Eagle Flight Cheats - PlayStation 4

 All cheats for this game by platform: PlayStation 4
Check out these Eagle Flight cheats and stay cool!
Unlock Trophies
A Bird In Hand (Silver) - Earn 3 stars on every Chase challenge.
And Now His Watch Has Ended (Bronze) - Eliminate 80 crows.
Apex Predator (Silver) - Eliminate 1,000 enemies in multiplayer.
Bird of Prey (Bronze) - Complete the Louvre chapter.
Birdie (Bronze) - Finish an enemy attack with one less Screech Wave than targets.
Catch of the Day (Silver) - Earn 3 stars on every Find the Fish challenge.
Champion (Gold) - Earn 3 stars on every challenge.
Dark Night (Silver) - Defeat the Grim Falcon.
Death From Above (Silver) - Earn 3 stars on every Enemy Attack challenge.
Eaglet (Bronze) - Complete the Notre-Dame chapter.
Early Bird (Bronze) - Be the first eagle to catch the prey in multiplayer.
Far Cry (Bronze) - Eliminate an enemy from over 500 meters away.
Feathering the Nest (Silver) - Earn 3 stars on every Feather Rush challenge.
Feeding Frenzy (Bronze) - Deliver 100 prey to your nest in multiplayer.
Fly Like An Eagle (Bronze) - Complete the flight tutorial.
Free Bird (Bronze) - Complete the Pantheon chapter.
Hat Trick (Bronze) - Deliver 3 prey back to your nest in one multiplayer match.
Hot Wings (Silver) - Earn 3 stars on every Ring challenge.
Hunter-Gatherer: Basilica (Bronze) - Gather every collectible in the Basilica district.
Hunter-Gatherer: Eiffel Tower (Bronze) - Gather every collectible in the Eiffel Tower district.
Hunter-Gatherer: Louvre (Bronze) - Gather every collectible in the Louvre district.
Hunter-Gatherer: Notre-Dame (Bronze) - Gather every collectible in the Notre-Dame district.
Hunter-Gatherer: Pantheon (Bronze) - Gather every collectible in the Pantheon district.
Loyal Companion (Silver) - Earn 3 stars on every Escort challenge.
Magpie (Gold) - Gather every collectible in the game.
Out of the Belfry (Bronze) - Eliminate 50 bats.
Ruler of the Underworld (Silver) - Earn 3 stars on every Tunnel challenge.
Ruling the Roost (Platinum) - Collect all other Trophies.
Scarecrow (Bronze) - Complete the Basilica chapter.
Scavenger (Bronze) - Eliminate 100 vultures.
The Sky Is Yours (Gold) - Complete the Eiffel Tower chapter.
Top of the Food Chain (Bronze) - Eliminate 50 falcons.
Two Birds with One Stone (Bronze) - Eliminate 2 enemies with one Screech Wave.
Well-Fed (Silver) - Win 200 games in multiplayer.
Well-Traveled (Gold) - Fly for 1,609 km total.

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