Dangerous Golf Cheats - PlayStation 4

 All cheats for this game by platform: PlayStation 4
Check out these Dangerous Golf cheats and stay cool!
Unlock Trophies
Absolutely (Bronze) - Complete Tour #5 "The Back of the Head with a Plastic Cup".
After Hours (Bronze) - Complete Tour #1 "The Sorry Were Closed".
And The Flowers Are Still Standing (Bronze) - Get a Double Smashdown for the first time.
Body Armour (Bronze) - Knock Down 500 Suits of Armour in the Castle.
Bowled Over (Bronze) - Complete Tour #2 "The Super Fruit Bowl".
But Is It The Same Ball? (Bronze) - Use a Warp to Putt the Ball into the Hole.
Buzzer Beater (Silver) - Sink a Zero Hour Putt.
Can You Kick It? (Bronze) - Complete Tour #8 "The Bucket List".
Diabolical (Bronze) - Complete Tour #3 "The Terribles".
Done This Before? (Bronze) - Trigger a Smashbreaker for the first time.
Double Vision (Bronze) - Destroy a pair of Mystery Items.
Film At Eleven... (Bronze) - Unlock your first Smash Headline.
Fully Comprehensive Damage (Bronze) - Complete Tour #6 "The Vandals".
Getting the Party Started (Bronze) - Play your first Party Golf Game (on or offline).
Go Team! (Silver) - Earn all the Co-Op Gold Medals in the USA.
Gold Digger (Bronze) - Earn all Single Player Gold Medals in Australia.
Gold Rush (Bronze) - Earn all Single Player Gold Medals in the USA.
Golden (Bronze) - Earn all Single Player Gold Medals in France.
Goldflinger (Bronze) - Earn all Single Player Gold Medals in the UK.
Green and Gold! (Silver) - Earn all the Co-Op Gold Medals in Australia.
Hazard Play (Bronze) - Complete your first Hazard Hole.
It's a Cinderella Story (Bronze) - Win an Offline Party Golf game.
It's a Swish (Bronze) - Successfully perform your first Airstrike.
It's Just A Jump To The Left (Bronze) - Travel through your first Warp.
Jams It In! (Bronze) - Sink your first Double Ricochet Putt.
Liquid Adhesive (Bronze) - Find some Glue for the first time.
Magnifique! (Silver) - Earn all the Co-Op Gold Medals in France.
Millionaires Club? (Bronze) - Score over $2M in a Putting Challenge Hole.
More Dangerous Than You Look. (Silver) - Complete Tour #10 "The Dangerous Classic".
No Flipping! (Bronze) - Bounce the ball off the 4th Wall and successfully Putt into the Hole.
No Such Thing as Bad Publicity (Silver) - Unlock all the Smash Headlines.
Oil Crisis (Bronze) - Smash 500 Oil Cans in the Gas Station.
Party Crasher (Bronze) - Complete Tour #7 "The Your Not Invited Invitational".
Reservoir Golf (Bronze) - Complete Tour #9 "The Idiots Championship".
Rocket Shot (Bronze) - Sink your first Triple Ricochet Putt.
Show Me The Money (Bronze) - First time all Money Flags revealed.
Showing Off Now (Silver) - Earn all the Single Player Platinum Medals.
Smart Bomb (Bronze) - Blow up 500 objects.
Smash Landing (Bronze) - Earn your first Smashdown.
Strike! (Bronze) - Hit 500 objects with a bucket.
Take Another Shot! (Bronze) - First Retee.
Take on the World (Bronze) - Win your first game of Party Golf Online.
Testing Your Friendship (Gold) - Complete all Tours in Co-Op.
The Secret Is In The Sauce (Bronze) - Hit the Secret Sauce on 10 different Holes.
This Means War (Bronze) - Beat a Friend score for the first time.
Too Many Secrets (Bronze) - Travelled through a Warp 100 times.
Top Hole! (Silver) - Earn all the Co-Op Gold Medals in the UK.
Travel With A Friend (Bronze) - Complete a World Tour in Co-Op.
Unlucky (Bronze) - Break 70 mirrors.
Up There With The Best Of The Best (Platinum) - Unlock every Trophy.
Wallbanger (Silver) - Sink your first Quadruple Ricochet Putt.
Watch It Happen (Bronze) - Unlock your first Signature Smash.
Welcome To The D-List! (Bronze) - Complete Tour #4 "The No Celebrity Pro Am".
You Deserve a Medal (Bronze) - Earn your first medal in Co-Op.
You Have Been Watching... (Bronze) - Watch the Credits to our game.
You're The Master of Disaster (Silver) - Earn All Signature Smashes.

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