Mortal Kombat X Cheats - PlayStation 4

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Check out these Mortal Kombat X cheats and stay cool!
Unlock Trophies
A Kontender (Bronze) - Complete 1 Tower Battle.
A New Beginning (Bronze) - Complete 50% of Story Mode.
All the Pieces (Bronze) - Equip a Background, Icon and Border set.
Almighty (Bronze) - Complete a Test Your Might Tower.
Back It Up (Bronze) - Equip a new Background image.
Bill of Goods (Bronze) - Win 1 complete match in Survivor King of the Hill.
Blanche Advantage (Bronze) - Hit someone with the old lady Level Interaction.
Bloody Good Time (Bronze) - Perform a Fatality in a match with every character.
Brutal End (Bronze) - Perform 1 Brutality.
BUDDY!!! (Bronze) - Send a Tower Challenge to a friend.
Can't Stop This (Bronze) - Win an Invasion 1v1 fight.
Challenge Accepted (Bronze) - Win a single Tower Challenge.
Dark Future (Bronze) - Perform 50 Brutalities.
DIE WILL YOU (Silver) - Deal 1,000 total hits during Invasion Boss fights.
Disco (Bronze) - Create a sun ray with Kotal Kahn and perform a flip stance 5 times while in the ray.
Dropping Fools (Bronze) - Reach a 10 complete game win streak in Ranked 1v1 matches.
Elder God (Silver) - Reach personal level 65 in XP.
Faction Champion (Silver) - Reach level 50 in any faction.
FINISH HIM (Bronze) - Perform 1 Fatality in a match.
Giving Respect (Bronze) - Give Respect points in a King of the hill match.
Good to be King (Bronze) - Win 1 complete Klassic King of the hill match.
Hara Kiri (Bronze) - Kill yourself with Kotal Kahn for 1 round and win the match.
Hit the Dojo (Bronze) - Enter Practice mode.
I'm number 1 (Bronze) - Win 1 Tower Battle.
Inner Strength (Bronze) - Win 1 complete online match.
INVASION (Bronze) - Complete an Invasion Tower.
It's a Gusher (Bronze) - Spill 1,000 pints of blood.
Juggernaut (Silver) - Win 5 Tower Battles.
Jump Ship (Bronze) - Become a member of every faction.
Jumping Bean (Bronze) - Jump 30 times in 1 match.
Keep it Secret (Bronze) - Find a secret fight in the Living Towers.
Knockout (Bronze) - Perform a 10 hit combo with every character.
Luck be a Lady (Bronze) - Play 7 complete Test Your Luck matches.
Master (Bronze) - Win a single complete match with every character variation.
Moving Up (Bronze) - Reach personal level 10 in XP.
Need a Doctor (Bronze) - Perform every character's X-Ray.
No Loyalty (Gold) - Reach level 50 in all factions.
Not Dead Yet (Bronze) - See all Test Your Might deaths.
Only a Real Master (Bronze) - Beat an opponent while they still have 90% health and you have 10% or less health remaining.
Platinum Trophy (Platinum) - All Trophies Unlocked.
Pledge Yourself (Bronze) - Reach level 5 in any faction.
Real Icon (Bronze) - Equip a new Icon.
Respected Fighter (Bronze) - Earn 1,000 Respect points.
Return Kustomer (Bronze) - Play 100 complete online matches.
Royalty (Bronze) - Win 5 complete Klassic King of the hill matches.
So Bored (Bronze) - Equip a new Border.
Statistical Advantage (Bronze) - View Kombat Kard.
Stay Back (Bronze) - Play an Invasion Boss fight.
Straight Power (Bronze) - Perform 100 Fatalities in matches.
Terrifying Encounter (Bronze) - Confront a beast within the Krypt.
That's How You Do It (Bronze) - Complete Tutorial.
The Kollector (Bronze) - Unlock 50 Kustom Kombat Modifiers.
There is a Ruler (Bronze) - Complete 100% of Story Mode.
Time Out (Bronze) - Win a match by time out.
Tower God (Silver) - Complete 50 Living Towers.
Tower Kompetitor (Bronze) - Complete a single Tower.
Tower Master (Bronze) - Complete 10 Living Towers.
Tower Warrior (Bronze) - Complete a Tower with every character.
Trolling (Bronze) - Duck 30 times during Fatality sequence.
Unstoppable (Bronze) - Play 200 complete online matches.
Well Rounded (Bronze) - Play every character variation.

Unlock Bonuses
Boot Camp Jacqui Briggs - Beat the Klassic Tower with Jacqui Briggs, Buy in the Krypt (1,900 Koins) in the Garden of Despair (-8, 8).
Dark Emperor Lui Kang - Win 10 faction tower challenges.
Dark Empress Kitana - Level the Brotherhood of Shadows to level 35, Beat Premium Tower with Goro.
Dark Raiden - Found in the Krypt, in one of the chests in the Dark Pass area of Netherrealm, Buy in in Khan's Stronghold (-1, 14).
Endurance Cassie Cage - Beat the Klassic tower with Cassie, Found in the Krypt in the first area you enter, near the back (-1, 10).
Farmer Jax - Use the Mortal Kombat X mobile app.
Future Raiden - Make a WB Play account and log in.
Hanzo Hasashi Scorpion - Beat Chapter 10 of the Story Mode.
Hotshot Johnny Cage - Perform 10 win streak in King of the Hill Survivor.
Injustice Scorpion - Use the Mortal Kombat X mobile app.
Kahnum Mileena - Survive 20 rounds in the Endless Tower.
Klassic Kitana - Use the Mortal Kombat X mobile app.
Klassic Mileena - Use the Mortal Kombat X mobile app.
Kuai Liang Sub Zero - Beat the Klassic Tower with Sub-Zero, Found in the Krypt in the Lost Mausoleum (3, 3).
Kytinn Queen D'Vorah - Beat the Klassic Tower with D'Vorah, Buy in the Krypt (1,240 Koins) in Chamber of Bones (-7, 12).
Master and Servant Ferra/Torr - Found in the Krypt in the Shadow Spider Kave, right hand side somewhere in the first open room (6, 8).
Ninja Mime Johnny Cage - Use the Mortal Kombat X mobile app.
Osh-Tekk Warrior Kotal Kahn - Beat the Klassic Tower with Kotal Kahn, Buy in the Krypt (2,100 Koins) in the Grotto of Gore (-8, 8).
Outcast Erron Black - Beat the Klassic Tower with Erron Black, Found in the Krypt in Frozen Graves (-2, 9).
Revenant Jax - Perform 15 consecutive double-flawless victories.
Revenant Kung Lao - Win 30 matches in King of the Hill.
Revenant Liu Kang - Win 15 Ranked matches in a row.
Revenant Sub Zero - Complete all Test Your Might matches.
Shadow Kung Jin - Beat the Klassic Tower with Kung Jin, Found in the Krypt in the Gallery of Shadows (-1, 4).
Shinnok - Complete Story Mode, Found in the Krypt in the Netherrealm or in the Friggid Burrows (0, 17).
Shirai Ryu Takeda - Beat the Klassic Tower with Takeda, Found in the Krypt in the Garden of Despair (-5, 10).
Tournament Ermac - Beat the Klassic Tower with Ermac, Found in the Krypt in the Cemetery Grounds area (-21, 9).
Tournament Jax - Beat the Klassic Tower with Jax, Found in the Krypt in the Cemetery Grounds (-19, 8).
Tournament Johnny Cage - Beat the Klassic Tower with Johnny Cage, Buy in the Krypt (1,470 Koins) in Shao Khans Tomb (1, 6).
Tournament Kano - Beat the Klassic Tower with Kano, Buy in the Krypt (2,300 Koins) in the Walkway of Souls (-15, 19).
Tournament Kenshi - Beat the Klassic Tower with Kenshi, Buy in the Krypt (1,870 Koins) in the Dark Pass (6, 17).
Tournament Kitana - Beat the Klassic Tower with Kitanam, Buy in the Krypt (980 Koins) in the Frozen Graves area (1, 6).
Tournament Kung Lao - Beat the Klassic Tower with Kung Lao, Found in the Krypt in the Hollow Grounds (-3, 19).
Tournament Liu Kang - Buy in the Krypt (940 Koins) in Khans Fortress (1, 11).
Tournament Mileena - Beat the Klassic Tower with Mileena, Buy in the Krypt (540 Koins) in the Cemetery Grounds (-23, 10).
Tournament Quan Chi - Found in the Krypt in the Frozen Graves (-1, 8).
Tournament Raiden - Buy in the Krypt (2,350 Koins) in the Walkway of Souls (-17, 19).
Tournament Reptile - Beat the Klassic Tower with Reptile, Buy in the Krypt (470 Koins) in the Kavern of Doom area (15, 16).
Tournament Scorpion - Found in the Krypt in the Kaverns of Doom, Buy in the Krypt (???) in the Spider Gem Hold (5, 28).
Wrathful Shinnok - Beat a Klassic Tower as Shinnok.

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