Dead Effect 2 Cheats - PlayStation 4

 All cheats for this game by platform: PlayStation 4
Check out these Dead Effect 2 cheats and stay cool!
Unlock Trophies
Awakening: Cat person (Bronze) - Kill every dog in the level without getting hit.
Awakening: Hood in space (Bronze) - Finish the mission with accuracy higher than 70 %.
Awakening: Somebody wants to be rich (Bronze) - Collect every credit in the level.
Base defense1: Can't touch me - Do not get hit for 1 minute.
Base defense1: Die right now (Bronze) - Use any special ability to kill 5 enemies.
Base defense1: Planner (Bronze) - Kill 3 enemies with explosives.
Biohazard - No wave can kill me (Silver) - 50 Biohazard missions finished.
Biotech device: I can do better (Bronze) - Finish the mission in less than 5 minutes with accuracy higner than 70%
Biotech device: Ordinary person (Bronze) - Finish the mission without using any special ability.
Biotech device: Secondary fan (Bronze) - Finish the mission using only the secondary weapon.
Dead Effect 2 (Platinum) - All trophies acquired.
Drone chip: Credits everywhere (Bronze) - Find all credits in the mission.
Drone chip: Drone buster (Bronze) - Kill the drone in less than 60 seconds.
Drone chip: Untouchable (Bronze) - Finish the mission without taking any damage.
Find way out: Bullet saver (Bronze) - Kill 5 enemies with one magazine.
Find way out: Doctor is in (Bronze) - Successfully remove 10 zombie parts.
Find way out: Tablet lover (Bronze) - Collect every tablet in the level.
Game general: Gravedigger (Bronze) - Kill 10,000 enemies.
Get connected: Elektrician (Bronze) - Finish the mission using only the paralyzer.
Get connected: Headman (Bronze) - Kill every enemy using headshots.
Get connected: Nope it won't work (Bronze) - Shoot the forcefield 10 times.
Get Minikin: Dodged that! (Bronze) - Do not get hit by the boss's ultrasound wave.
Get Minikin: Old-fashioned (Bronze) - Finish the mission without using abilities or the paralyzer.
Get Minikin: Who needs GPS? (Bronze) - Find an elevator card without being told.
Hangar sabotage: Glass half full (Bronze) - Finish the mission with more than 50 % of health.
Hangar sabotage: Suck it Grim reaper (Bronze) - Use the medikit or medibag with 3 % left.
Hangar sabotage: Who needs ammo (Bronze) - Do not collect any ammo boxes in the level.
Hell at the End: Glass half empty (Bronze) - Finish the mission with less than 50 % of health.
Hell at the End: Grand finale (Gold) - Finish the mission on any difficulty.
Hell at the End: Out of breath (Bronze) - Finish the mission in 3 minutes.
Life Experiment: Better stock them up (Bronze) - Collect every ammo box in the level.
Life Experiment: Fast and accurate (Bronze) - Finish the mission in less than 4 minutes with accuracy higher than 80 %.
Life Experiment: Steady aiming (Bronze) - Kill 5 enemies while crouching.
Missing components: I can haz no deathz (Bronze) - Finish the mission without dying.
Missing components: No door unturned (Bronze) - Open all the lockers in the level.
Missing components: Primary fan (Bronze) - Finish the mission using only the primary weapon.
Oxygen fix: Close to the edge (Bronze) - Your health dropped under 15 % three times.
Oxygen fix: Orb lover (Bronze) - Collect every orb in the level.
Oxygen fix: Precision aiming (Bronze) - Kill an enemy in the air.
Reactor Battery: Everybody on board (Bronze) - Kill all the enemies in the level.
Reactor Battery: Machine Killer (Bronze) - Finish the mission with accuracy higher than 90 %.
Reactor Battery: Mathemathician (Bronze) - Disable the force field before you are told to.
Revive Razor: Clear (Bronze) - Deal the final blow to the boss with the paralyzer.
Revive Razor: Devil's number (Bronze) - Fire only six bullets from a gun and then switch. Repeat the process for the duration of the mission.
Revive Razor: Gunman (Bronze) - Do not use the iron sight for the duration of the mission.
Server takeover: Home prison (Bronze) - Do not leave the center room.
Server takeover: Slow agony (Bronze) - Kill every enemy in the mission without a headshot.
Server takeover: Switching is for cowards (Bronze) - Finish the mission using only one type of weapon.
Supersoldier: Control yourself (Bronze) - Finish the mission without using any special abilities.
Supersoldier: Eye of a bull (Bronze) - Kill at least 5 enemies with headshots without reloading.
Supersoldier: What explosives? (Bronze) - Do not use explosives for the duration of the mission.
Survival: Survivalist (Silver) - 50 Survive mission finished.
Train escape: Getting faster (Bronze) - Kill 5 enemies in 10 seconds.
Train escape: Good old shootout (Bronze) - Do not use the mounted weapon.
Train escape: Hat-trick (Bronze) - Kill 3 enemies with headshots with one magazine.
Wagner lab walk: Cleaner (Bronze) - Kill every enemy in the level.
Wagner lab walk: Maze runner (Bronze) - Finish the level in 2 minutes.
Wagner lab walk: Too slow (Bronze) - Do not get hit by the anomaly .
Wagner port: I am out (Bronze) - Finish the mission with no ammunition left.
Wagner port: Peekaboo (Bronze) - Hide from the boss for 1 minute in total.
Wagner port: Teleportphobia (Bronze) - Do not use more teleports than you have to.
Water suply: Never too careful (Bronze) - Use every healing chamber in the level.
Water suply: Not in a hurry (Bronze) - Finish the mission without using the stamina.
Water suply: Sneaky is my middle name (Bronze) - Do not alert the drone.

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