapon (which should be found before you even get to World of Ruin). This will kill Cactrot with one hit.

When trying to kill the Catrot, use Edgar's tool command, then use the Drill.

Cast Ultima five times for 1 MP
Equip the Economizer and Gem Box relics to allow you attack two times for 2 MP. Make sure you know the magic Quicke, then enter a battle. Cast Quicke followed by Ultima, then just Ultima four more times.

Throw anything twice
The following trick allows you to throw anything twice, even if you only have one of the item. Have Gogo mimic Shadow to throw the same item twice. Note. If you throw an item that you have more than one of, Gogo will use his own and you will lose two items instead of one.

Get Cyan in World Of Ruin
Go to the town of Zozo. Talk to the only man that is walking around (not jumping from building to building or laying down). He will give you an item. Then, go to the top of the building with the door that is rusted shut and use the item that the man gave you. It will open the rusted door, which leads to Mt. Zozo. There, you will get in a lot of fights and eventually meet up with Cyan.

Hear different music
Go to the bonus screen to hear a selection of music. Go back and forth from the bonus screen and the start up screen and each time a different selection of music will play.

Oprah words
Oh my hero
I'm the darkness
Must I
Coliseum items in World Of Ruin
Trade a Behemoth suit and get a Snow suit. It works well with Mog.
Trade a Rising sun or a Sniper and get a Bone club. Trade the Bone Club and get a Red Jacket.
Trade a Chocobo suit and get a Moogle suit. Trade the Moogle suit and get a Nutkin suit. Trade that and get Genji Armor.
Trade Coronet and get a Regal Crown. Trade that and a get Genji helmet.
Trade an Imp Halberd and keep trading everything you get till u get an EXP egg.
99 of almost every item
Put Gau and Relm in your party and go to the Velt. Then, have Gau Leap, and on his return have Relm sketch him before he joins you. You will get 99 of almost everything. Note: This may glitch the rest of the game.

Glitch: Remain leveled up after death
When fighting against Kefka's army in Narshe, put one person facing Banon on his left side so that there is no space between them. Then, put another person directly behind Banon. Wait for the soldiers to attack one of the people facing Banon. If there is another soldier behind the first one you killed, the game will act as if the soldiers reached Banon. It should now take you to where you last saved the game. If a character leveled up before you were reset, they will still be at that level. This will work for the rest of the game.

Glitch: Walk around while dead
Go to the Coliseum and bet worthless items. Intentionally lose with everyone in your party. Everyone will be wounded, but you can still walk around. Note: If you engage in another battle, you will be counted as annihilated.

Glitch: Psycho Cyan
At the start of battle, have Cyan perform the "Retort" SwordTech (or SwdTech 2), then have another party member cast the "Imp" spell on him. Next, kill Cyan by attacking him with a physical attack in one blow or several magic attacks. This is to not trigger Retort and cancel the process. After he is wounded, revive him with a Life spell or Fenix Down. After any character/enemy attacks, Cyan should automatically and continuously attack all enemies uninterrupted until they are all dead. Use this process to instantly defeat Bosses and tough enemies, including Kefka.

Glitch: Multiply items
Go to the forest by the town with the Cactaurs. You should encounter four green frogs in a horizontal line. Use Relm, Celes, Edgar, and Umaro. Have Relm use Sketch on a frog and hope that it jumps away. If done correctly, she should Sketch nothing and you have completed the glitch. In one particular instance, Celes turned into Terra, Edgar turned into General Leo, and Umaro had the Gravity Rod equipped forever. Kill the frogs and exit. Go to your items and you should have 99 of some items. If this happens, go onto your ship and give everyone the item that got multiplied. They will disappear if they are not equipped.

Glitch: Phunbaba
If you use Vanish and Doom technique on Phunbaba (the Boss that appears in the town that Terra is on the second world, immediately before she returns to fight) the first time you fight him, he will be killed. In the intermission sequence that follows, since he is supposed to defeat you, you will appear to have been defeated. You now have to kill him again, this time with Terra.

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