Twisted Metal: Head On Cheats - PSP

 All cheats for this game by platform: PSP
Check out these Twisted Metal: Head On cheats and stay cool!
Primary Collection of Cheats
Cheat Mode
The following codes are entered during game play in single player mode. They have no effect in multi-player or online modes. To disable a code, repeat it. Codes will not be disabled until you do re enter them. Therefore, you do not need to re enter them when in story mode.

Health for weapons
Press [Triangle], [X], [Square], [Circle], [L] + [R] during game play.

Temporary shield
Press [Right]x2, [Down]x2 during game play. If done correctly, your car will glow green for a few seconds.

Temporary invisibility
Press [Left]x2, [Down]x2. Note: This uses up about one quarter of your energy.

Spawn a mine
Press [Right], [Left], [Down], [Up] during game play. If done correctly, a blinking red mine will appear underneath your car.

Unlocked primed
Press [Up], [X], [Up], [X], [L] + [R] during game play. A message will confirm correct code entry. Note: Do this in story mode after using up all weapons.
Play as Axel
Successfully complete the Russia mini-game in story mode.

Play as Cousin Eddy and Gene Ruttish
Successfully complete the L.A./Cousin Eddy mini-game in story mode.

Play as Crimson Fury
Successfully complete the Monaco mini-game in story mode.

Play as Dark Tooth
Successfully complete story mode in single player mode.

Play as Hammerhead
Successfully complete the Tokyo Rooftop mini-game in story mode.

Play as Mr. Slam
Successfully complete the L.A. mini-game in story mode.

Greece Deathmatch level
Successfully complete the Greece mini-game.

Egypt Deathmatch level
Successfully complete the Egypt mini-game.

Paris Deathmatch level
Successfully complete the Paris mini-game.

Rose Deathmatch level
Successfully complete the Rome mini-game.

Tokyo Streets Deathmatch level
Complete the Tokyo Streets mini-game.

Tower Tooth Challenge level
Successfully complete the game with any four characters. The Tower Tooth Challenge level will now be unlocked in challenge mode.

Defeating Cousin Eddy
Start a story mode with Dark Tooth. Once you are on Cousin Eddy, it is easier than your first fight with him. Taking out the ATVs is no problem. Just shoot your regular gun the entire time. Do not worry about missing, because the shots lock on. When you are actually fighting Cousin Eddy, do not worry about taking the time to hit all the hillbillies. Instead, use Dark Tooth's special. It will grab Cousin Eddy and take one or two hillbillies out. Repeat this until you have killed all of his hillbillies. You will then see Eddy's health bar. From here, use your special (if you still it), and it will send Eddy flying. Then, shoot your regular gun. It will take out half of his health. Repeat this until he is blown to pieces. However, if you did not have a special after killing his hillbillies, take him down to half of his health bar with missiles, napalm, ricochet, etc. By the time half of his bar is gone, you should have a special. Use it to defeat him.

Killing the band
Lay a bomb next to the band performing in the Big Blue Stadium. Drive a short distance away and detonate it. Doing this will blow up the band and kill their music. There will be no music for about a minute until another banjo track eventually starts to play over the P.A. system.

During story mode, go up to the stage where the band is performing in the Big Blue Stadium and blow them up. The napalm besides them works perfectly. The moment they are killed, the song will stop playing and will be replaced with a different, lyric-less song.

Easy kills
Place a remote bomb on any teleporter. When an enemy teleports, the bomb will explode, dealing at least 20 points of damage.

Charging weapons
Whenever a gray meter appears at the bottom of your screen, it indicates that you can charge up the weapon you have selected in your arsenal. Hold [L] to charge for as long as desired, and release it to unleash the weapon. However when the bar fills completely red, you must release [L] or the weapon will backfire and not go anywhere. For example, Axel's EMP special move will have an increasingly larger blast radius the longer you hold [L], but will be useless if you over-charge. Note: The gray meter will only appear after you've received the sixth "Special Weapons" upgrade by defeating enemies.

Double freeze
Be careful not to use the freeze attack on someone who is already frozen. If you do, your freeze bomb will bounce off the enemy and come back directly to you, freezing yourself on impact.

Get thawed out quicker
If you get hit by a freeze shot, tap [Square]x2 to use boost. This will make you unfrozen much faster.

To thaw out quickly, rapidly tap any button. You will sometimes thaw out in under two seconds.

See what player wishes for
As you may know, whoever wins gets one free wish. When you successfully complete Story mode you will see what your character wished for, and how they used it.

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