Final Fantasy 4 Remix Cheats - PlayStation

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Downloadable Final Fantasy 4 Remix Cheats
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Nov. 25, 2005
Nov. 25, 2005
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Hidden room
After you get Tellah to join your group for the first time, and after you have also already obtained the other two treasures from inside of the two treasure chests in that room where he was first located, you then can also grab something else while in that same room. While still in the water, after you have taken those two treasure chests on the way into that water, you can go behind the big waterfall that was right beside him, into a secret room. While in that secret room, you will find three treasure chests. For Final Fantasy 4 Easy Type, they seem to have the same exact treasures inside: a Cure 2, an Elixir, and 1000 Gold; for Final Fantasy 4 Hard Type, those three treasures from the three treasure chests are a Dry Ether, an X-Potion, and a Phoenix Down. There are apparently no monsters in this secret room.
Defeating Milon Z.
Cast some Cure 4 spells on him or give him some elixirs to kill Milon Z. easily.

Defeating Asura
Cast Wall on Asura, and she will not be able to use her cure spells on herself, and they will be cast on your characters. Make sure your party is at least level 35 or higher. Attack her with Rydia's best spells and use your best sword with Cecil. Use the Fire Saber because it damages her the most. Note: The Fire Saber is obtained from the Tower of Bable immediately after getting the Earth Crystal.

The spell you want to use with Rydia is Virus. It does at least 700 if your characters are up to level. Also, if you have Kain, make him jump because he usaully has the most HP so he does not have to be cured from the reflected cure spells from Ausara. Note: The less people in your group when they get cured , the more HP that they will get back. In other words, Kain needs to be in the air at all times.

Defeating Golbez
When fighting Golbez in the underworld after defeating Calbrena, make sure Kain is up in the air before Golbez summons his dragon. If you do not, he will kill all of your characters before Rydia appears. So, you will have Cecil, Rydia, and if your lucky and your timing is correct, Kain. Note: Kain will really help in this battle; make him jump, have Cecil use his sword, and Rydia use Virus.

Fighting Pink Puffs
Pink Puffs are in the bottom fight room in B4, on the moon. There is only one square where you fight Pink Puffs. It is located in the very top right square. Do this to increase you chance of fighting a group of Pink Puffs.

Fighting Trap Doors
In the sealed cave in the under world. you will have to fight many Trap Doors. This can be difficult, as they can kill a character instantly with Disrupt. As soon as you begin a battle with a Trap Door, have everyone parry until you get to Rosa. Once she is selected, remain idle. The Trap Door will select the next person it will kill with Disrupt by placing a target on them. Quickly go into Rosa's magic menu and cast Wall on the selected character. The Trap Door's spell will reflect back and instantly kill itself. Alternately, you can have Rosa just cast Wall on herself and let everyone else die, if you want to boost her levels.

Get the three hidden Summons easily
Use the following trick if you are having trouble getting the three summons, Imp, Bomb, and Mage. Get as many Phoenix Downs as possible, and encounter the desired enemy. There must be at least two enemies on the screen. It is much easier if you can kill an enemy with one hit. Place your Phoenix Downs at the very top of the item list. With the first character, select the enemy to kill. With the next character's action, immediatly go to the item list, choose Phoenix Down, and highlight the soon-to-be-killed enemy. The end result will be that the enemy will be killed and revived by the next person. This may be done repeatedly, with each kill counting as a new enemy. After the battle, you will gain lots of experience and treasure, one of which is almost guaranteed to be the desired Summon.

Avoid glowing tile damage
When you are in the Cave Of Summons or the Sylvan Cave in the Underworld, cast Float on everyone to avoid getting hurt by the glowing tiles. You will have to cast it again when you enter another room as it will have worn off.

Easy experience
When you get Edge, he is only at level 25. To level him up easily, go to the stairs at the Tower of Babil as soon as you find Edge, but do not enter. If you do, you will not be able to return and save. Walk around until you find a group consisting of a Sorcerer and two BladeMen. Quickly defeat the BladeMen, as they are capable of casting Bio. Do not touch the Sorcerer. He will call in a Green D. or a MadOgre. Kill off what he calls in, and he will call another one. Keep repeating the process and you should get an average of 6,000 experience and 2,000 gil for each fight. If you get hurt, return to the save point.

Use the following trick to get easy levels with a Cure Staff. Note: This will requires Rosa with the spell MINI and Edge. In the cave that leads to the Land Of The Summoned Monsters, there is a monster known as a Conjuror (summons a monster when the battle starts). First, have Rosa use MINI on the Conjuror to stop its high attacks. Then, use Edge to steal the monster's Cure Staff. Next, on Rosa's turn go to the item menu in battle and select her Dhand, then move it to an empty space. Next, select an empty space then move up and select her Rhand. Finally, select the stolen Cure Staff and equip it in the Dhand. Doing this will make it a usable item. The staff now is a "death" staff (instead of healing, it kills instantly). Use this on the monster the Conjuror summoned to kill it in one move. Note: This does not work on the Clapper monsters.

Zeus Glove
Go to Bahamut's cave and go to the bottom left corner when you walk in. Fight around there to have a 1/300 chance of finding it after winning battles.

Glitch: Increase item to 225
First, separate the same item in two columns (for example, Item A1 and A2), then join a battle until you gain a treasure. After the battle, when you gain a treasure (for example, Item B), select "Exchange". Exchange Item B to Item A1. Merge Item A1 and Item A2. Take another item (for example, Item C) to the upper section. Press "Cancel" and select "Take All", then exit. Join a battle again and use Item A, which number should have changed to 0. After the battle, the number of Item A will increase to 225.

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