Destruction Derby Cheats - PlayStation

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Check out these Destruction Derby cheats and stay cool!
Downloadable Destruction Derby Cheats
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Nov. 29, 2006
Nov. 29, 2006
Nov. 25, 2005
Primary Collection of Cheats
Monastery Ruins bonus track
Enter "REFLECT!" as a name in a Wreckin' Race-Championship. When the main menu returns change the race to Wreckin' Race-Practice. Monastery Ruins can now be selected as a course. This track is normally rewarded for finishing first in the season.

No damage
Enter "!DAMAGE!" as a name.

Choose number of competitors
Enter "NPLAYERS" as your name . From the main menu, go to the track select screen. After a track is selected, you will be able to choose the number of competitors.

Smoking opponents
Enter "DERBYMAN" as your name.

Monkey secret
Choose Destruction Derby-Championship and enter "MONKEY" as your name. Start the game and perform five 360s. A monkey will begin running around the track. Hitting the monkey is worth a large amount of points.

View Reflections staff
Hold [L1] + [Left] + [Circle] at the piracy screen.

Ridge Racer type track
Select two player mode. Enter "RIDGE" as a player one name and "RACER" as a player two name.

Easy four points
Hold [X] + [Right] for a few seconds at the beginning of each race.

Time cheat
Select "Total Destruction" from the main menu. As soon as the game starts, pause and exit. If you had 0 seconds on the clock, your name will appear on the scoreboard with 566.?? seconds.
Drive backwards so that you do not get as much damage. Note: Do not do this with the taxi, as the front is stronger than the back.

Glitch: Sunset Canyon
In Sunset Canyon, go through the cave with the ramp at the end. If you get enough air, you will go flying over the canyon wall and will be put back on the track in front of the ramp.

Glitch: Aztec Ruins
In Aztec Ruins, ride on your back near the wall where you start. You will be put back between the ramps.

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