Bust-A-Groove 2 Cheats - PlayStation

 All cheats for this game by platform: PlayStation
Check out these Bust-A-Groove 2 cheats and stay cool!
Downloadable Bust-A-Groove 2 Cheats
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Nov. 29, 2006
Primary Collection of Cheats
Alternate costumes
Hold [Select] while a player is loading to change outfits.

Bonus level
Obtain a ranking of "Fever Time" in each level to unlock the Pander level.

Play as Columbo
Complete the game as Shorty.

Play as ChiChi & Sally
Complete the game as Capoeira.

Play as Robo-Z Gold
Complete the game as Heat. In the Japanese version of the game, complete the game in mix mode and unlock the Pander bonus level. Alternatively, complete the game as Tsutomu, Kelly or Kitty-N.

Play as Pander
Complete the game in mix mode as Robo-Z Gold and unlock the Pander bonus level. Alternatively, complete the game as Robo-Z Gold under the normal difficulty setting.

Play as Hustle Kong
Complete the game as Hiro to unlock Hustle Kong. Note: In the Japanese version, complete the game as Columbo or Kelly under the normal difficulty setting.

Play as Michael Doi
Complete the game as Hustle Kong to unlock Michael Doi. Note: In the Japanese version, complete the game as Hiro or Sushi Boy under the normal difficulty setting.

Play as McLoad
Complete the game as Comet. In the Japanese version of the game, complete the game as Comet or Columbo under the normal difficulty setting.

Play as Sushi Boy
Complete the game as Heat. In the Japanese version of the game, complete the game as Bi-O or Hiro under the normal difficulty setting.
Most players have counterparts, they are:
Shorty - Columbo
Hiro - Hustle Kong
Kitty N - Michael Doi
Comet - Sushi Boy
Kelly - McLoad
Capoeira - ChiChi & Sally
Acid Line song
Enter the sound options screen and select music test. Hold [Left] or [Right] to quickly cycle through the song selections. Robo-Z Gold's song "Acid Line" will flash among the titles. Try stopping the cycling on that song to hear it.

About game
You can only play RoboZGold's stage if you play as RoboZGold. To unlock anyone you will have to defeat Pander at the end of the levels. She is tough, but keep in mind that although the music changes drastically, her beat remains the same.

More points
To earn a higher score, anticipate your player's first move and press the button before it appears on the screen (in the blank bar). The game will skip the first move and you will earn higher points.

Steal a solo
Attack an opponent just before their solo to steal it and do your own as well for extra points.

Shrink your opponents
Capoeira and ChiChi & Sally can shrink their opponent by attacking them. If you attack twice in a row, they will remain small for the entire battle.

Make your opponent 2D
With Shorty, attack twice in a row. If you hit, your opponent will be 2D for the rest of the round.

Alternate Fever Time partner
In two player mode, have one person select Capoeira or Chichi and Sally. If both you and the other player qualify for Fever Time, and both of you are within 1000 points of each other, instead of both Capoeira or Chichi and Sally dancing, one of them will sit out and the other will dance with the non-Capoeira or Chichi and Sally character.

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