Dragonball Z Ultimate Battle 22 Cheats - PlayStation

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Check out these Dragonball Z Ultimate Battle 22 cheats and stay cool!
Downloadable Dragonball Z Ultimate Battle 22 Cheats
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Nov. 29, 2006
Primary Collection of Cheats
Ultimate Battle 27 mode (Japanese version)
Press [Up], [Triangle], [Down], [X] , [Left], [L1], [Right], [R1] at the title screen after the FMV sequence. A chime will confirm correct code entry. Another FMV sequence will be displayed, followed by a title screen that now displays "Dragon Ball Z Ultimate Battle 27". Ultimate Battle 27 mode allows five more fighters to be available.

Alternately, if you have one of extra five characters in build up mode, go there then exit out. You will have Ultimate Battle 27.

To unlock the hidden five characters, successfully complete the game in build-up mode (beat all five blocks) to unlock Young Goku, Roshi, Mr. Satan, SSJ 3 Goku, and Vegetto.

Alternate costumes
Highlight a fighter at the character selection screen and press [Start].

Hold [Square] or [Circle] until the power bar under the health is all the way up.
Kid Buu
Once you have unlocked Majin Buu, complete the game two times with him. Then, play three more battles and win the first two, but lose on the third.

Super Sayin 3 Goku
Successfully complete the entire game with Goku. Start another game and win once. Lose the next match then you will have Super Sayin 3 Goku.

Captain Ginyu: Easy win
When playing as Captain Ginyu, let the CPU beat you up until your health is low then perform the Damage Body Change ([Back], "Half Circle Back"). If It hits your opponent you will switch bodies. Note: When you switch, your opponent can still switch bodies with you.

Frieza: Long Rang Explosive Breaker
Press "Half Circle Back", "Half Circle Forward", [Circle].

Gogeta: Special moves
Press [Down], [Right], [Forward] and Gogeta will shoot three large fireballs. Note: This requires a lot of energy.

Press [L1] or [R1] then press [Circle], [Square], or [X] to teleport and hit your opponent. Note: The timing must be precise.

Press [Left], [Down], [Right]x2, [Down], [Left], [Square].

Gogeta: Dash special moves
When playing as Gogeta you can do two special moves while dashing (holding [R1] or [L1]). While holding [R1] or [L1], press [Square] or [X] and Gogeta will fade out, reappear, and attack. Note: This requires some aim and practice, but is useful.

Gogeta: Real Three Fire Ball attack
Press [Left], [Right], [Down], [Up], [Circle]. This can be done in the air.

Gogeta: Three large fireballs
Press "Half Circle Forward", "Half Circle Forward", [Circle].

Gogeta: Hyper move
Press "Half Circle Forward", "Half Circle Back", [Square].

Goku: Combo
Press "Half Circle Back", "Half Circle Forward", [Square].

Goku: Instant Transmission Kamehameha
Press "Half Circle Back", "Half Circle Forward", [Circle].

Gotenks: Moves
Rapid Fire: Press "Half Circle Back", [Forward], [Circle].

Super Ghost Kamikaze Attack. Press "Half Circle Back", "Half Circle Forward", [Circle]. You can control it for as long as you want, but takes up a lot of energy.

Super Saiyan 3: Press "Half Circle Back", "Half Circle Forward", [Square].
Goten: Special attack
Press [Right], [Down], [Left]x2, [Down], [Right], [Square].

Majiin Buu: Big Bang Attack
Press "Half Circle Back", [Forward], [Circle].

Piccolo: Special attack
Press [Right], [Left], [Down], [Up], [Square]. Piccolo will stretch his arm and grab the opponent. Note: Piccolo has two stretch arm attacks.

Super Buu: Dodge energy attacks
If you are Super Buu (tall, skinny, and not fat) and are on the same level as your opponent, press [Down] or duck to completely dodge all energy attacks Note: This only works with energy attacks from a fair distance.

Super Buu: Special attack
Press "Half Circle Back", "Half-Circle Forward", [Circle].

Super Buu: Blast into liquid
Press "Half Circle Back", [Circle] when enemy shoots a Ki at you. When you get hit by the Ki, you will turn to liquid then turn back to normal.

Super Saiyan 3 Goku: Moves
Note: SSJ 3 Goku is unlocked by enabling the "Ultimate Battle 27 mode" code. The only drawbacks are that you do not get Renzoku Energy Dan (rapid fire Ki blasts) or the Taiyoken (Solar Flare).
Hyper Elbow Smash: Press "Quarter Circle Forward", [Square].
Double Halo Stomp: Jump then press [Forward], [Down], [X].
Forward Flip: Press [Down], [Back], [Forward], [X].
Backflip: Press [Down], [Forward], [Back], [X].
Double Forward Flip: Press "Half Circle Forward", [X].
Energy Concentration (invisible Ki blast): Hold [Back], then press [Forward], [Circle].
Kamehameha: Press "Half Circle Forward", [Circle].
Chou (Ultra) Kamehameha: Press [Down], [Back], [Forward], [Circle].
Ultimate Kamehameha (Kamehameha x3): Press "Half Circle Back", [Forward], [Circle]. Note: Ot takes up almost all of your Ki.
SSJ 3 Attack: Press "Half Circle Back", [Square].
Instant Transmission Meteo Smash: Press [Back], [Forward], [Down], [Up], [Square]. You may be anywhere on the screen to do this Meteo, as long as you are on the same level as your opponent. For example, if he is in the sky, you also must be in the sky. Goku Instant Transmissions over towards the opponent, and hits him into the sky. Goku then unleashes a barrage of hits to the front, Instant Transmissions to the back, hits him several times, Instant Transmissions again to the front, attacks, and finishes the Meteo Smash with a Kamehameha Wave. This amazing move uses no Ki.
Tien: Beam attack
Press "Half Circle Back", "Half Circle Forward", [Circle]. Tien will shoot six invisible beams. Note: This move will use most of your power.

Tien: Multiply
Press "Half Circle Back", "Half Circle Forward", [Square].

Tien: Easy win
Repeatedly press [Square] to do his Dragonfist attack. Make sure that they are cornered for best results. Also, stop pressing [Square] when they get out of it, or you will be completely vulnerable mainly to energy.

Trunks: Omni Slash
Press [Right], [Left], [Down], [Up], [X].

Super Trunks: Regular Trunks view
Play with Super Trunks and keep using energy attacks until the energy bar is totally empty. He will turn into regular Trunks for about two seconds.

Vegeta: Special attack
Press [Right], [Down], [Left], [Right], [X].

Vegeta: Fireball
Press [Up], [Down], [Circle] to summon a fire ball in front of Vegeta. Do this in the air directly above your enemy and it will still connect and hurt your opponent.

Zarbon: Big
Press "Half Circle Back", "Half Circle Forward", [Square]. Zarbon's muscles will grow large and he will charge at the opponent and hit him many times.

Ultimate Kamehameha
Press "Half Circle Back", [Forward], [Circle].

Defeating Tien
Do not jump and try to attack; he will use an energy field to prevent this. Hit him a few times, then approach him. Jump kick so that you hit him in the head. He will have no time to react.

Unlocking bonus characters
To fight and unlock bonus characters, use one of the kids (Kid Trunks, Gotenks, Goten, Gohan) to fight.

Changing blocks
If you are on the second block or higher, press [Start] to go to a previous block. Press [Start] again to go to the next level. Note: After winning or losing a match, you will return to the block that you were originally on.

Easy wins
The following strategies are best done with Goten, since he specializes in throwing. Also, for the in the air strategies, the opponent actually has to be in the air.
Android 16: Fight any way desired, but be careful when he takes off his hands.

Android 18: Fly into the air and back yourself into a corner. She will not try to throw you; instead, she will attack furiously. Wait until she is vulnerable, then throw her.

Cell: Throw him when he is powering up.

Dabura: Wait until he takes out his sword, then throw him after he lands.

Frieza: Wait until he headbutts, then throw him.

Ginyu: He is a big energy user. He will use his special blast when he has low energy. Wait until he sounds like he is saying "Hot Sauce", then throw him and use your special blast.

Gohan: Do not try jumping over him because he can uppercut you. Instead, wait until he powers up, then throw him and use special blast.

Goku: Wait until he uses the Elbow Smash, then throw him and use special blast.

Goten: Fly into the air and wait until he jumps in the air and looks as if he is flying further into the air. Run under him. When he lands, throw him.

Gotenks: Fight any way desired, but do not let him headbutt you when he turns Super Saiyan 3.

Great Saiyaman: Use your special blast from far away, He will use the small bomb all the time.

Kid Trunks: Use the Goku strategy in the air.

Krillin: Fly into the air and wait until he starts powering up then throw him.

Majin Buu: Wait until he shoots the energy ball that stops in mid-air then use your special blast.

Piccolo: He will run back and forth across the screen. Do not try to block his Special Beam Cannon, as it damages you even if you block. Use your special blast while he runs across the screen.

Recoome: Fight him any way desired, but make sure that you are not caught in his red explosion attack.

Super Buu: Use the Goku strategy.

Supreme Kai: When far away, he will use his special blast. When close, he will do a kick or punch combo. Wait until he powers up, then throw him.

Tien: He will attack furiously. Wait until he knees you, then throw him.

Trunks: Fly into the air and use your special blast while he is getting ready to use the Burning Attack.

Vegeta: He will use the Ground Explosion attack when you are far away. Use your special blast and he will try to block with the Ground Explosion, but it will be done too late.

Zarbon: You cannot get close to him, as he will attack furiously. Use your special blast when far away and he is fully charged.
When fighting Teen Trunks and both of you are shooting energy blasts, Trunks will un-Super Saiyin for a split second.

See Oolong
If both players select Kid Goku and one of them losses, Oolong will transform back into himself from one of the Kid Gokus.

Glitch: Wrong fusion names
Once you have unlocked the extra five characters notice that Gogeta is available, but his name is Vegeto at the character selection screen.

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