Alex Ferguson's Player Manager 2001 Cheats - PlayStation

 All cheats for this game by platform: PlayStation 2 | PlayStation
Check out these Alex Ferguson's Player Manager 2001 cheats and stay cool!
Easy money
Set the value of all your players on the left half of the squad screen as £99.999 million, and five of those on the right as the same. Then, set the sixth as about £45 to 50 million and go to "Finances". You should be able to take out a loan at about negative £640 million. Do this and immediately repay the loan. You should end up with about £95 million to spend. This can be repeated as often as desired, but very rarely your money will reset to zero and you will have to do it again.

Player placement
The game has a problem with full-backs and central midfielders -- it makes them play awful. To get round this, play your full-backs further wide than they start, cancel their passes to the wingers, and give them forward runs and early crossing instructions. Play a 4-5-1 formation with one central midfielder just in front of the back 4, and two just behind the striker (level with the wingers). Play one with high vision (70+) on the left and one with high shooting (80+) on the right.

Good players
A player that must be purchased no matter who you are is Barcelona's Javier Saviola. With a sell-on clause, you can get his value down to about £1.5 million. Play him on the left wing (although he is a striker). Look for a player in any position with good pace and power stats (the only important stats for a winger) and play him on the right wing. The quality of crossing will not always be great but they will get past their men easily, and Saviola will not run the ball out very often down the left (unlike most wingers).

Upfront, there are a number of quality players available. There are the obvious ones: Batistuta, Trezeguet, Owen, Ronaldo, etc, but watch for pace, power, control and agility in your forwards (shooting does not really matter). A good cheap player with potential if you start a default game is 16 year old Paraguayan F. Torres. He should have 92 on pace and about 50 on shooting. You can get him (without sell-on) for about £140 thousand. Also, if you can afford it, buy Pascal Zuberhuler (Leverkusen) as your goalie.

A good player for not much money is Sammy Baumgart of Wolfsburg.

Cheap players
Select any team, then go to the European teams. Put them into countries. Go to the Russian teams (for example, Vogorad). Once you are in the team, go to any player. Buy one and you will get him for a lot cheaper. For example, a player worth £1.1 million will come down to about £170 thousand.

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